Vizhuthukal Trust

Empowers Dalit women and children in Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu through collective efforts and development programmes for socio-economic, health, and education improvement

  • Gold Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Gold Certified Gold Certified


  • Headquarters

    Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu

  • Since


Vizhuthukal Trust is a non-profitable organisation which was constituted and is being run by a group of conscious young Dalit women who were themselve Read mores victims of discrimination, exploitation and poverty. Vizhuthukal Trust was established in 2005 by the women, for the women. We have a set of committed volunteers who have been actively doing social service for the past few years. Having realised the importance of collective efforts and legal recognition, they came forward jointly to promote Vizhuthukal Trust for the development of the deprived, dehumanized, exploited and downtrodden sections of women and children in Tirunelveli district Tamilnadu, India. Vizhuthukal Trust was affiliated as a Trust under the Indian Trust Act in same year. The organization is concentrating on development activities towards the rural and urban slum-dwelling Dalit people for their socio, economic, health and education status improvement in the Tirunelveli district of Tamilnadu various developmental programmes.


Water and sanitation, livelihood of poor aged, health .Educational empowerment for girl chidlren.


Activities Self help group Sustainable self-help groups are steadily increased day by day. We give much importance to include the poor dalit women and men in our SHGs. They are given trainings for their sustainability. Linkages with bank, for Revolving Fund and Income generation activities are done effectively. They are left free from the clutches of the moneylenders and become entrepreneurs. We help the Self help groups in starting the new business as well as repaying the money to the bank promptly. In this way we act as a mediator between bank and SHGs Sl.No Name of the block No. of SHGs 1 Tirunelveli Corporation 84 2 Manur Block 47 3 Alankulam Block 16 Total 147 Micro credit (Linkage with Banks) Without economic development, there are no possibilities of women emancipation. The sustainability and self - reliance is possible only by engaging in income generation activities by the women self help groups. Economic independence will lead to decision making power for women. Based on this ideology all the self help groups are linked with banks for economic assistance in terms of direct credit linkage, revolving fund and economic activity. SlNo. Name of the Block No. of SHGs Amountof Bunk credit linkage 1 Tirunelveli Corporation 81 50,50,000 2 Manur Block 33 59,00,000 3 Alankulam Block 24 28,00,000 Total 138 1,37,50,000 Children collectives 18 Children collectives have formed so far. Dalit children are enrolled mostly. Our staffs are monitoring these centers and conduct meetings at regular intervals. By inculcating the values of savings, the student started savings money for their education purpose. Sl.No Block No. of Centers Total children 1 Alankulm 6 110 2 Manur 3 47 4 Corporation 9 188 Total 18 345 Children Resource Centers This year Vizhuthukal Trust has started three resource centers. Including this, eight resource centers have been functioning very well. In addition to the already functioning Resource centers we have extended the new inclusion of physically challenged children. The students make use of the available resources like play things and study materials in the centers. They spend their leisure time usefully and constructively. By this way of activities the students develop their mental and physical health as well. Having experienced this exposure, the students show their talents in the curriculum as well as extracurricular activities. They express their potentiality with out shyness by surpassing other students. Sl.No. Block Number of centers 1 Alankulm 4 2 Manur 3 4 Corporation 6 Tuition centers On the background of joyful and pleasant experience, students are motivated to study their books with full consciousness and realization of self. This approach results in yielding good result on the part of the student. Tuition centers are conducted at 6 centers in 4 wards in TirunelveliCorporation, and 3 centres in Alankulam block for the students of 1th to 10th. standards through this course, the students enabled to understand the study materials comprehensively. They have developed the competencies like reading and writing. They had their doubts clarified by the mender in each centers. 295 underprivileged students have been benefited by these centers. Intervention with Domestic workers Formation women Domestic workers units Vizhuthukal Trust’s main thrust of this year is formation and strengthens the Domestic worker’s District level Federation. Domestic workers status in Tirunelveli district is very pathetic. They are mostly dalit community women and treating as discriminating - dehumanizing – indignity and exploiting by employers. They are getting very low salary of Rs.5/- per hours. Therefore, there is an urgent need is to form them as units and make it to as Federation. To achieve this goal, we are concentrating to form the hamlets level unit in all ward of the Tirunelveli Corporation. We have formed 811 women domestic workers and scavengers as units’ in 14 wards so far. The groups of women domestic workers shall show as a model to prove the capacity to organize, unite and fight against all exploitative forces. The women domestic workers movement shall be one that functions exclusively on the strengths of the women themselves with a systematic, regulated approach exploiting the legal avenues into their