Tag: Child abuse

  • Railway Children India: an NGO for children who are lost at railway stations

    Railway Children India: an NGO for children who are lost at railway stations

    MORE than 100 children are reported missing each day in India, according to an NGO for children, and these are just the reported cases. Either the children are lost or have run away from home but either way, these children are in a vulnerable situation. Having been separated from their parents and families, children suffer…

  • 5 NGOs striving to restore child rights in India

    5 NGOs striving to restore child rights in India

    NISHAD was among a group of children rescued by the police after a tip-off from child rights activists in Jaipur. The 12-year-old was kept locked up in a dingy room and forced to work in a bangle factory for 15 hours daily under gruelling conditions. He could not even step out or contact his family.…