Tag: science

  • Bhumi’s children develop a model robot that detects and extinguishes fires

    Bhumi is one of India’s largest independent non-profit organizations that prides itself on being completely volunteer driven. The organization aims to build a society that’s more influential, equal and socially conscious. Bhumi currently supports more than 4,000 children at several orphanages, slums, and village community centers. Their volunteers educate and mentor children across the country, helping…

  • End To Hunger Out Of Thin Air?

    DID you know that hunger is the #1 cause of death in India and the world? Shocking, isn’t it? Especially as we produce more than enough food to feed the 7.4billion people on this planet. Despite that, 815million people go to bed hungry and 194.6 million of those reside in India. So, why are people still going…

  • Five ‘Extinct’ Animals That Are Alive And Well

    WITH human beings at the focus of all development, conversation about conservation rarely takes centre stage. One consequence of this tunnel vision, is that ecosystems crumble and animals go extinct. The urgent need to protect our bees is just one example. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) releases a Red List of threatened species every year of…

  • Giving Is Actually (Scientifically) Good For You

    WE’VE all experienced how great it feels to give to someone we love or who is genuinely in need. But did you know there’s scientific validation that it does a whole lot more than just help people in need and feed our egos? Ever since scientists discovered fMRI scanners, understanding what parts of the brain are…