favour with increased bargaining power as a united front with their employers. We have formed 910 women domestic workers and scavengers as units’ in 14 wards so far. Now the federation is demanding the salary of RS.30/ hours This model would inspire other women unorganized groups to unite and to make their voices heard and grievances redressed. Enrolment in Social Security Schemes Enrolment of Domestic workers and scavengers in Social Security Scheme implementing by the Government of Tamil Nadu is a good opportunity to make an identity of them. By enrolling them in the scheme, they can avail various benefits like accident insurance, children scholarship, financial help to immediate expenses for funeral rites; old age pension after their age of 58 etc., Vizhuthukal Trust enrolled 1317 Domestic workers in the scheme so far. GiveIndia Supported programmes We has been a good book in the library of GiveIndia and started working since August 2009. During this financial year, we have executed five types of activities to the cost of Rs.15,34,909 /-. Supplied Study Materials with uniforms for poor students Vizhuthukal Trust provided uniforms with writing materials like note books, pens, geometry box, school bag for poor students those who cannot purchase uniforms and writing materials. In this year 2022-2023, Vizhuthukal Trust provided uniforms, school bags and writing material to 8 poor students for tune of Rs. 11,530/-. Provided Rice and cloths for poor aged persons In this fast world the senior citizens of the society have not care properly, In our target village there are thousands of old age people are in helpless condition. Uncared old aged people are considered to be a burden thought of by ill humanized people. They also look down upon them as unwanted. This is root cause of this social menace. As such old aged people are left out or abandoned both by family members and by society. At this backdrop we identify them and console them. Besides, we supplied them with some food items and dress materials. Therefore, with the support of GiveIndia we provided rice, cloths, grocery and vegetables to the old helpless aged person. In this year of 2022-2023 Vizhuthukal Trust provided dress and food materials to 1031 helpless aged person for the cost of Rs. 12,26,520/-. Income generation for poor women Most our target people are dalit women domestic workers, scavengers and agricultural coolies. So with the help of GiveIndia donors, Vizhuthukal Trust provided 2 goats each to generate the income of the poor women. In this year of 2022-2023 Vizhuthukal Trust provided 2 goats each to 2 beneficiary for the cost of Rs. Rs. 5,000/- each poor women for the cost of 10,000/- Monthly Ration Programme for poor helpless Vizhuthukal Trust has been implementing the monthly ration programme for poor helpless aged person. With the support of GiveIndia is Vizhuthukal Trust is providing vegetables and groceries for 63 aged person in every month. In this year 2022-2023 Vizhuthukal Trust provided 63 helpless aged person by providing groceries and vegetables for each month for the amount of Rs..2,56,662/- All these programmes supported by GiveIndia is very useful to strengthen all the activities of Vizhuthukal Trust. Vizhuthukal Trust gratitude to GiveIndia for the valuable commitment to the upleft of the poor. Give Foundation –USA-Supported programmes With The support of the donation given by Give Foundation, Vizhuthukal Trust provided food materials and clothing to 502 poor aged women for the cost of Rs. 5,99,200/-, provided 2 goats each to 2 poor women for the cost of Rs. 10,000/- , provided the uniforms and writing materials to 8 poor students for the cost of Rs. 11,061/- and celebrated the birthdays of the 3 poor children those who never celebrated their birthday for the cost of Rs. 8,750/- R R Foundation Programme RR Foundation, the Coimbatore based voluntary organization supporting us from November 2016 for our charities activities. In this year The Foundation donated 96,000/- for our supporting 96 helpless poor aged by providing food materials and clothing for their one month food expenses. Selavip Foundation Project. Construct 35 toilets to urban slum domestic workers. The Selavip Founation-Chile, supported to Vizhuthukal Trust to construct 35 individual toilets in the slums of Tirunelveli coeporation. We formed Water and Sanitation commitees in each slum and educate the public to avoid open defacation and the importance of personnel hygiene. We construct individual toilets those who cannot construct their own toilets in thier houses. We construct 35 individual toielts in Thatchanallur Mathagadi street, Karuppanthurai and Old Pettai . The achieved objective is that 35 toilets to the urban poor families consists of around 178 members, mostly women got sanitary facilities. The motivated community with an organization of their own implemented the project accepted the experts design of twin pit toilets. There has been strategic changes made on the implementation due to the accident of All stake holders were satisfied with the end result of the project completed as it is a 100% success with quality implementation with community ownership, pride and dignity. Covid relief intervention. Food relief During 2021-2022 covid second wave affected our people worstly. The families are sufered greatly dur to lockdown and unemployment and undred of people died dueot the covid 2.0. Vizhuthukal Trust provided food materials to the affected areas of Tirunelveli coeporation . One time cash relief With the support of Giveindia and Give Foundation USA, Vishuthukal Trust distributed Rs. 30,000/- each to 62 families those who are lost their family earning person in Covid 19. The Pollination Project supported programme. The Covid 19 second wave has given a