Sri Aurobindo Society

Empowers individuals to imbue daily life with spirituality, addressing challenges and fulfilling humanity's timeless aspirations.

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Pondicherry, Puducherry

  • Since


Sri Aurobindo Society aims to infuse a vibrant spirituality into daily life and all its undertakings, seeking genuine solutions to global challenges a Read morend the fulfilment of humanity's age-old aspirations. Sri Aurobindo Society commenced its journey on 19th September 1960, with the Mother serving as both the founder and the Executive President, and her enduring guidance continues to shape it. Starting as a modest initiative, it has now evolved into a worldwide entity engaged in various spheres of human existence. In 1972, during the Centenary Year of Sri Aurobindo's birth, the Mother conveyed a profound message. She depicted Sri Aurobindo as a harbinger of the future, illuminating the path towards realizing a glorious destiny crafted by the Divine's will. This message succinctly encapsulates the Society's purpose and its endeavours. The Mother laid the Society's foundation, providing it with a robust footing akin to a Banyan tree's growth. The Constitution and Memorandum of Association bear her signature as President, dating back to 19th September 1960. She named the organisation Sri Aurobindo Society, paying homage to Sri Aurobindo. She also designed its emblem, which consists of Sri Aurobindo's symbol enclosed within a diamond, symbolizing the Mother's intense illumination. The Society's motto, as envisioned by the Mother, is: "To know is good, to live is better, to be, that is perfect." The Society's work expanded across diverse areas of life, as it embraced the Mother's vision of societal transformation. The Mother stressed the significance of sincerity, inner attitude, and consciousness in all initiatives, considering these aspects primary, while the results and outward form held secondary importance. This principle consistently guided every action of the Society.


  • Education Programme

    Sri Aurobindo Society focuses on innovative education initiatives. Its Rupantar-Zero Investment Innovation in Education(ZIIEI) programme promotes grassroots innovations in education at minimal cost, benefiting Government schools. Project Inclusion addresses mental health inclusion in schools. Programmes like ORC aim to reduce juvenile crime rates. The Student Police Cadet programme nurtures responsible citizens. Initiatives like Hope support school dropouts. Nanma is for marginalized talented youth, and 'C minus 4' helps middle school students become competent individuals. Nature Lab offers experiential learning, and the Centre of Excellence empowers teachers. Auropath promotes institutional development for sustainable development. Future programmes include vocational training, innovation labs, social entrepreneurship, sports academies, and gender-inclusive school facilities.

  • Healthcare Programmes

    Sri Aurobindo Society's health initiatives include Sanjeevan, offering palliative care to marginalized patients across 150 villages in Puducherry, Sri Aurobindo Centre for Homeopathy (SACH) conducting research and treatment, and the Centre of Excellence for Integral Wellness, addressing well-being through various practices. These programmes aim to create compassionate communities, improve health, and combat issues like high suicide rates and addiction in Pondicherry, ultimately promoting a hub for happier living.

  • Entrepreneurship, Skills and Livelihood Programme

    Sri Aurobindo Society is dedicated to entrepreneurship, skill development, and livelihood improvement. Their Centre of Excellence covers three crucial areas: Skill Training, offering a holistic approach with NSDC certificates; Vocational Training, providing long-term skills and B Voc degrees with a focus on personal growth; and Social Entrepreneurship, conducting research and supporting innovative ventures. They aim to be a hub for social entrepreneurship incubation centers and a networking platform for related institutes. Additionally, their Sustainable Livelihood project seeks to enhance the well-being of the Puducherry bioregion through organic farming, reducing chemical-intensive methods, and strengthening household resilience against poverty-related challenges.

  • Rural Development Programme

    Sri Aurobindo Society's rural development initiative, SARVAM, comprehensively addresses various aspects of individual and community life, including health, education, livelihood, youth, women, sanitation, digital financial literacy, and computer literacy. Currently operating in 22 villages, it serves 20,000 villagers, with a special focus on women and youth. SARVAM also runs a Community Radio Station reaching 50,000 villagers and has launched a Digital Financial Literacy programme, Digital Sakhi, exclusively for women and girls. SARVAM's core principle is to ignite self-development within the community and individuals, guiding them towards empowerment with the necessary skills and resources. This inclusive, sustainable, scalable, and replicable model has achieved remarkable transformation in education, health, economic status, and overall community well-being, earning national and international recognition as a holistic rural development model.

  • Sustainable Agriculture Programme

    Sri Aurobindo Society's sustainable agriculture efforts encompass two key programs. AHAR, Agro-homeopathy for Sustainable Agriculture, employs innovative research to utilize homoeopathic medicine as both fertilizers and pesticides for plants, eliminating harmful chemical usage in farming and yielding purer crops. This approach also reduces farming costs, ensuring economic sustainability. Research investigates its impact on various crops, soil types, and pest control. AuroKrishi aims to empower ex-servicemen, women, and youth to become agro-entrepreneurs through training in sustainable farming methods, including organic farming, aquaponics, beekeeping, and more. This initiative serves the dual purpose of providing self-employment opportunities for ex-servicemen in their native villages and promoting technology-enabled, economically viable organic farming.

Leadership Team

  • Pradeep Narang


  • Vijay Poddar

    Member Executive—Admin. & Finance

  • Sushila Melvani

    Member Secretary

  • Gopal Bhattacharjee

    Joint Secretary & International Secretary

  • Kaivalya Smart

    Team Member

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID

    S/4211 of 1960-61

  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A

    No.152-S/W.B VI of 1973-74

  • 80G

    No.DIT(E)/86 8E/7/61-62 Dated 26.04.2006

  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    Society House No. 11 St. Martin Street, Puducherry, Pondicherry, 605001

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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