Society for Awareness, Harmony and Equal Rights(SAHER), is working to encourage youth and adolescents to think in a different way and come out of the Read morenarrow boundaries of community and religion. It runs a programme “Parwaaz”, which aims to bring youth of different communities together onto a single platform. They are introduced to concepts of citizenship education, conflict management, reproductive health, gender and sustainable development to understand the dynamics of a complex society. The youth are encouraged to sit in a group and interact with each other to understand each other’s diverse views and also explore their own selves. The final aim of the exercise is to initiate campaigns, voluntary action, interships and community actions among the youth. Initiative “Mohalla Hamara”, tries to motivate the youth to try and understand their own communities through interaction with community members and leads to learning of civic issues, insights into the Indian Constitution and working with public agencies to address issues faced by the communities. “Neev” and “Tameer” are programmes run by SAHER to train young people from underserved communities in life skills which will help them gain sustenance and employment in the future. Through Sports for Peace the organisation brings children from different communities and gender together on the playground. The children share the joy of playing and interacting with each other breaking the boundaries of religion, community and gender.
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