brutal onslaught on the plight of the lives of thousands of domestic workers who are the most vulnerable sections of our society. Women domestic workers are the poorest and weakest in our society. Under the lockdown, they are struggling to survive. They earn and eat on monthly basis working in four to five houses daily in different locations. Without this income, they do not have money to buy food or medicine. They were unable to work in the households. It is a huge humanitarian crisis for them. It is difficult for them to go to grocery shops to buy the essentials once in a week. They do not have the financial backing to pile up the stocks. The solutions lies in providing them with food materials of rice 10 KG, Groceries and vegetables for one month food need for 52 families in the slum Ilangonagar of Vannarapettai,Tirunelveli corporation of Tamilnadu, India.. Education Empowerment of Girls children. A CSR project of Educational empowerent of girls chidlren was impemented in the sums of Tirunelveli corrporation with the support of Giveindia. In this projects we have formed 4 children collectives consists of 100 girl students in five hamlets. And organiszed a one day education tour to the District Science Centre ,the only centre available in Tamilnadu to cater the knowledge of scientific inventions ,discoveries and with live experimental models . These children were taken in 4 batches each consisted of 25 students. Supplied each girl student, covering a total of 100 girl students of the target population with two sets of school uniform cloths, 5 note books, one pen, one Geometry box set and a school bag. We Conducted 5 one time parents meeting in five hamlets ,discussed about the special short term intervention of educational improvement and general awareness building on the status of education of their girls and their aspirations in relation to it.A total of 75 parents ,mostly mothers participated in these gatherings. Public charity activities With the support of our local donors Vizhuthukal Trust provided food materiasl and clothing for 69 helpless aged for the amount of Rs. 69,134/-, Celebrated 5 poor children’s birthdays by providing birthday dress, gift and sweets for the amount of 13,594/-, Supplied 18 goats to 9 poor dalit women for the amount for 45,000/- for their economical development and uniform and wrting materials supplied 18 poor students for the amount of 23,710/-. We are very thankful to our donors to give a chance to help the poor aged, women and children. Trainings Domestic workers and Labour Welfare Acts Vizhuthukal Trust has imparted training to domestic workers in various laws such as minimum wages Act, Workman compensation Act, factory Act and welfare schemes are explained in detail. Thirty-two participants took part in this program. They become aware of the rights conferred on them by the Acts. The content of the programme was Schemes for unorganized labor by the unorganized labor board especially for the Domestic workers and scavengers. The Equal wage Act,, Workman compensation Act. Maternity facilities, welfare schemes conducting by the Social security Scheme are main focusing of the training. Especially the Advocate Mrs. Thangam B.A. B.L., explained clearly about the labour laws. The impact of training is that they realized rights related to them and they are ready to make use of them. If there is any injustice against them, they assured to seek remedy as per laws to the constitution. Place Date Topic No. of .participants Palayamkottai 13-04-2022 Indian constitution, property rights, Dowry rights, Marriage act and child rights in the background of laour laws and labour welfare laws 32 women Leadership Trainings to Domestic workers The women workers have a specific role and objective to play in the community. The ultimate aims of them are the empowerment of workers. The empowerment women workers lead to benefits of two levels, the benefits to the women workers and their labor units and the benefits to the family and the society whole. The necessary of women domestic workers meet them in a regular, take of local issues and labor issues, promoting small savings. To come out from the economic crisis and relieve from the advance from the employer small savings are promoted, equipped in relevant labor Act, Decision making power and knowledge. The end of the training the participants realized that training make them confident. The training is conducted by the contribution of the domestic workets. Date Place of Training Resource person Topic No. Participants 24-05-2022 Vannarapettai Mrs. Anbuselvi Leadership and decision making 29 Awareness program in Social Security Scheme The Tamilnadu Government implementing the Social Security Scheme for all unorganized labours. The board is implementing a separate wing for Domestic workers. The board is providing scholarship for the children of the domestic workers, pension for aged labours, accident benefits, death compensation and burial expenses etc., The participants realized the importance of enrolling their names in the Social Security Scheme. Date Place of Training Resource person Topic No. Participants 20-07-2022 Ambedkar Colony Mrs. Nancy Pushpam, Director , Vizhuthuakal Trust Safe Drinking water and sanitation 41 Educanational Tour of children collectives In order to make the children aware of day to day affair we organized exposure visits to Post office, Railway station, Bank and Police station on the date of 21st December 2014. .Through this visit the children are taught how these departments are function especially for the welfare of children. They have given first hand practical knowledge of real life. For the sake of convenience the children are divided in to five batches. Each batch visited above the places and learnt the real situation. Now they are able to manage any situation confronted by them. They are not afraid of meeting any one of these officials if they encounter any difficult situation. Women Rights and Domestic violence Vizhuthukal Trust has imparted training to domestic workers women rights such as Indian marriage act , Property act, women labour welfare schemes conduting by the Government of Tamilnadu and Domestic violence act against women were explained detail. 