Tag: charitable

  • The power of being charitable: 5 ways it can help others in need

    The power of being charitable: 5 ways it can help others in need

    BEING charitable, or giving without expecting anything in return, has been a fundamental aspect of human society for centuries. Whether it’s donating money, time or resources, being charitable can have a profound impact on the lives of those in need. Let’s explore why we should be charitable and discuss five ways in which acts of…

  • International Day of Charity: 5 ways charity benefits everyone

    International Day of Charity: 5 ways charity benefits everyone

    INTERNATIONAL Day of Charity, celebrated annually on September 5th, is a significant occasion that reminds us of the importance of giving and supporting those in need. International Day of Charity is observed on September 5th since it commemorates the passing of Mother Teresa in 1997. International Day of Charity serves as a reminder to promote…