Protsahan India Foundation

Enabling adolescent girls facing severe childhood adversity & gender based violence to regain control over their lives through Quality Education, Healthcare, Social Protection Linkages, and Skill Building since 2010.

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    New Delhi, Delhi

  • Since


Protsahan, a Delhi-based non-profit, focuses on caring, rehabilitating, and reintegrating historically marginalized children and girls who've experien Read moreced sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). We annually support over 81,000 girls in slums, empowering them to break free from begging, child marriage, child labour, and abuse. Through arts-based education and life skills training, we equip them for autonomous and thriving adulthood while strengthening their families' social protection to prevent institutionalization.


On a daily basis, adolescent girls and children are vulnerable to sexual and gender-based violence, hunger, and discrimination in impoverished last-mile communities. The vicious cycle of poverty often forces them out of school, and into child labour and early marriage. They live in a hostile environment that inflicts continuous harm to their body and psyche, constantly holds them back and sabotages their efforts to move ahead. These children don’t just face episodic violence – they are exposed every day, consistently to harm. Children typically experience violence at the hands of the people they trust most.


Protsahan provides a coordinated, multi-level direct response to the issue of violence against children with a focus on migrant girls. Such a coordinated response is needed as a violated child has complex needs arising from her context of violence, which require special comprehensive social services, care & counselling, and quality learning in a trauma-informed safe space, so that she reaches her fullest potential and finds a pathway out of intergenerational poverty & violence towards healing & empowerment. With our HEART model, we strive to break the intergenerational cycle of childhood abuse and poverty with Health, Education, Art interventions for Life Skills Training, Rights, and Technology. The model is based on three pillars to provide trauma-informed safe spaces necessary for their empowerment: 1. Rescue of Vulnerable Children from Begging, Abuse & Child Labor: This involves rescuing children from points of child rights violence like child begging, child marriages, child sexual abuse and transitioning them to school through strategic interventions by strengthening community child protection and ensuring safe spaces for girls in over 80+ under-served slum communities of Delhi. 2. Continuity, Access & Equity in Education, Computer and Financial Literacy, and Healthcare: This includes giving access to academic support, digital literacy, protein and wellness kits, stationery kits, inputs on menstrual hygiene, sexual and reproductive health and other life skills to girls from underserved communities and historically excluded backgrounds, and supporting them with a science, arts and computer literacy-based leadership development program and an equity-based scholarship fund. Introduce the girls to computer education and help open new avenues of growth and a path out of intergenerational poverty and abuse for them. 3. Referrals, Registration & Linkages with Government Schemes: This helps in connecting adolescent girls, their families, and the community at large with government schemes and benefits to ensure authentic impact with sustainability and scale of the program through social inclusion & vulnerability mapping of the most marginalized.


1) As on 31st March 2023, we have mainstreamed 81000 Vulnerable Migrant Girls with Improved Indicators in Sense of Self Worth, Resilience and Creativity, Access to Higher Education, Delayed Age of Marriage and Enhanced Economic Productivity. We have prevented these girls from entering orphanages and separation from their families 2) INR 34 Cr. worth of social security benefits unlocked in government welfare schemes for the poorest of poor adolescent girls & their families from 2020-22. 3) Rescued 1028 vulnerable adolescent girls from Begging, Sexual Abuse, Child Marriage & Child Labor and through a whole-systems synchronised approach of Protsahan over 4-6 years of work with each of the rescued girl - she has now completed her school education and enrolled in college or financially independent with careers like artists, filmmakers, photographers, and in corporate companies like Paisa, Pee Safe, Magicpin,, etc. 4) Protsahan has developed a flagship psychosocial training module for over 3700 functionaries of Unicef, Childline 1098, working with vulnerable children across the country on psychosocial support in times of emergency, first aid counselling on childhood trauma, and healing interventions. 5) Sector Enabling Training on Child Protection conducted: • Abuse Awareness for At-Risk Children: 3,50,800 • Trained Judges, Lawyers, Police & Media Personnel: 1721 • Trained Government Officials from CWC, JJB, DCPU, ICDS: 5870 • Trained Doctors, Parents & Community Stakeholders: 48703 • Trained Educators, Counselors & Caregivers: 4670


  • Protsahan Girl Champions Program

    The Girl Champions Program is Protsahan’s umbrella community intervention program through which we work with each Girl Champion enrolled at our GECs with a depth-of-scale approach to enable true transformation. Each girl has access to program modules at our Girl Empowerment Centres, which help her grow out of systemic & intergenerational cycles of poverty & abuse through the HEART model.

    Protsahan uses gender transformative education in facilitating social mobility and curbing discriminatory practices of early marriage and early pregnancy to empower adolescent girls facing sexual and gender-based violence to regain control over their own lives with quality access to higher education and employability enhancement skilling programs. We pay special attention to the nutritional and healthcare needs of the girls. In most cases, the diets of migrant girls are often too poor to meet nutritional needs for healthy growth and development including menstrual health and hygiene.

Impact Metrics

  • 81000

    Program Name

    Protsahan Girl Champions Program

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 81000

Leadership Team

  • Sonal Kapoor

    Founder Director

  • Jaswinder Singh

    Executive Director

  • Jaswant Kaur

    Director - Fundraising & Growth Strategy

  • Nishtha Kapoor

    Manager- Program Strategy & Partnerships

  • Preeti Poddar

    Manager-Ground Operations

  • Mallika Sinha

    Manager- Resource Mobilisation & Compliance

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID

    Original Trust Deed Registration Number 1743 in Book No. 4 Volume No. 1438

  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    3rd Floor, Plot No. 46, Deepalaya Building, Janakpuri Institutional Area, New Delhi, 110058

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.