43 participants took part in this program. They become aware of the rights conferred on them by the Acts. The content of the programme was Schemes for unorganized labor by the unorganized labor board especially for the Domestic workers and scavengers. Especially the Resource person a social activist Mts. Janci explained clearly about the laws. The impact of training is that they realized rights related to them and they are ready to make use of them. If there is any injustice against them, they assured to seek remedy as per laws to the constitution Date Place of Training Resource person Topic No. Participants 10-10-2022 Gandhinagar Mrs. Janci Leela Women Righrs and Domestic violence 43 Health and hygiene training to Adolescent Domestic workers Health and Hygiene is biggest problem of the living places and working places of the domestic workers.. Most of them ae living in the slum areas and working as used vessels clearning works in the houses and hotes. Theyare not aware in health and personel hygenie. So Vizhuthukal Trsut planned to provide training to the domestic workers and the teen age daughaer of them. Teen age is a complicated phenomenon which is prevalent among the rural adolescent. During puberty, many change take place in the sexual and reproduction organs. However, this change is a mystery and suspicion felt by an adolescent girl. Though the parents know some of thing about this process they do not convey properly to their girl child. Both gave barriers to communicate mutually. This is because of tradition and superstition. Now Vizhuthukal Trust imparted training to the adolescent problematic girls on health and Hygiene during the puberty time and menses period. Gynecologist Mrs. Dr. Sulochana M.B., B.S., D G O., explained in details of how to prevent and avoid sexual transferable diseases and how to maintain and keep the body clean and hygiene during the menses period. The adolescents are instructed and advised scientifically so that they can face and cope up any eventuality or causality in critical condition. Date Place of Training Resource person Topic No. Participants 04-08-2022 Palayankotai Dr.Mrs. Sudha,M.B.,B.S., Personal health and hygiene. 27 Global warming In order to create awareness among the domestic workers about global warming that is a burning issue to be understood by all. Because of industrialization, urbanization, cutting of number of trees resulted in climate change, which leads to failure of monsoon and seasonal rainfall. The transportation emits fuels by consuming petroleum products. This causes imbalances in the layer of atmosphere which eventually resulting in abnormal and unusual climate change. The trainees from 2 wards from Tirunelveli corporation took part in it and made aware of the impact even at the grass root level. So they have understood the importance of planting trees around their houses. Date Place of Training Resource person Topic No. Participants 12-01- 2023 Pettai Mrs. Janaki Planting Trees and global warming 34 Training on Water and Sanitation Pure water is one of the remedies of many diseases. So, the pure unpolluted water is essential for every human being. Dirty and contaminated water will result in creating much diseases like jaundice, diarrhea, malaria, dengue fever etc., the affected person have to spend more money to cure this diseases, The participants are interested to have lead environment around the drinking water source such as hand pumps, wells, water channels. Protected water means sealed water that is to safe over tank water bore well water are some what pure. The practice of open defecation and the contact with human feces that cause diarrhea to children and it impacts the environment and pollutes water sources. More devastating fact is that it strips poor girls and women, especially, of their dignity. Women and girl children are the major sufferers as they found it a great annoyance answering nature’s call during day hours. There has been urinary infection in the raise due to compulsory controlling of urination against natural biological instinct. The women during pregnancy need to urinate often that poses a great suffering as they found no toilet in the home or the immediate vicinity. Open defecation is a shameful act especially for women and children who are the worst affected. They use early dawn and late dusk hours for open defecation and it is very difficult to protect them from poisonous snakes and insects. Thus, villagers are advised to drink safe water and avoid the practice of open defecation both. Total slum areas of Anayarkulam and Achenputhur were presented. Date Place of Training Resource person Topic No. Participants 02-02-2023 Slum areas of Sivakamipuram and Kalyanapandi puram Mr. Govindan M.A., (Coordinator of Total Sanitation programme, DRDA) Safe Drinking water and sanitation 41 Future plan ► Formation of Self Help Groups and JLG for men and women ► Formation and strengthen the Domestic workers Federation ►Enrolment of Domestic workers in the Social Security scheme ► Income generation programme ►working for water and sanitation ► Work with transgender ► Availing Government Programmes ►Conducting tuition centers and resource centers for poor students ►Supporting to the school-going students ► supporting to old age groups ► Joint activities with like – minded organizations

