Category: Happy to Report

  • Kerala’s Focus On Its People Has Paid Off

    KERALA is known to most of us for its touristy tagline, “God’s own country”. It is a sought after holiday destination to either cruise the backwaters or lounge on the palm tree-lined beaches of the Arabian Sea. However, more notably, in recent years it has made waves in the development arena for its ability to…

  • No To HIV Stigma, It’s Official

    HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is one of the world’s worst health epidemics. Today 36.7million people globally live with HIV, but 30% don’t even know it.  Despite the fact that two-thirds of sufferers live in sub-Saharan Africa, HIV is more widespread than we think. Due to its size, India actually has the third largest HIV…

  • Action on words that went viral

    YOU might have seen people posting #MeToo on their social media accounts lately. You may have even thought, “What’s the big deal if someone flirted a little or made a pass at a cute girl? Boys will be boys after all. It was just a ‘joke’. Besides, they probably brought it on themselves.” This hashtag…

  • End To Hunger Out Of Thin Air?

    DID you know that hunger is the #1 cause of death in India and the world? Shocking, isn’t it? Especially as we produce more than enough food to feed the 7.4billion people on this planet. Despite that, 815million people go to bed hungry and 194.6 million of those reside in India. So, why are people still going…

  • The Other Side Of Chance The Rapper

    AMERICAN musician, songwriter, and producer Chancellor Johnathan Bennett, better known as Chance The Rapper, has not only made a name for himself in the music industry as a hip hop and rap artist, but is a growing name in the philanthropy world. At just 24, in addition to being at the top of his profession with…

  • Four Reasons Why India Recognises Dolphins As ‘Non-Human Persons’

    IF you are a Douglas Adams fan, the fact that dolphins are considered ‘non-human persons’ should come as no surprise. According to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, “dolphins are the second most intelligent species on the planet Earth. Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much…

  • The Quiet Altruism Of George Michael

    BRITISH singer songwriter, George Michael, who first made headlines as one-half of the teen duo Wham!, was one of the best-selling musical artists of all time and, apparently, a generous philanthropist. After his death late last year, many stories of George Michael’s charitable giving began to make headlines. A true altruist, he was intensely private…

  • Five ‘Extinct’ Animals That Are Alive And Well

    WITH human beings at the focus of all development, conversation about conservation rarely takes centre stage. One consequence of this tunnel vision, is that ecosystems crumble and animals go extinct. The urgent need to protect our bees is just one example. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) releases a Red List of threatened species every year of…

  • Giving Is Actually (Scientifically) Good For You

    WE’VE all experienced how great it feels to give to someone we love or who is genuinely in need. But did you know there’s scientific validation that it does a whole lot more than just help people in need and feed our egos? Ever since scientists discovered fMRI scanners, understanding what parts of the brain are…

  • A Non-Frightening Fact About Stephen King

    STEPHEN KING. The man who brought us cult classics like The Shining and Shawshank Redemption. (Yes, they were books before they were adapted for the big screen.) The ‘King of Horror’ has published over 50 novels and sold over 350 million copies of his books worldwide. But did you know King also has a philanthropic…

  • Indira Was Nehru’s Gift Of Hope To Japan

    1949 in Japan was a difficult time. World War II had seen to the attack of over 67 of its cities by the United States’ aerial bomb raids. Besides Hiroshima and Nagasaki, others like Toyama and Hitachi were also almost completely destroyed. The after effects of the war had brought extreme poverty and a loss of…

  • And The World Will Live As One

    IN the 1960s, America was fighting a battle, an internal one. It was a war against the injustice and discrimination against African Americans, popularly known as the Civil Rights Movement. But while the citizens of the country came together to put an end to the highly prevalent racial segregation, a group of foreigners stepped in…

  • JFK: The Man Who Silently Refused His Salary

    THE recent debacle that was the American election has left half the world stunned in its wake. Suddenly, we are standing on the threshold of a world where a superpower will be led by a supremacist. His innumerable debates and interviews were mocked by many but the truth is now undeniable –  the billionaire business mogul…