Centre for Autism and Other Disabilities Rehabilitation Research and Education

Empowers children with Autism through rehabilitation initiatives and continuous family support while conducting research and advocating for appropriate policies

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

  • Since


CADRRE(Centre for Autism and Other Disabilities Rehabilitation Research and Education) is a non-profit organisation that was established in 2016 to ad Read moredress the increasing cases of autism in the disability sector. The organisation aims to bring meaningful changes in the lives of children on the autism spectrum by providing proof-based interventions, planned learning programmes, regular evaluations and family support. CADRRE also conducts research on different features of autism and support for the affected families. With the support of many donors and patrons, the organisation focuses on creating an inclusive environment that empowers individuals with autism to realize their full potential. Additionally, CADRRE strives to assist in mainstreaming individuals with autism to formal education and employment and provides providing for assisted living for adults with autism. CADRRE envisions renewing the lives of people with autism through best practice principles and family-based inclusive care across the lifecycle.


  • Interdisciplinary Intervention Services for children with Autism

    CADRRE provides a full-day intervention program in a school setting, with all therapies under one roof, for over 50 children with Autism in the age group of 2.5-18 years; over 70 children and their families have been positively impacted by The Autism school with deserving families receiving scholarships. Each child receives an Individualised Education Plan based on their evaluation, created in agreement with the parents.

  • Parent-Mediated Intervention for young children with Autism

    CADRRE provides a free-of-cost parent-mediated intervention program for young children with Autism, empowering parents to be their child’s primary therapists; over 12 families are being mentored through our free-of-cost parent-mediated intervention program thus far.

  • Employability Training Program for young adults with Autism

    CADRRE provides a free-of-cost employability training program for young adults with Autism, with training in life skills, communication skills and social skills followed by training in job-specific skills and onsite apprenticeship at a potential employer; 24 young adults with Autism have been trained thus far, with 9 securing paid internships at reputed institutions in the IT, retail and hospitality sectors.

  • Diagnosis & Assessments Service for Autism

    CADRRE offers free evaluations for individuals with autism, conducted by a team of carefully selected speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, and psychologists using regulated tools. Both the child and their parents are required to attend along with relevant medical records and therapy documents. Based on the evaluation, the team recommends a suitable course of action for treatment and support.
    The free assessment clinic has done over 750 detailed Autism assessments, guiding families to manage their autism diagnosis

  • Support for School-Going Children with Autism

    CADRRE provides an after-school support program for children with Autism attending regular school, helping them with their language development, communication, social interaction, fine and gross motor challenges; over 10 children have been supported through our after-school program thus far.

  • Skills Building Program for young adults with Autism

    CADRRE provides a skills building program for young adults with Autism, with training in glass bottle upcycling, soap-making, candle-making, decoupage, culinary and hospitality skills, besides guidance on turning skills into a vocation or self-employment opportunity

Leadership Team

  • Dr. M. I. Sahadullah

    Chairman, KIMS Group of Hospitals

  • Pratibha Karanth

    Founder, Com DEALL

  • Sarbani Mallick

    Founder Director, Bubbles

  • G Vijaya Raghavan

    Honorary Director, CADRRE

  • K. M. Chandrasekhar

    Former Cabinet Secretary, Govt. of India & Former Vice-Chairman, State Planning Board Member

  • Dr. Arun Pillai Sasidharan

    Consultant Child Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist

  • K. Nandakumar

    Founder & CEO, SunTec Business Solutions

  • V.S.M. Nair


  • Alexander Varghese

    Chief Operating Officer, UST

  • Lekshmi Nair

    Principal Advisory Member – CADRRE Advisory Board

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    TC 12/43, PMG – Plamudu Road, Thiruvananthapuram, 695004


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type

    Section 8 (formerly Section 25)