Demographies Served


We have reached narly 6500 poor aged to provide food materials and clothing. Enrolled 540 domestic workers in the Social security schme run by the government of Tamilnadu.We involved in covid 19 relief intervention by provide food materials and one time cash relief those who lost their family head. By implemted a project of educational empowerment to girl chidlren we have reached 100 poor dalit girls in the lsums of Tirunelveli corporation.

Vision & Mission

Vision: To ensure dignified, humanitarian life without any discrimination to establish a just fair society through empowerment of women and children.
Mission: To create awareness among deprived and co ordinate them into mutually supporting cohesive groups, motivating for their equal human rights and channeling all available resources access to their maximized standard of living with adequate means and source of sustained livelihood to establish a just fair society without any discrimination on the spheres of caste, class, gender, creed, and economical source in existing life pattern.

Donor History

1.Selavip Foundation, 2. Give Foundation, 3. The pollination Project, 4. Your Cause, 5. RR Foundation.


  • Providing Uniforms And Writing Materials To Poor Students

    Most of the students in the slums of Tirunelveli corporation are managing their studies with only one set uniform and few note books for their all subject.. We provided them two set o uniform cloths, note books-r, geometry box , pen and a school bag.

  • Food And Cloth For Poor Senior Citizens

    In this fast world the senior citizens of the society have not care properly, In our target village there are thousands of old age people are in helpless condition. Most of them are managing their daily needs by colecting garbage in the streets. So Vizhuthukal Trust provided 10 Kgs. rice, a set of cloths, grocery and vegetables to the old helpless aged person.

