Tag: donate to save taxes

  • Unlock the tax benefits with 80G tax deduction

    Unlock the tax benefits with 80G tax deduction

    ARE you aware of an 80G deduction and its significant tax benefits while supporting NGOs and their noble causes? This comprehensive guide will delve into the intricacies of Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961, and how it can serve as a powerful tool for reducing your taxable income while contributing to society. Understanding…

  • 10 good things that happen when you donate money to an NGO

    10 good things that happen when you donate money to an NGO

    IN a world marked by inequality and social disparities, you can make the most impactful and positive changes when you donate money to an NGO. These organizations work tirelessly to address a wide range of issues, from poverty alleviation and healthcare access to environmental conservation and disaster relief. When you donate money to an NGO,…

  • 5 Reasons to include donations in your tax planning

    IT’s tax season and honestly it is no one’s favourite time of the year. And you, most probably are looking for ways on how to save tax. There are several ways that the tax man lets you do this. Providing for your family and safeguarding your future is one way. Tuition fees, home loan interests,…