Alohomora Education Foundation

Empowers young people from underserved communities to make career choices as per their interest and natural strengths

  • Silver Certified 2023
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Silver Certified Silver Certified


  • Headquarters

    New Delhi, Delhi

  • Since


Designs various programs and content for students to provide them with relevant learning based on their interests and industry. Executes these prog Read morerams through facilitation and system capacity building. Invites professionals, experts from different industries to conduct webinars, sessions and interactions with students to make them aware of self and interest-aligned opportunities in the industry. Organizes weekly self-learning activities for students to learn and practice new skills, share their work and get recognition. Claims to have created an impact in 2020-21 as follows: - 3 Lac students impacted through the EMC program in collaboration with the Delhi Govt. - 1300+ students reached during the Covid-19 response campaign. - distributed 108 tablets to students with limited device access to ensure their continued learning. - Connected 100+ families with NGOs or local counselors for basic relief support.

Demographies Served

Vision & Mission

We aim to build an ecosystem of support for EVERY young person in India to enable structured career exploration and informed career choice.

Our mission is to enable 1 million young adults from underserved communities to explore and make informed career choices by 2025.

Donor History

Amazon, KPMG, NTPC, InfoEdge


  • Pratibha Manthan - District-Wide Career Guidance Program

    Pratibha Manthan is a collaboration between Alohomora Education Foundation and the District Administration & Department of Education, Jhajjar, Haryana. This is a career support program for all govt. school students of 10th-12th grade. The focus is to leverage existing student-teacher connections and the local community to inspire students towards diverse career pathways. We enable teachers with necessary resources and support to take the idea and tools for career exploration to students so that they are able to make choices that align with their interests and strengths.

Impact Metrics

  • Overall Teacher and Student Satisfaction of the Program

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Confidence to Make a Career Choice

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Awareness on Diverse Career Options

    Year-wise Metrics

Theory of Change

We aim to equip students with the skills, knowledge and mindsets and a clear plan which enables them to feel confident about working towards a career of their choice.

1. Impact: Building confidence and a sense of purpose in students to take action and pursue careers of their choice.

2. Outcomes:
a. Increased awareness/knowledge:
i. - Increase in knowledge of careers (new and existing)
- Increase in understanding the importance of interest & skill alignment in making a career choice
ii. - Awareness of the resources and information they can access when making a career choice
- Awareness of the stakeholders in their ecosystem whose support they can leverage

b. Increased capacity/skill
i. - Demonstration of the skills required to identify a career choice and develop a plan of action

c. Increased clarity
i. - Increase in clarity of how to achieve their career goals during and post program
- Increase in clarity of the actions required to pursue their chosen career during the course of the program

3. Outputs:
- Career content uploaded on LMS
- Training conducted
- Facilitator / volunteer recruitment criteria created
- Students / young adults onboarded, registered & attended
- Expert sessions conducted
- Facilitator Feedback conversations completed
- Plan of action submitted by students / young adults
- Alumni inducted

4. Inputs:
- Learning Management System + Content created
- Recruitment of facilitators / volunteers
-Training for facilitators / volunteers
- Careershala programme delivery
- Individualised student feedback/Expert sessions
- Engaging users and use their feedback for program improvement

5. Resources:
- Funding/Grants
- Staff, volunteers & experts
- Outreach & registration plan
- Data collection tools & dashboards

6. Our assumption:
There are a variety of factors that impact young adults to choose a career of their choice. This includes access to quality and continuous education, exposure to mentors, accessible reources, and stakeholder support. The process is complex!

Our assumption is by exploring different careers, students are likely to get clarity and confidence which will be key to decide which career they should pursue in the future. This also strengthens one's position to reach out to relevant stakeholders for their support to reach a career goal.

Leadership Team

  • Niyati Saxena

    Senior Manager - Program Design

  • Shivanshu Arya

    Project Lead - Desh Ke Mentor

  • Utkarsh Mishra

    Project Lead - Pratibha Manthan

  • Ritica Maheshwari

    Manager - Fundraising & Donor Relations

  • Parinita Jain

    Co-Founder & Lead - Program & Impact

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    Flat No. 401, 4th Floor, Aashirwad Commercial Complex, D-1, (K-84), Green Park Main, New Delhi, 110016


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.