Scope For Change

Empowers the under-privileged for their complete sustainable development

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    New Delhi, Delhi

  • Since


Scope for Change is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering individuals and communities through sustainable development projects. We work on Read more a variety of social and environmental initiatives, striving to create positive change in the world. Our team is passionate, dedicated, and driven by a shared commitment to making a difference. Our projects are focused on education, women empowerment, the environment, social well-being, and health.


Flagship Project "Hamein Padhao Hamein Badhao": SFC is making a profound impact on lives through education by providing underserved communities with access to quality learning opportunities. By establishing learning centers and educational programs in marginalized areas, they are breaking the cycle of poverty and empowering individuals to shape their own futures. Through their holistic approach, Scope for Change is equipping students with essential skills and knowledge, transforming their lives and opening doors to endless possibilities.


  • Hamein Padhao Hamein Badhao


    Based on our findings, and understanding the life of underprivileged communities, Scope For Change has initiated SFC Learning Center where we are delivering skills to 120 children. The overall objective is the holistic development of children from underprivileged communities by imparting new skills to them to face the competitive world.

    With Learning Centers, SFC would like to provide a platform to the children where they can exhibit their talent. Besides, our focus at the learning center has been on imbibing moral values, spreading health & hygiene awareness, training about waste segregation and keeping them safe in an environment of education.

  • Hamein Badhna Hai


    The objective of the Skills & Scholarship Project is to support 500 underprivileged students by honing their individual talents. Our goal is to ensure that each student obtains the necessary knowledge, skills, and capabilities to realize their full potential and become productive, responsible individuals.

    How do we serve?
    Our approach involves assessing the skills of students who attend our center and providing tailored guidance to enhance their abilities, enabling them to thrive in their chosen career paths.
    In cases where students express interest in skills not offered at our center, we offer scholarships to enroll them in institutions where they can acquire advanced-level expertise.
    Additionally, we engage students in a variety of activities, such as Art & Craft, where they learn to create items using recyclable and biodegradable materials. These creations can be sold, providing the students with a means of livelihood.

  • Gyaan Ganga

    This project of Book Donation provides underprivileged children with the resources they require to get a quality education. By providing these resources, especially books, to the children, we can give them a whole new possibility of life.
    We act as a medium for collecting and distributing books through collaborations and partnerships.

    How do we serve?
    We conduct activities in the parks & closed places. We give them books, stationery, colors, and lasting memories through our fun activities.
    Likewise, we distribute books to the Scholars, in need.
    We donate books to other NGOs that are working towards the Education cause.

  • Garima

    The aim of conducting this drive is to raise awareness of menstrual health & the welfare of women. Menstrual hygiene has a detrimental effect on girls' and women's schooling, wellbeing & economic potential. As we all know, menstruation is a normal biological process that maintains the female reproductive cycle. Without this process, there would be no ovulation and hence, no reproduction. Unfortunately, this topic remains elusive and is even considered taboo in different parts of the world.

    How do we serve?
    We do workshops to spread awareness.
    We invite speakers. (Doctors and Subject Major Experts.)
    We distribute Biodegradable napkins
    We provide free medical consultation

  • Prakriti

    Scope for Change strives towards making the planet greener. We also understand the importance of restoring the urban ecology for a better city life. With this motive, we conduct plantation drives under project "Prakriti" regularly.

    What do we do in project "Prakriti"?
    We plant trees through our physical, virtual plantation drives, or in collaboration.
    We create awareness sessions by communicating with young generation.
    We research to understand various problems of the farmers and align them with solutions by talking to authorities.
    The motto of this project at Scope for Change is to make the coming generation, aware about being environment friendly.

  • Aarogya

    Scope For Change is actively engaged in arranging health awareness camps and we did a lot of relief activities during COVID-19 such as providing face masks to the people fighting the Corona virus as well as helping the front-line workers, etc.
    Someone has rightly said, "Health is wealth."

    How do we serve?
    Health awareness camps
    Under this initiative, we donate reusable masks or surgical masks and hand sanitizers to the front-line workers & underprivileged community.
    For distribution, we visit slums, and roadside areas and use this as a mandatory item on every drive that we conduct.

  • Annapurna

    COVID19 has challenged every sector of our economy. As privileged citizens of India, we still have a house where we sleep, eat, and work peacefully. The power of digitalization has enabled us to buy all our basic amenities through online portals. Launched this project during COVID lockdown to meet the demand of hunger for underprivileged communities. We have been serving dry ration kits and cooked meals across the Delhi NCR region.

    How do we serve?
    Serve one meal or multiple meals for the day.
    Serve the dry ration for the entire family.
    Provide customized dry ration to the scholars, who are in utter need.

  • Anmol Khushiyan

    As we all know, a smile is an indicator of hope, poverty tries to steal a person’s smile away. Scope For Change loves to bring smiles back to the ones suffering from poverty. The project Anmol Khushiyaan, has been initiated with the ultimate aim of sharing warmth, love and hope with the less privileged people. We take care of their needs like :
    Blankets and Warm Clothing
    Distributing uniforms
    Generally, our refreshment packets include - chocolates, chips, cupcakes, biscuits, soft drinks and toys. We also make sure to celebrate every occasion and share our happiness with them, be it Holi, Diwali, Christmas or New Year.

  • Iksaar


    SFC has taken the responsibility to educate and empower the mothers of the children who have been a part of our “Hamein Padhao, Hamein Badhao” initiative. As we all know, the women, or mothers, of the family are the first ones to teach the children…we started with them.
    Educating mothers is an integral part of educating a family for its development. It is very obvious that mothers are trained to be more independent and stay confident in whatever skills they possess.

    What do we do in project "Iksaar"?
    We are teaching them English and Computers also helping them with life skills.
    We are planning to create a livelihood for these women so that they can be self-dependent in the form of stitching center or making products to sell.

Leadership Team

  • Perminder Singh Malik


  • Ramneet Kaur


  • Rakesh Kumar Rana

    Vice President

  • Sudesh Kumari


  • Preeti Bedi

    Head Projects

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    19/7A, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi, 110018


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.