  • Providing Uniforms and Writing Materials to Poor Students

    Most of the students in the slums of Tirunelveli corporation are managing their studies with only one set uniform and few note books for their all subject.. We provided them two set o uniform cloths, note books-r, geometry box , pen and a school bag.

  • Water And Sanitation

    Vizhuthukal Trust provided 50 individual toilets' to slum dwelling scavengers in 2021and cobstruct 35 individual toielts to urband dlait domestic workers of Tirunelveli corporation in 2022.

  • Monthly Ration Programme For Poor Aged

    The poor aged women in the slums are managing their daily needs by collecting waste papers and tin garbage they are uncared by the family. Vizhuthukal Trust providing groceries and vegetables for their one month food need..

  • Income Generation Of Women By Providing 2 She Goats.

    The women of the families of our target areas are doing washing clothes, cleaning houses, cleaning used utensils in hotels, sweeping, and scavenging in private hospitals, schools etc. are not assured of job guarantees, protection, proper fixed wages and hours of work. They are hailing from the poorest of the poor. The male head of the family are doing manual scavenging, and sweeping and are mostly drunkards and never cares about their family, elder people in the families are collecting waste paper and tin for their survival.. The students are managing their studies with insufficient uniforms and writing materials. The mothers could not provide enough uniforms and schooling materials for their children. Due to lack of these basic needs for studying, they are dropout at their elementary level. So Vizhuthuka Trust provides two goats for generating income for the families. Goats are like a mobile banks. They multiple in every six months. The mother sells the calf for their children's emergency needs of medical, studies etc.,

  • Water and Sanitation

    Vizhuthukal Trust provided 50 individual toilets' to slum dwelling scavengers in 2021and cobstruct 35 individual toielts to urband dlait domestic workers of Tirunelveli corporation in 2022.

  • Monthly Ration Programme for Poor Aged

    The poor aged women in the slums are managing their daily needs by collecting waste papers and tin garbage they are uncared by the family. Vizhuthukal Trust providing groceries and vegetables for their one month food need..

  • Food and Cloth for Poor Senior Citizens

    In this fast world the senior citizens of the society have not care properly, In our target village there are thousands of old age people are in helpless condition. Most of them are managing their daily needs by colecting garbage in the streets. So Vizhuthukal Trust provided 10 Kgs. rice, a set of cloths, grocery and vegetables to the old helpless aged person.

  • Income Generation of Women by Providing 2 She Goats.

    The women of the families of our target areas are doing washing clothes, cleaning houses, cleaning used utensils in hotels, sweeping, and scavenging in private hospitals, schools etc. are not assured of job guarantees, protection, proper fixed wages and hours of work. They are hailing from the poorest of the poor. The male head of the family are doing manual scavenging, and sweeping and are mostly drunkards and never cares about their family, elder people in the families are collecting waste paper and tin for their survival.. The students are managing their studies with insufficient uniforms and writing materials. The mothers could not provide enough uniforms and schooling materials for their children. Due to lack of these basic needs for studying, they are dropout at their elementary level. So Vizhuthuka Trust provides two goats for generating income for the families. Goats are like a mobile banks. They multiple in every six months. The mother sells the calf for their children's emergency needs of medical, studies etc.,

Impact Metrics

  • Improvement of Health Status

    Program Name

    Water and sanitation

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 90
    • 2020-21 150
    • 2021-22 200
  • Improvement of Health Status of the Poor Women

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 55
    • 2020-21 55
    • 2021-22 55
  • Improvement of Care of the Family

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 55
    • 2020-21 55
    • 2021-22 55
  • Prevention of School Dropouts

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 5
    • 2020-21 2
    • 2021-22 4
  • In the Time Festivals They Wore New Dress

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 173
    • 2020-21 526
    • 2021-22 666
  • Makin Awareness on Getting Old Age Pension Given by He Government.

