Ongole, Andhra Pradesh
Angels in the Field is a Non-profitable Humanitarian Grassroots Relief and Development Facilitator to promote transformed communities with an assured Read moresustainability. Angels in the Field serves children, families and communities living in poverty and injustice regardless of religion, caste, race, ethnicity or gender. It is an organization that serves for the freedom and comfort of the poor and marginalized. Angels in the Field fighting against human trafficking, modern slavery and Child sex trafficking. Rescue, restore and rehabilitation of victims of human trafficking, Angels in the Field’s is to envisage a society driven by values where every child, family and the community realizes life in all its fullness. It promotes well-being and the lasting human transformation of vulnerable stratum of the community, especially children and women. Therefore its focus is to support the wholesome development of children in a family and community context. We are so enthusiastic and eager to serve the people, who lead their lives in perilous and disastrous condition and poverty.
Angels in the Field focused communities are predominantly Rural and Urban poor and Youth. Primary focus is on the Scheduled Caste and the Schedule Tribe communities and then comes all Economically Backward Communities from all castes.
The main objects to be pursued by Angels in the Field which are open to all irrespective of caste, religion and sex, are: 1. To undertake relief and rehabilitation measures for all kinds of emergencies, epidemics, natural and human-made disasters. 2. To promote and assist integrated socio-economic self-reliant status to all the poor and needy from all livelihood sectors such as agriculture, irrigation, livestock, dairy, horticulture, fisheries, artisans, salt-farming, mining, industries, petty-business, trade units, self-employed and etc. 3. Providing access to community-based comprehensive microfinance services on sustained manner for enhancing the vulnerable households livelihood portfolio 4. To protect families and the communities from all major health concerns, especially HIV and AIDS, T.B., and Hepatitis-B through appropriate preventive, curative and rehabilitative measures. 5. To combat all forms of child abuse, child labour, children and adolescents-trafficking and children on the streets and to expedite preventive, curative and rehabilitative measures to reinstate the childhood. 6. To facilitate community led-drive to combat and curb all forms of social evils especially alcoholism, drug addiction, tobacco, bribe, dowry and child marriages 7. To establish homes for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) and destitute old-aged with appropriate onsite educational, social, recreational and spiritual services. 8. To mobilize community-based advocacy to protect human rights especially the rights of the children and women to spread a way for women and girl-child empowerment. 9. To facilitate individuals, families and the communities towards community-based disaster preparedness to mitigate the risk and to cope-up with all forms of external shocks. 10. To propagate national integrity and community awareness through the observance of all appropriate national and international special days. 11. To create greater awareness and consciousness among vulnerable stratum pertaining to their physical, mental, social, leadership and spiritual needs which are wholistic. 12. To assist the communities to acquire basic family-wise and community-wise infrastructure facilities such as housing, toilets, schools, hospitals, water tanks, community halls, drainage, compound walls, community libraries, crèches, anganwadi shelters, pipeline extensions, wells, bores, electrification, inroads, child resource centers, mahila sadans and so on for improved socio-economic living conditions. 13. To set up training, demonstration and learning centers for research, planning and evaluation of the projects and the programmes. 14. To educate the children, youths and the adults through literacy programmes, cultural activities, recreational facilities, social and spiritual discourses, exposure trips, inter-village sports and games and to organize them into formal groups for the purpose of undertaking development action in the native community. 15. To facilitate comprehensive health and nutrition services for the families especially children, women and the specially-able-children through the existing community health services as well as setting up of additional health, economic, counseling and spiritual service providers. 16. To carryout charitable, development and relief work in cooperation with the Government and other agencies including philanthropists. 17. To prevent all forms of ecological degradation and promote conscious and economic use of natural resources like land, forests, water, minerals, vegetation, etc. 18. To do such other lawful things as are incidental and conducive to the attainment of the above objects.
Demographies Served
Cause Area
Angels in the Field is a partnership of change agents whose mission is to follow the Lord Jesus Christ in promoting well-being and the lasting human transformation of vulnerable stratum of the society, especially children & Youth and women. Angels in the Field pursues its mission through integrated holistic commitment to: Empowered Communities. Which are participatory in all-round development and the sustainability thereof. Emergency Relief. That prioritizes on disaster risk mitigation and the facilitation of timely aid during calamities. Promotion of Justice. That fosters community-based efforts to change unjust structures which are termed as curse on the underprivileged jeopardizing their very existence and welfare. Nurtured Networks. That leads to informed convergence to combat web-of-poverty in a cooperative and coordinated manner.
