Tag: child labour NGOs

  • 5 human rights NGOs fighting for people’s rights

    5 human rights NGOs fighting for people’s rights

    SUPPORTING a human rights NGO is an effective way to help people across the country gain access to their basic rights. Human Rights Day is observed annually on December 10th and commemorates the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. It serves as a reminder of the essential principles that underpin the…

  • Sahyog Care For You: an NGO in Delhi caring for children

    Sahyog Care For You: an NGO in Delhi caring for children

    FOR a young 11-year-old boy named Ravi, a normal day used to begin before the sun even rose. It involved carrying heavy loads up a narrow, rickety staircase, in a ramshackle building filled with clouds of toxic smoke. Work rarely ended before nine or ten at night. Ravi’s story is a heart-wrenching testament to the…

  • Snehwan: Breaking the cycle of poverty and child labour for orphans of farmer suicides

    Snehwan: Breaking the cycle of poverty and child labour for orphans of farmer suicides

    In the desolate and drought prone areas of Maharashtra, farmer suicides have become a painfully reality. Although the issue gets sporadic coverage in newspapers the extent of the problem is rarely highlighted. But behind this lies an even graver issue, the silent crisis of those left behind after a farmer dies by suicide.  The issue…

  • Friendship Day: 5 NGOs you can be a friend to

    Friendship Day: 5 NGOs you can be a friend to

    FRIENDS are people who can be relied on to help in times of need. People around the world suffer everyday from circumstances such as poverty, hunger, abandonment, abuse, exploitation and the lack of access to their basic rights. When this happens, they rely on people to step forward and help lift them out of desperation.…

  • No Child Orphaned: Give’s mission to support orphans

    No Child Orphaned: Give’s mission to support orphans

    THERE are 30 million orphans in India, which is a significant portion of the population of young people in the country. The hardship that an orphan faces is so much more than the absence of parents in their lives. Without guardians, an orphaned child has little to no access to basic rights such as education…

  • Fighting child labour with education 

    Fighting child labour with education 

    CHILD labour takes place all around us. Children are commonly employed in restaurants, tea stalls, construction sites, factories and mills. Minors are also used in begging, agricultural labour and as domestic help. These children work in dangerous conditions, handle hazardous equipment and are often treated badly by employers and customers. Without a guardian or parent…

  • 5 NGOs striving to restore child rights in India

    5 NGOs striving to restore child rights in India

    NISHAD was among a group of children rescued by the police after a tip-off from child rights activists in Jaipur. The 12-year-old was kept locked up in a dingy room and forced to work in a bangle factory for 15 hours daily under gruelling conditions. He could not even step out or contact his family.…

  • ‘Ending child labour must be everyone’s business’

    ‘Ending child labour must be everyone’s business’

    On the occasion of the World Day Against Child Labour, Give speaks to child rights activist and Nobel laureate Dr Kailash Satyarthi on the fight against child labour in India and the world. Give India: Soon after you won the Nobel Prize in 2014, you said, “We can end child labour in our lifetime.” Seven…

  • Ethical Consumption Is Not That Easy

    By NIMI RAVINDRAN —- A FEW years ago I read about a man who lived somewhere in Japan who had managed to create a perfectly Zen-like atmosphere in his home. All his possessions or every single thing he owned, including his watch, clothes, furniture and appliances, came up to just 100 items. A friend of mine…