The We Foundation

Strives for sustainable, community-driven models, believing in partnerships and innovation to tackle pressing development challenges and achieve objectives

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Kolkata, West Bengal

  • Since


The We foundation is a non-profit organization, officially registered in February 2011 under The Indian Trust Act 1882. The philanthropic journey bega Read moren in February 2011, and it has been operating on a larger scale since January 2019. Comprising a dedicated team of professionals with diverse experiences in the development sector, The We Foundation (TWF) was established to champion innovative, sustainable community-owned models and their replication, aiming for enduring economic, social, environmental, and human impact. The foundation firmly believes that strong partnerships and innovative approaches can address some of the most pressing development challenges and enable us to achieve the developmental objectives. Experience has shown that women and children are disproportionately affected by extreme poverty and poor health. However, with the right nurturing and access to resources, women possess the resilience to manage entire families and help communities break free from the cycle of poverty, leading to dignified and sustainable lives. As a result, TWF places special emphasis on reaching and empowering extremely vulnerable populations, particularly women and children in both urban and rural settings, as well as migrant and mobile populations, rural entrepreneurs, and urban youths. We are committed to helping them realize their full potential and supporting them throughout their developmental journey to achieve sustainable and healthy livelihoods for themselves and their communities. TWF engages in various areas of intervention, including health and nutrition, access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (including faecal sludge management), livelihood promotion through dairy and livestock management, natural resource management, self-help women's group promotion, eco-tourism, education, clean energy, art and culture, sports, and emergency preparedness and response. The foundation’s special feature lies in offering product-based solutions and employing innovative implementation approaches to achieve maximum impact. It concentrates its efforts on assisting vulnerable groups, including women, children, transgender individuals, unemployed youths, and those in high-risk or hard-to-reach areas. Collaboration is at the core of the work, because it functions as a cohesive team that partners with local governments, community-based organizations (CBOs), and NGOs to reach marginalized communities. The foundation places a strong emphasis on community involvement and engagement with key stakeholders throughout the planning and execution phases. It cultivates partnerships with local civil society organizations and government bodies, employing innovative approaches to deliver high-quality services. It also focuses on building the capacity of both the community and local institutions to ensure visible and sustainable impacts across all our development projects.

Demographies Served


WASH initiative - Total direct beneficiaries - 19,360, Total direct population impacted in Dharavi - 135,520 Winter camp beneficiaries - In Paschim Jayrampur School, Behala- 167 Students, In Vivekananda Prathamik Vidyalaya, Behala – 183 Students. Total Beneficiaries: 350 Students. The blended learning initiative impacted a total of over 350 teachers and children.


  • Health and nutrition

    The We Foundation operates in close collaboration with communities, local, state, and central governments, NGOs, corporations, and grassroots organizations. The primary mission is to ensure accessible, affordable, available, and culturally acceptable primary healthcare services for the most vulnerable and marginalized children and women, both in rural and urban areas.
    The foundation is dedicated to identifying the root causes of healthcare challenges and providing innovative solutions to enhance healthcare quality in India. The key focus areas encompass a range of vital healthcare initiatives, including:
    1. Addressing malnutrition
    2. Screening and treatment of cancer patients
    3. Mobile medical units, clinics, and mHealth apps
    4. Infrastructure development
    5. Health camps
    6. Responding to health emergencies

  • WASH

    The Right to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) is a fundamental and indispensable right that significantly influences various aspects of human life, including health, nutrition, education, and overall well-being, particularly for children.
    The objectives of the foundation are closely aligned with the Government of India's goals. These objectives encompass several key areas, including the construction and renovation of toilets in institutions such as schools and community facilities, along with extensive awareness campaigns to promote proper usage and maintenance. The foundation aims to provide rural households with access to safe drinking water and encourages water-saving behaviours in urban households. The organization also places emphasis on addressing issues related to fluoride and arsenic contamination in affected areas. The foundation is committed to promoting Solid and Liquid Waste Management (SLWM) in all Gram Panchayats and Urban Local Bodies.

