Tag: special needs

  • Satya Special School: polishing hidden potential in children with disabilities

    Satya Special School: polishing hidden potential in children with disabilities

    IN 2003, a heart-wrenching incident left Chitra Shah who was then volunteering at a hospital, shell shocked. It was the sight of a 13-year-old differently-abled girl, shackled and confined to a chair, in a dimly lit room while her mother, a daily wage labourer, toiled to support the family. This tragedy, however, was not an…

  • ‘The intellectually challenged are inherently capable’

    INDIA is home to over 31 million individuals with disabilities – among them the intellectually challenged – and, according to some estimates, over 60% of them will not find work or become financially independent. Since 2011, Mumbai-based Mann – Center for Individuals with Special Needs has been trying to change just that. The organisation believes…