Tag: Donate Food

  • World Food Day: 5 ways to reduce food waste in India

    World Food Day: 5 ways to reduce food waste in India

    WORLD Food Day, celebrated annually on October 16th, serves as a stark reminder of the global challenges related to food security and nutrition. In a world where millions suffer from hunger and malnutrition, it’s disheartening to note that a substantial amount of food is wasted every year. India, a country with a rich culinary heritage,…

  • World Food Day in India

    World Food Day in India

    WORLD Food Day, celebrated on October 16th every year, is a momentous occasion that draws attention to one of the most pressing global issues – hunger and food security. This day serves as a stark reminder of the paradox that millions of people around the world go to bed hungry every night while food waste…

  • Kathir Dan: a charity in India reducing child malnutrition

    Kathir Dan: a charity in India reducing child malnutrition

    IN India, the battle against hunger and malnutrition is a relentless one. Y R Gaitonde Medical Educational and Research Foundation (YRG), a registered charity in India since 1985, has been at the forefront of this fight with its remarkable initiative called Kathir Dhan. This campaign, operating under the umbrella of ECO Kitchen, is dedicated to…

  • 10 good things that happen when you donate money to an NGO

    10 good things that happen when you donate money to an NGO

    IN a world marked by inequality and social disparities, you can make the most impactful and positive changes when you donate money to an NGO. These organizations work tirelessly to address a wide range of issues, from poverty alleviation and healthcare access to environmental conservation and disaster relief. When you donate money to an NGO,…

  • What’s So Famous About The World Famous Akshaya Patra Kitchens?

    The world’s largest NGO-run school mid-day meal program of The Akshaya Patra Foundation aims to feed 5 million children by 2020 The Akshaya Patra Foundation is a 19-year-old not-for-profit, currently providing mid-day meals to more than 1.76 million children everyday. It is reaching out to these  children in government run schools in 42 locations across…