Tag: empathy

  • Bleeding Heart Or Change Addict?

    By RHEEA MUKHERJEE —- At 33, I have been able to rebrand myself, for all practical purposes, as a writer. I guess I always liked the written word, but with a history of moderate dyslexia, I never thought it was something I’d do full time. It started out very differently. I was what friends called a…

  • Who Are We To Decide Who Deserves Charity?

    By SANGHAMITRA CHAKRABORTY —- THERE is a time in your life when your child asks you questions. Lots of questions, repeatedly and relentlessly, about everything they see or hear. They then go on to validate and verify your answers like a keen fact-checker would. It was during such a time, when our son Josh had learnt to…

  • Got EQ? Here’s Why You’ll Be Valued In the Development Sector

    EMOTIONAL Quotient: The magic ingredient that makes you a valuable addition to any organisation, especially in the impact sector. For years we’ve heard how important it is to have high EQ and how emotional intelligence helps us get ahead in life. So what are the signs of EQ? We put together a few tell-tale signs that…

  • Giving Is Actually (Scientifically) Good For You

    WE’VE all experienced how great it feels to give to someone we love or who is genuinely in need. But did you know there’s scientific validation that it does a whole lot more than just help people in need and feed our egos? Ever since scientists discovered fMRI scanners, understanding what parts of the brain are…

  • Green Shoots Of Social Innovation

    HERE’s a nugget of information that is sure to make your day. Did you know that the video revolution is not just happening on social media, but across rural India where farmers are making and sharing videos of best agricultural practices and transforming the countryside – and their lives? This is one example of social…