Tag: trafficking in persons

  • Kshamata: an NGO in Maharashtra that rebuilds the lives of trafficking survivors

    Kshamata: an NGO in Maharashtra that rebuilds the lives of trafficking survivors

    IN the dark shadows of human trafficking and forced prostitution, an NGO in Maharashtra named Kshamata has emerged as a lighthouse for over 1,000 women who have been caught in the web of exploitation. Beyond providing a safe shelter, Kshamata focuses on empowering survivors through livelihood opportunities, allowing them to reclaim their lives with dignity…

  • 5 NGOs striving to curb human trafficking in India

    5 NGOs striving to curb human trafficking in India

    THREE years ago, 16-year-old Somesh was lured away from his village in Bihar to Jaipur by some men from his neighbourhood on the premise of enrolling him in a good school and helping him study. Somesh belongs to a low-income family and his father was struggling to support a household of four. Rather than escaping…