Manzil Mystics

Enables social change through music and performing arts to build life-skills and address important social issues among less privileged children

  • Silver Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Silver Certified Silver Certified


  • Headquarters

    New Delhi, Delhi

  • Since


Manzil Mystics is a Delhi-based choir band known for their original compositions which reflect the ideas of Kabir in Indie folk-fusion form as well as Read more a Music Institute and Nonprofit/NGO striving towards increasing accessibility, usability and sustainability of music for all. The organisation is a part of the Manzil ecosystem ( Manzil is a non-profit, youth-led learning centre founded by IIM Ahmedabad alumnus, Ravi Gulati. Manzil provides a supportive community network and resources for lower-income students to empower themselves and their communities through learning, teaching, creativity and collaboration with each other to experience the world in fresh ways. Manzil Mystics, as an organisation, is focused on leveraging music in creative ways to impact outcomes in the following three domains: • Education: to develop life skills and enhance socio-emotional learning (SEL) outcomes in affordable/low-income schools; • Women Empowerment: to create awareness around women’s rights, equality and health challenges; • Livelihood: to train budding musicians for a career in music/allied professions. An organizational profile may include: • Organization name: Manzil Mystics • Organization age: 7 years old (working since April 2017) • Registration status: Registered Trust • Specialty area: Music in Education • Partners (if any relevant to project): Signed MoU with Directorate of Education (Delhi) • Scope of work: We harness synergies across a complementary mix of assets and resources that we have developed, to help us with our program delivery work. These assets include: - A music-learning institute; - A mobile music bus and recording studio; - A well-structured curriculum for enabling life skills through music among children; A talented team of performers, composers and musician


Theory of Problem: In a musically rich country, yet music is not used to its fullest potential in the Indian education system. According to the Indian Journal of Psychiatry in 2019, at least 50 million children in India were affected with anxiety, anger, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder issues. National Institutes of Health Magnetic Resonance (MRI) Study of Normal Brain Development has revealed that the more a child was trained on music, the better the child’s emotional outlook, anxiety control, and attention to detail. Yet 3 out of 4 of 4.2 million children in Delhi don’t have access to music education. While art and music are mandatory in schools according to the National Education Policy and are a must for the happiness and balanced growth of children, almost all schools for low-income families in Delhi don’t have proper music facilities for learning, performing and recording music. Furthermore, only 20% of schools have faculty for music. In a recent study conducted by Vasudevan, a Mysore University scholar, there were very low statistics of students opting for music in 12th standard, nationally, with only 44 registrations in Carnatic music and around 50,000 for Hindustani music (including vocal and instrumental music). Vasanth Narayanan in his research shared in 2021 that 65% of Tamil Nadu public schools lack access to any form of musical education, and nearly 90% of these schools have little or no plans to incorporate music education into their curricula. Music is capable of building happy & safe spaces and providing educational, formative, and socio-emotional benefits. 253 million children in India have the right to music education and a happy life, but the status and availability of music education is not well-defined in schools across the country and students are missing out on an important part of their growth and learning. The underlying cause behind this is that the education system in India does not provide an avenue and encouragement to students to choose music as a subject or career. The usability of music and current music curriculum is limited to entertainment only, but it is important to recognize how it helps fight mental health, solve social problems and create a happy & safe space for every child. Further, availability of music teachers in schools is one of the most common problems in the majority of the states in India. Also, there are very limited career opportunities if one learns music. Musicians also face problems like minimum wage, regular income, inferiority and stability in their career. Hence, a career and education in music is not valued and respected in India. Music heritage in India is treasured and we really need to make it accessible for every child in education and increase the usability of music beyond entertainment, especially in schools. We at Manzil Mystics believe in creating a movement to nurture a community and ecosystem of musicians and music lovers who would create stories of love and positive experience through music. We conduct Music workshops in Government and low income schools to create social change through music. We have also launched a fellowship with the twin objective of educating children in music and using music as a tool for education and social change, also increasing the sustainability of music as a career by not only creating awareness on career options as musicians but also educating and upskilling musicians to help make them work-ready.


1. High-Touch model: In this we work directly in the communities through our Fellowship Model. We are currently working in Delhi NCR. We teach children how to sing, write, compose and perform a song. The activities are designed in a way that we cover socio-emotional skills, gender, and selected themes. 2. Mid-Touch model, we train and build the capacity of musicians to make them facilitators through our Teacher to Facilitator training program. The Teacher to Facilitator training program (T2F) is a 5-day residential Capacity building and training module where a musician completes their journey from being a teacher to a facilitator. There are several topics covered: ● ESCA - Empathise Search Confront Advice ● Kolb’s Learning Cycle - Kolb is a four-step learning process i.e., concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. Effective learning is achieved when a learner progresses through each stage. The learner may also enter the cycle of learning at any step using a logical sequence. ● Walker’s Cycle - Walker's model is a dynamic and descriptive model of curriculum development. It reflects the realities of how curriculum workers plan and develop a curriculum. It recognizes the role and influence of curriculum workers in any curriculum development tasks. ● Concept of Learning Through Music ● Curriculum Framework 3. Low-Touch model we’ll be doing events & creation of digital content, which will in turn reach more than 70,000 children & one music bus is an infrastructure solution for 25 schools.


Through the program we create a happy, safe and inclusive space for each child specially who come from low-income families. The Fellowship works towards increasing the accessibility, usability and sustainability of music for every child. ● With accessibility, we make sure that every child gets 1 hour of music education once in a week for 2 years. So far we have impacted 3Lac children gets the access to music education in Delhi NCR. ● With usability, in the classes participants will learn the musical skill which also covers lessons of life skills, value, menstrual hygiene, reproductive health, and saint poets like Kabir Das Ji. Also, through music these children learn how to express their hopes, ideas, happiness, anger and frustrations and we have designed our activities in a way that we even teach them life skills such as decision-making, critical thinking, values clarification, leadership, team building etc. ● With Sustainability, we identify, train and build the capacity of a musician from low income families. Their time is divided in a way that these musicians spend 20 hours a week educating 400 children (just like them in government & low-income schools) for 2 years and 20 hours a week building their own employability skills through various courses (music, media, professional, life skills and capacity building) that we offer.


  • P.A.N.K.H (Performing Arts & Kids Happiness)


    Develop Life Skills and Enhance Socio-emotional Learning (SEL) Outcomes in Affordable/ Low Income Schools. We’re doing it through our Program P.A.N.K.H. (Performing ARTS and KIDS Happiness). The program aims to increase accessibility of music and we’re doing it by giving one hour music class once in a week music classes in low-income and government schools.

  • WeBhor


    Create awareness around Women’s Rights, Equality and Health Challenges. We’re doing this through our program WeBhor We stands for Us and Bhor Stand for Sunrise. WeBhor, a pioneering initiative by Manzil Mystics, strives to establish happy, safe and inclusive spaces for women and girls from low-income backgrounds and communities & It’s one of the very few women-led bands in India.

  • SEEkho Music


    Train budding musicians for a career in Music/ Allied Professions. We’re doing this through our program SEEkho Music is a Music learning and Skilling Program. It is a learning community for the Seekers in Music and Entertainment. Keeping our core mission of making music accessible, usable and sustainable for all.

Impact Metrics

  • Assessment Based

    Program Name

    P.A.N.K.H (Performing Arts & Kids Happiness)

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2017-18 3000
    • 2018-19 3500
    • 2019-20 70000
    • 2020-21 8000
    • 2021-22 5507
    • 2022-23 5534
  • Assessment Based

    Program Name


    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 7998
    • 2022-23 11962
  • Assessment Based

    Program Name

    SEEkho Music

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 1500
    • 2022-23 2000

Leadership Team

  • Anurag Hoon

    CEO & Co-founder

  • Reshma Arya

    Program Director (WeBhor)

  • Manik Kaushik

    Program Director (SEEkho Music)

  • Preeti Arya

    Program Director (PANKH)

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID

    Registration No. 325 in Book No.4 Vol No, 51 on Page 113 to 124

  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    2028/10, Kotla Mubarakpur near Muscle Rehab Gym, New Delhi, 110003

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.