Tag: impact

  • The crucial role of NGO fundraisers in creating impact in India

    The crucial role of NGO fundraisers in creating impact in India

    IN a country as diverse and complex as India, where social, economic and environmental challenges are multifaceted and vast in scale, the role of NGOs in driving positive change is indispensable. These organizations work tirelessly to address pressing issues such as poverty, education, healthcare, environmental conservation and more. However, their effectiveness hinges on a crucial…

  • What Standard Tests Don’t Tell Us About Learning

    By NILESH NIMKAR  —- THE brick kilns of Sonale were bustling with activity: children running around, indigenous technology being used, and lots of mathematics being done. I recently went there after a teacher from the nearby primary school approached our nonprofit, Quest, because the children living there were simply not learning. The concern was, if they…

  • India’s Growing Sustainable Food Movement

    SUSTAINABILITY. It’s a popular catchphrase these days in the development sector that now includes food and agriculture. But what does it really mean? According to the American Public Health Association, a sustainable food system is one that “provides healthy food to meet current food needs while maintaining healthy ecosystems that can also provide food for…

  • Small Talk with Neichute Doulo

    CHANGE leaders do great things, and often that is all we know about them. Here we want to get a different glimpse of the personalities that constitute the development space. Every month we get one leader to answer four questions, not necessarily about their work, but about themselves. This week we catch up with NEICHUTE…

  • A Clean Wardrobe, a Cleaner Conscience

    By KARUNA EZARA PARIKH —- THE first images of the Kerala floods I saw were not on the evening news or in the papers the next morning, no. They were on social media. There were awful images of damage done alongside pleas to donate, pleas to reach out, pleas to help. At first, I watched…

  • Why You Should Make Giving a Habit

    Think about some of your greatest accomplishments. Getting your dream job. Feeling healthy and fit after a period of committed workouts. Being able to afford that trip you have always wanted to take. What’s something they all have in common? They take time to accomplish. And usually involve a great deal of effort. That’s the…

  • Prometheus Unbound: Fire And Optimism In India

    By CHIDANAND RAJGHATTA —- EVEN in the United States, a country that’s no stranger to monumental acts of philanthropy, Azim Premji’s generous gift for primary education in India created a ripple, generating headlines such as “India’s Bill Gates donates $2 billion” and “India’s Warren Buffett…” Although the money went into a trust to fund education…

  • Privilege And Bias Affect Our Empathy

    By ALEX GABBAY —- IN 2001, I moved to Kathmandu to produce three films for UNICEF. Whilst making them I realised that films were able to connect two communities: people in need and people with privilege. And that through storytelling we could create awareness and ultimately empathy. To give you an example, I made a…

  • Small Talk With Udai Malhotra

    CHANGE leaders do great things, and often that is all we know about them. Here we want to get a different glimpse of the personalities that constitute the development space. Every month we get one leader to answer four questions, not necessarily about their work, but about themselves. This week we catch up with Udai…

  • 5 simple inventions saving the environment

    5 simple inventions saving the environment

    WHEN it comes to saving the environment world renowned physicist Stephen Hawking once said, “We have given our planet the disastrous gift of climate change … “When we have reached similar crises, there has usually been somewhere else to colonise … But there is no new world, no utopia around the corner. We are running…