Jubayer Masud Educational & Charitable Trust

Jubayer Masud Educational & Charitable Trust is a non-profit organisation, established in 2008 that works primarily in the domain of Education and Livelihoods. Its primary office is in Assam.

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters


  • Since


Jubayer Masud Educational & Charitable Trust (JMECT) is a not-for-profit organization based in the Bongaigaon district of (Assam), India. The trus Read moret was formed in April 2008, in memory of Jubayer Masud, a student of class III, who was kidnapped and brutally murdered while returning from school to his home. In memory of his sad demise, JMECT was set up with an aim of working on education and livelihood issues in the area. The organization is registered under India Trust Act, 12A,80G under the India Tax Act and FCRA under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Govt. Of India.  Since its inception, JMECT is working towards achieving its goal by providing ‘quality education to underprivileged children with livelihood supports to their parents and help to develop them into confident, employable and responsible citizens of tomorrow’. Aiming to improve the school culture and environment and help children to learn in a better way is always a focus area of our intervention. Keeping in mind the adverse socio-economical condition and difficult education scenario in the area, apart from our team building agenda we have to continue with our existing programmes in schools and supplementary learning centres along with livelihood and disaster management programs.

Demographies Served


  • Early Child Education


    Early childhood care and education (ECCE) is more than preparation for primary school. It aims at the holistic development of a child’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs in order to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing. ECCE has the possibility to nurture caring, capable and responsible future citizens.
    Here the concern JMECT is to support govt. schools that have been facing problems in management due shortage of teachers where there is huge gape of teacher student ratio . By providing additional teachers of JMECT could fulfill the gap of teacher student ratio.
    Though the focus was to support the govt. schools, JMECT always took tend to follow own models of teaching.
    JMECT has been working with Govt. schools. Before the intervention many children were out of reach from the teacher as the number of children was huge. But the teacher support from JMECT could extend and provided better service and thus attention could be spread to

  • Remedial Education


    Due to several causes a number of children are not achieving grade appropriate learning competency. A number of children lacked basic literacy and numeracy could not participate at the level of their grade. These children is provide support to achieve certain competencies, so that gradually they gather confidence and cope up in the regular classes. With the help of diagnostic baseline assessment learning level of each child is identify and make an individual plan for remediation and bridging at their appropriate grade. with the bridging taught in a manner. During our intervention we found that a section of students were far behind from their grade appropriate level. Around 10500 children is given learning support through this process. Yearly about one thousand children are benefitted under this program .

  • Youth Program


    The aim behind the youth Programme is to ensure that the youth of today become socially aware and responsible citizens. The Jagrik Project is aimed at building young people’s capacities for meeting challenges as they reflect in today’s world. Designed in the format of a real-life simulation, the project has created a platform for young people to live the ground realities of the Indian Constitution – be aware of their fundamental rights, understand the significance of their fundamental duties, and imbibe the values enshrined in the document. Through this public initiative, young people will experience the manner by which the rights and duties enshrined in the Constitution are being enacted and lived, and have a platform to report and speak about their experiences.

  • Alternative Livelihood Program :


    The organization has been working on alternative livelihood since 2016. During our initiative on education the organization observed that many parents do not send their children to school for education is a lower priority than survival in extreme poverty. The primary source of livelihood in the area is agriculture. Most people in the area are daily wages earners. Many people have lost their homes in the floods and the main livelihood of those families is now run on construction labour, bricks labour, coal labour, collecting of wastage materials etc. Maximum families are below poverty line. Many children drop out from schools to supplement their family income by working in the fields, restaurants, garages, ragpicking, brick industries, bidi industry in hazardous conditions without any incentives .Under this circumstances the organization decide to work on livelihood issue for better education . The goal of the program is to support poverty reduction to the poor parents who have s

  • Relief and Rehabilitation


    Since inception the Organisation involve relief and rehabilation initiative . under this initiative distributed ration kit , hand tube well , GIC sheet , Water filter ,Solar light , Blanket ,cloth , Medical kit among flood affected people as well as during current pandemic situation . Already covered 22000 families under this program .

Leadership Team

  • Abdul Jalil Ahmed

    Executive Director

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    Vill.Sontoshpur pt.II,P.O.Sontoshpur, Bongaigaon, Assam, India, 783384


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses