Tag: suicide

  • World Mental Health Day: how crowdfunding in India can help people in need

    World Mental Health Day: how crowdfunding in India can help people in need

    WORLD Mental Health Day gives people and NGOs opportunities to raise awareness on mental health issues and make the effort, especially through crowdfunding in India, to address mental health challenges in a country of over a billion people. As the stigma surrounding mental health gradually dissipates, various organizations and individuals are coming together to support…

  • World Suicide Prevention Day: 5 NGOs in India that offer support

    World Suicide Prevention Day: 5 NGOs in India that offer support

    WORLD Suicide Prevention Day is an annual observance day held on September 10th to raise awareness about suicide and its prevention. The theme for World Suicide Prevention Day 2023 is “creating hope through action” and it underscores the crucial role individuals and organizations play in preventing suicide and providing support to those in crisis. In…

  • 5 facts you should know about drug abuse in India

    5 facts you should know about drug abuse in India

    RICKY, a resident of Punjab, died of a drug overdose. He was only 25. According to his mother, Lakshmi Devi, Ricky started substance abuse when he was in school. He was hooked on cough syrups and substance injections initially and later turned to heroin. He wanted to quit and asked his mother for help for…

  • Mental Health On Instagram

    MENTAL health is an invisible health concern that affects millions of people yet is frequently overlooked and underacknowledged. Did you know that mental health disorders make up 15% of total diseases globally? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “one in four people in the world will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at…