Jidnyasa Charitable Trust

Jidnyasa is working with the Vision: - “A world where every child feels safe and empowered”

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Kolhapur, Maharashtra

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Jidnyasa is working in rural area of Kolhapur district .20 % of children are coming from middle class family and 80 % of children are from below pover Read morety line. Farming/agriculture is the main source of earning of parents. Children’s are active but they need guidance. community environment is not as much as healthy for child development. From last 2 years Jidnyasa is doing intervention with this children’s we have conducted various extracurricular activities with children’s Now children’s need more basic guidance related to curriculum. therefore, we will now work in the area of support classes for subject with play way, child friendly methods. Second segment which we are working with sugarcane industry migrants’ children. They are seasonal migrants’ children. Every year when sugar cane cutting starts after Diwali in the October they came in the factory premises and live there for 6-7 months with tent. At this time children’s break their education, and lives in vulnerable condition. Child affects with all aspects like Health, Education, Good growth, addiction, child marriage, child abuse and so on. We are conducting various activities with them to mainstream in education flow.


Globally, 763 million people are living outside of their native place which imposes a huge effect on the education of their children (GMR, 2019). In India, despite making laudable efforts to promote opportunities for local employment, inter-state migration rates have doubled between 2001 and 2011 (World Economic Forum, 2017) hence affecting the education of millions of children. In India, seasonal migration comprises a chunk of the population moving from rural to urban and rural to rural areas for duration of minimum four months annually • Seasonal migration is very high due to lack of employment opportunities at the native place which forces families or individuals to relocate • Annually, 9 million people migrated between states from 2011 to 2016 (Ministry of Finance, 2017) • Majority of this type of migration has been of those people who are either semiskilled or unskilled • Generally, the family migrates as a full unit, as parents do not want to leave the children behind in villages due to their safety and security Article 21A of the Constitution of India was introduced under the 86thAmendment which made Right to Education a fundamental right in India for children under the age of 14. Strategies to reach the ‘hardest to reach’ children were discussed in the tenth plan (2002-07). It involved initiatives under the SSA to identify the children at risk, undertake a need base analysis and design effective strategies. The task of government was to make sure that no child was left behind in terms of receiving quality elementary education. Keeping in mind the challenges posed by different groups of children as well as the need to reach all, the Right to Education Bill was introduced in 2005. Finally, in 2009, six decades after the independence, the RTE was passed in India. Owing to the movement of the citizens across the country and the possibility of the children to miss out on schooling, the Act mentions that it is the duty of the local government to ensure admission of the children from the migrant families. The framing of RTE, discussion on education of children from migrant families was taken up in the eleventh and twelfth five-year plans and within the SSA framework. The eleventh plan (2007 –12) proposed the plan of walk-in Integrated Child Development Services centres in the railway stations and bus stands, where the migrant children were most likely to arrive. On arrival the children were to be given identity cards and they could use the basic services of health check-up. The identity cards would ensure tracking of children as they moved and could help them in getting placed in nearby schools. The discussion was also reflected in the framing of the twelfth five-year plan (2012 –17). Components of permanent migration as well as seasonal migration were discussed in more details. The plan suggested opening of seasonal schools in the destination area for children of migrant families. But the ground realities are differing from on paper policies and amendments. Several research from Kolhapur district shows that most of the migrant children are out of schools. So Jidnyasa has decided to do interventions in this area


Project activities: - 1. Mapping and Situation Analysis: The purpose of this activity is to understand the Current situation of migrated children’s, their educational status, no of age wise children’s, other project related history. This would include pre-project test to implements need base activities for migrated children. 2. Establishment of learning centre: - 2.1 Learning centre is the place where children will come together in one place and learn. This centre will be started in actual field where children don’t have educational access. One teacher and helper will run the centre. 2.2 Mobile resource centre is a van where children’s can enjoy the joyful learning through educational toys, pictorial books, computer, audio-video CD s , lots of fun activities includes in this mobile van. 2.3 Exposure visits will be arranged for children with learning entertainment. Like educational small trips to police station, Mall, vegetable Mandai, where children can learn through experience. 2.4 Celebration of all festivals, cultural programmes to inhibit knowledge and history about all festivals among children. 3. Health screening of children’s: - Health check-up activity for migrated children’s will be carried out in the field. It will help to analyse health problems among children. On the report of health screening if any children need medical help, will be guide for further treatment. Other health and hygiene related sessions will carry out with children’s and parents. Menstruation hygiene management session will be conducted for adolescent group 4. Parents Meeting: - Education of children might not be a priority for the families who migrate but awareness generation and community mobilization help them in realizing the as a right of their Children To improve parents’ participation in child education Continues parents meeting are needed. Parents meetings will be conducted on the issues of child education, child rights, child abuse, nutrition and health issues of children’s 5. Safe protective environment around children’s: - To ensure safety side of children’s, Children’s are affected because of unsafe place Unhealthy environment, we will ensure safety environment to children’s through awareness. 5.4 Results: - 1. One learning Centre (200 children’s mainstream back into education process) will run full pledge with various learning praogram and activities. 2. Increased participation of parents in Child’s education up to 50%. 3. Improved educational interest among children s up to 70%. 4. Improved stakeholder’s participation in the development of migrated children. 5. Advocacy base data collection will be ready for the rights migrated people.


This Year one of intervention area Z.P school one girl students got seated in scholarship rank . out of 19 17 students marked 90% Now we are getting one identity from community people see this is JIDNYASA S people . Parents and teacher insisted us please guide our children's in tough subjects . Sugar school children’s regularize in centre with basic activities


  • To improve the Educational and Health aspects among migrated children’s

    The project is intervenning for migrated children to mainstream them in education process. Will provide good environment for children with the access of education and Health. We will do exclusive outreach to reach migrated children.
    Will create many opportunities for children to create educational interest among children’s by providing learning center for the migrated children. A major activity of the center is to enroll the children’s in education process who drop out from schools’ various exposure visits will be arrange to inspire children.
    The project will benefit the parents also; will insure the awareness through campaign about various educational schemes. Improves the parent’s participation in child development process.

    5.1 Goal
    The overall goal of the proposed project is to mainstream in education of migrated children through various program
    5.2 Objectives
    • To inculcate educational interest among children by establishing learning centers, resource Centre, expos

  • “Enhancing learning outcomes for school-going children from the marginalized communities of Kolhapur district, Maharashtra”

    School students are the primary beneficiaries of the proposed project. The project will help improve the quality of education through supplementary classes and ensure that the benefits of education are translated into economic development and growth for the country. Higher learning outcomes will allow graduates of secondary schools to continue their higher education and attain education relevant to labor market needs. Applying inclusive education principles to teacher training and holistic learning the project will improve access to quality education for 120 children in the area. The project will deliver quality supplementary education in among the marginalized communities of Kagal block of Kolhapur district. It will operate after￾school education programs for school children. The project is expected to improve learning outcomes and bridge learning gaps in the formal education system. Along with the subject training, the children will be exposed to experiential learning.

Leadership Team

  • Suraj Patil

    Co -Founder

  • Ms.Deepali Chougule

    Founder Director

Demographics & Structure

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  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


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  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    a/p-vandur, tal-kagal,dist-kolhapur, Kolhapur, 416216


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 Income / Expenses
  • 2023-24

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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