  • Women empowerment

    At the Skill Development Centre, the foundation offers a diverse range of courses tailored to the specific needs and interests of various age groups. The courses are piloted based on demand and undergo rigorous testing. When good response is received, it replicates these courses in other locations to ensure wider access. Placement opportunities are a cornerstone of the professional skill development courses, and it prioritizes courses that are in high demand. The courses are accessible to youth and women across India, facilitated through collaborations with government agencies, corporations, and NGOs. It acts as a central point of contact for training referrals between government and private sectors, maintaining a repository of trained trainers and fostering connections with relevant authorities. The foundation conducts outreach training workshops for both youths and women, strengthening health systems through induction workshops for healthcare workers.

  • Sustainable enterprises

    The foundation promotes the establishment of environmentally friendly and resilient microenterprises, with the primary goal of increasing income-generating opportunities for marginalized women and unemployed youths. The foundation’s support extends to investments in activities that prioritize resource efficiency, minimize pollution, adopt green practices, and enhance resilience.
    The approach involves several key elements:
    1. Resource Mapping: Identifies and leverages local resources, encompassing natural, infrastructure, financial, social, and human assets.
    2. Needs Assessment: Assesses the needs of underprivileged individuals, particularly youths and women's groups with untapped talents and entrepreneurial potential.
    3. Technological Innovation: Encourages the adoption of innovative, eco-friendly technologies and practices within these microenterprises.
    4. Product and Service Development
    5. Resilience Building
    6. Market Linkages

  • Protection

    Through various initiatives and in collaboration with global, national, and state partners, the foundation is committed to safeguarding the well-being of children and fostering a secure environment for those requiring special care and attention.
    The foundation extends its support by offering sponsorships to single orphans or children who have lost one or both parents to COVID-19. These children often reside with extended families and need dedicated care and protection, ensuring that they can fully realize their fundamental rights related to survival, protection, development, and participation as children.

  • Digital learning

    In alignment with GOAL 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals, which focuses on forging new partnerships for digital education, and recognizing the significance of the Government of India's New Education Policy 2020, the foundation acknowledges the transformative potential of digital technologies in revolutionizing the delivery of online education, especially in bridging the gaps brought about by school closures.
    The key objective is to champion the integration of digital resources as a fundamental learning tool within the government school education system. The foundation has entered into a strategic partnership with Cognizant, the digital partner. Together, they are implementing a capacity-building program designed to empower government primary and secondary school teachers and non-teaching staff with digital skills. These individuals serve on the frontlines of educational change and play a pivotal role in the digital transformation of our education system.

  • Winter camp

    The We Foundation hosted an engaging three-day winter camp, combining education with fun activities. The camp's curriculum was designed to focus on syllabus-based learning, equipping students with essential life skills and preparing them for the future. The primary emphasis was on enhancing their foundational skills and introducing them to the concept of E-Learning.
    The camp catered to 100 students and aimed to strengthen their language and numerical abilities, particularly focusing on building analytical skills through numerical exercises. The numerical structure component aimed to teach students about seriation and the value of numbers. To aid in their understanding, graded reading cards were provided, enabling them to grasp the various symbols, letters, and words necessary for constructing sentences. In addition to academics, the camp emphasized environmental awareness. The children also explored creative arts like origami using newspapers and magazines, drawing, colouring.

  • Blended learning

    The dedicated team members of The We Foundation conducted an endline assessment at Paschim Jayrampur School and Vivekananda School. During these assessment sessions, questionnaires were carefully crafted, and students were evaluated in four subjects: Bengali, Maths, EVS, and English. The team engaged not only with the students but also with their parents and teachers.
    Project Objectives of this initiative:
    1. Promote smart learning by transforming three schools into smart classrooms.
    2. Enhance child-friendly teaching approaches through training provided to 115 schoolteachers across three schools, facilitating greater access to digital education.
    3. Facilitate curriculum development to align with modern educational needs.
    4. Empower government teachers to independently utilize digital tools effectively.
    5. Provide graded reading cards to aid students in understanding various symbols, letters, and words required for constructing meaningful sentences.
    6. Introduce e-learning techniques

Leadership Team

  • Nabanita Banerjee


  • Krishnendu Banerjee


  • Anjan Kumar Behera


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type
