Tag: Facebook

  • Here is how NGOs are using social media for change

    According to the research published by the Tech Report in 2018, Facebook is the most popular social media platform with 92% NGOs around the world using it to connect with their supporters. Followed by Twitter and Instagram with 72% and 39% of NGOs creating profiles on these platforms. With over 2 billion users, it’s clear…

  • Cops Are Tops On Social Media

    POLICE have always been associated with a certain seriousness and their constant alerts about safety, traffic rules and drunken driving in the newspapers and billboards sound like the warnings on cigarette packs about smoking being injurious to health which we ignore, of course. But we are happy to report that, of late, the Indian police have figured the perfect way…

  • Is Your Smartphone Preventing You From Giving?

    By MOHIT HIRA —- WHEN I was first asked to write for this blog, I tossed around a few themes. And then, as one who has crossed over from the always-waiting-in-a-queue world of the rotary-dial black telephone to on-demand-video-streaming handheld devices, I figured it was best to connect the virtual with the real. So, here goes… In…

  • Ethical Consumption Is Not That Easy

    By NIMI RAVINDRAN —- A FEW years ago I read about a man who lived somewhere in Japan who had managed to create a perfectly Zen-like atmosphere in his home. All his possessions or every single thing he owned, including his watch, clothes, furniture and appliances, came up to just 100 items. A friend of mine…