Training on Youth Leadership and Community Development Programme
With the support of Nehru Yuva Kendra - Prakasam (Government of India Ministry of Youth and Sports affairs) we given youth leadership and community Development training in two mandals is Markapur and Yerragondapalem Mandal Parshat Development Officer, District coordinator - NYK Inaugurated Training programme. More than 150 youth trained,
Seasonal Hostel
With support of Sarva Siksha Abhiyan Government of Andhra Pradesh we run seasonal Hostel in sunkesula village Peddaraveedu mandal, Mandal Educational Officer Inaugurated this Seasonal Hostel to control of dropouts. We provided quality education and food and shelter for 55 children who parents went migration for seasonal woks. We Distributed Note Books, Drawing Books and sketch pens to ongoing school children’s in Sunkesula Village Peddraveedu Mandal, Andhra Pradesh.
Free Competitive Exams coaching for scheduled castes candidates
We are providing free coaching and quality experts study materials to scheduled castes (Dalits) students who are prepare for Teacher Recruitment Test DSC (SGT & SA). More than 200 scheduled castes (Dalits) students benefited in Markapur areas. (It’s Government of Andhra Pradesh, Social Welfare Department Sponsored Scheme)
We provided free coaching and quality experts study materials for scheduled castes (Dalits) students who are prepare for Police Constables Jobs. More than 70 students benefited in Markapur areas. (It’s Government of Andhra Pradesh, Social Welfare Department Sponsored Scheme)
We provided Free Coaching and quality experts materials for scheduled castes (Dalits) unemployed candidates who preparing for Panchayat Secretary Group III Job. More than 150 scheduled castes (Dalits) candidates benefited in Markapur areas. (It’s Government of Andhra Pradesh, Social Welfare Department Sponsored Scheme)
We are providing best coaching for all types of competitive exams. (Free c
Block level Sports Meet
With support of Nehru Yuva Kendra – Prakasam (Government of India Ministry of Youth and Sports affairs) we organized Block level Sports meet in Markapur. Member of Legislative Assembly Markapur Kunduru Nagarjuna Reddy Inaugurated these sports meet. More than 16 teams in Valley Ball and Kabadi teams participated and we given prizes and government Certificate and medal for winner and runner teams.
Working Against Human Trafficking - WALK FOR FREEDOM
We conducted Walk for Freedom (Education and Awareness on Human Trafficking / Modern Slavery). This program Inaugurated by Sub Inspector of Police, More than 200 Youth participated in this walk. This walk covered Markapur main places, for this Walk most of the people educated and aware of what is Human Trafficking and slavery. All most all Government Departments involved in this Walk.
Angels in the Field is to Fighting against human trafficking and modern slavery and Child sex trafficking. Rescue, restore and rehabilitation of victims of human trafficking.
We keen in creating Education and Awareness on Human Trafficking / Slavery, Child Sex-Trafficking in the community both in schools and Colleges as well as in the community context at large. Various seminars, counseling sessions, trainings, rallies, consultations and the like have been our ongoing efforts. Sensitization sessions have been provided to teachers, ICDS staff, Self Help Groups, Children Team, Youth Teams, and Adolesce -
Distribution of Vitamin ‘A’ & Albandezol Capsules
With support of Vitamin Angels We initiated to conduct Nutrition Week Celebrations in 12 villages of Markapur, and Tharlupadu Mandals. On account of this celebrations Project has been giving awareness on Nutritional food and its importance at schools with the assistance of Teachers. In this program we have given awareness on Vitamins, Proteins, and minerals. Etc.
We have also explained the importance of leafy vegetables in their diet. We told that they can get Vitamins, Proteins, and Minerals etc from Leafy vegetables. We also told that usage of pesticides in the food items has been increased and it could decrease the resistance power among children. -
COVID-19 Relied Programme
Due to lockdown we distributed nutrition food and fruits for pregnant women’s, lactating mothers, Old age and homeless people in Markapur, Tarulapdu and Bestawaripeta Mandals of Andhra Pradesh. We given education and awareness on COVID – 19 and combating stigma.
1). Using of Masks always.
2). Maintenance of Physical Distance,
3). Demo on Han wash,
4). Importance of Hygienic Health and sanitation
5). Impotence of the lockdown and how to overcome.
Demographics & Structure
No. of Employees
Internal, External Assessors
Ethics and Transparency Policies
Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy
Political & Religious Declarations
On Affiliation if any
On Deployment Bias if any
Registration Details
PAN Card
Registration ID
VO ID / Darpan ID
Not Available
CSR Registration Number
Other Details
Parent Organisation
Sister Organisation
Type & Sub Type
Financial Details
IncomeRs.337,447ExpensesRs.337,447Admin ExpensesRs.82,500Program ExpensesRs.254,947Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.4,273,793ExpensesRs.4,273,793Admin ExpensesRs.124,592Program ExpensesRs.4,149,201Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.1,433,884ExpensesRs.1,433,884Admin ExpensesRs.131,150Program ExpensesRs.1,302,734Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.