    Program Name

    Making awarness about the Governemnt schemes

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 173
    • 2020-21 526
    • 2021-22 666
  • Income Generation Support Provided to Women

    Program Name

    Income generation by provide two goats to poor women

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 10
    • 2020-21 8
    • 2021-22 6
  • The Benefited Women Have Multiple Assets as Goats

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 10
    • 2020-21 8
    • 2021-22 6
  • The Benefited Women Payed the Fees for Their Children's Higher Education

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 5
    • 2020-21 6
    • 2021-22 3
  • People Reached for Awareness on the Importance of Toilets

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 165
    • 2020-21 200
    • 2021-22 250
  • Improvement of Health Status of the Poor Women

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 55
    • 2020-21 55
    • 2021-22 55
  • Improvement of Care of the Family

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 55
    • 2020-21 55
    • 2021-22 55
  • Prevention of School Dropouts

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 5
    • 2020-21 2
    • 2021-22 4
  • Improvements in Learning

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 17
    • 2020-21 15
    • 2021-22 11
  • The Families Are Using Fresh Vegetables and Good Quality Groceries and Good Rice for Their Food.

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 173
    • 2020-21 526
    • 2021-22 666
  • In the Time Festivals They Wore New Dress

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 173
    • 2020-21 526
    • 2021-22 666
  • Makin Awareness on Getting Old Age Pension Given by He Government.

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 173
    • 2020-21 526
    • 2021-22 666
  • Income Generation Support Provided to Women

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 10
    • 2020-21 8
    • 2021-22 6
  • The Benefited Women Have Multiple Assets as Goats

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 10
    • 2020-21 8
    • 2021-22 6
  • The Benefited Women Payed the Fees for Their Children's Higher Education

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 5
    • 2020-21 6
    • 2021-22 3
  • #Beneficiaries Impacted

    Program Name

    Food materials and cloth to poor senior citizen

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 92
    • 2020-21 263
    • 2021-22 182
  • People Reached for Awareness on the Importance of Toilets

    Program Name

    Construct indiidual housing toielts to poor domestic workers

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 165
    • 2020-21 200
    • 2021-22 250
  • Ration Support Provided to Aged Mothers

    Program Name

    Provide food materials to poor aged slum dwellers

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 55
    • 2020-21 55
    • 2021-22 55
  • The Benefited Students Have Sufficient School Uniforms Ad Writing Materials

    Program Name

    Supply of uniforms and writing materials to poor studetns

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 17
    • 2020-21 15
    • 2021-22 11
  • Improvements in Learning

    Program Name

    Educational empwerment of girls childen

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 17
    • 2020-21 15
    • 2021-22 11
  • The Families Are Using Fresh Vegetables and Good Quality Groceries and Good Rice for Their Food.

    Program Name

    Food materials supply to poor aged

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 173
    • 2020-21 526
    • 2021-22 666
  • Improvement of Health Status

    Program Name

    Water and sanitation

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 90
    • 2020-21 150
    • 2021-22 200
  • Ration Support Provided to Aged Mothers

    Program Name

    Monthly ration to poor aged women

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 55
    • 2020-21 55
    • 2021-22 55

Theory of Change

Strive towards transforming the de-humanized and the exploited to experience and -sustain a dignified life

Milestones & Track Record

Constructed 50 individual toilets' to urban slum scavengers families.

Provided drinking water facilities by digging bore wells in 3 location of Tirunelveli corporation

Livelihood support to 666 poor aged.

One time cash relief Rs. 30,000 each to 62 Covid victims family

Covid intervention by providing food materials to 52 Covid affected families..
Education empowerment program to 100 poor girls students of scavenger families.

Leadership Team

  • A. Vijayakumari

    Managing Trustee

  • Mrs. B. Jeyakumari

    Financial Trustee

  • R. Rebekkal Thangam


  • R. Jothi


  • K. Prakash

    Project Director

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body


  • Diversity Metrics

    100% women


  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Organisation Structure

Organisation Structure


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    633, Phase II, Anayarkulam, Perumalapuram- Post, Tirunelveli, 627007


Other Details

  • Parent Organisation

    Not applicable

  • Sister Organisation

    Not applicable

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.