Vibha India

Provides scalable, sustainable and replicable solution for education of children of migrant labourers

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Bangalore, Karnataka

  • Since


Provides seed capital for the selected project, monitors, assist and evaluate its progress continuously for three years. Helps these organizations by Read moreplaying the role of an implementation partner. It manages fundraising, project selection, investments monitoring, capacity building and project visits for the final projects or social entrepreneurs. Mobilizes local communities as volunteers or donors. Organizes activities to do marketing of the social cause by running awareness campaigns, workshops and seminars. Since 1991, it claims to have raised and disbursed $13 million for this cause. Annual Disbursal to implementation partners is $100,000+ Supported many projects like education and vocational training for girls in the slums of New Delhi with ALAMB. Strengthened government schools with Eklavya Foundation in MP. It has also done educational programme for deprived and destitute rural children with Rural Development Organisation (RDO) in Tamil Nadu and many more in different states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Operates in Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai, and Pune. It operates from USA also. More information about their work is available at


  • Dream Mile 2023

    The Dream Mile stands as Vibha's flagship fundraising event, with an anticipated participation of over 5,000 patrons worldwide. In 2023, the race will take place in person in various cities across the USA and India, as well as in a virtual format.
    The funds generated from the Dream Mile are dedicated to bolstering child development projects both in India and the USA. Vibha's mission centers on enhancing the quality of public education by scaling proven models of Motivation, Learning, Training, and Technology. Furthermore, in addition to supporting projects in India, the Dream Mile will also provide aid to local beneficiaries in the host cities, including the Children's Hospital of Atlanta, The International Community School Georgia, Inspiredu, Communities In Schools Chicago, and School on Wheels, Massachusetts. Over the years, the Dream Mile has raised over $3 million, benefiting more than 180,000 children.

  • Education of migrant labourers

    The 2017 Economic Survey of India reveals that nearly 9 million individuals migrate annually from rural to urban areas. Within this migration, an estimated 6 million are school-going children accompanying their parents in search of a better future.
    The transient nature of migration often results in these children being deprived of their fundamental right to education. Vibha emphasizes the necessity for a sustainable and replicable solution, with local government and employers (primarily builders employing migrant labour) as key stakeholders. Local governments possess the resources and frameworks to scale such solutions, while local employers typically have a better understanding of the demographics of the migrant workforce.
    Vibha is currently in the process of developing operational strategies in collaboration with high-potential grassroots-level implementation partners, such as the "Door Step School" in Maharashtra.

  • Shikshana

    Families and children often lack the motivation to prioritize education, while teachers may lack enthusiasm due to inadequate training and low pay. Sikshana, a long-standing Solution Partner of Vibha since 2002, addresses this motivation gap through four main elements- Rewards and incentives, Safe to fail environments, Structured learning, and Deliberate practice. In 2006, Vibha recognized Sikshana as a replicable, scalable, and sustainable model for transforming the public education system.
    Within the first two years of partnership, Vibha supported Sikshana's expansion from 15 to 130 schools, benefitting 56 schools in total. By 2013, Vibha supported approximately 185 schools and collaborated with Sikshana to experiment with various strategies to optimize the model. In 2017, the Government of Karnataka signed an MOU officially acknowledging Sikshana as a model to be implemented in all Karnataka Government schools.

Leadership Team

  • Vijay Vemulapalli


  • Deep Ranjani Rai

    Program Director

  • Maryma Scotlin

    Director, CSR, South India

  • Jyoti Wadmare

    Program Director

  • Arti Singh

    Senior Program Manager

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2018-19

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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