Jivika Healthcare

Empowers rural communities in India through collaborative initiatives, maximising social impact by providing comprehensive support and sustainable services

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  • Headquarters

    Pune, Maharashtra

  • Since


Jivika aims to take healthcare services from hospitals to homes and communities. Our vision is to build an affordable, equitable, quality healthcare e Read morecosystem for rural, tribal and urban communities. We are incubated at the Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad. We are on a mission of “Serving the Underserved” and " Reaching to the Unreached" by taking healthcare services near to vulnerable/marginal populations within Tribal, Rural and urban areas. Over the past four years, we have served more than 2.7 million hard – to – reach populations across 8 states and 40+ districts. The areas of Jivika’s intervention are as follows: • Routine Immunization • Primary Healthcare • NCD Care • HPV Vaccination • Eye Care • Anaemia & Nutrition Driven by its mission to serve 25 million people by 2025, Jivika envisions making a tangible difference in the lives of underserved individuals by providing equitable and sustainable healthcare services at the grassroots level. Through its work, it aspires to empower communities and bring about long-lasting improvements in their well-being.


Jivika's initiatives have reached over 40 districts across 7 states, collaborating with 30+ corporates, and positively influencing the lives of more than 2.7 million individuals.


  • AdoptAZindagi Programme


    Jivika presents a groundbreaking initiative - AdoptAZindagi, a pioneering vaccination model focused on safeguarding our future - our children (0-9 years). We're not just a campaign; we're a movement to enhance protection against 6 vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs) not covered by the Government's Universal Immunization Program (UIP).
    Imagine a world where Meningococcal, Japanese Encephalitis, Typhoid, Hepatitis A, Chickenpox, and Influenza are no longer threats to our little ones. That's the world we're building, and we need YOUR support.
    Our program complements Government efforts. While they do their best, we step in to cover the gaps. This isn't just about vaccines; it's about securing the future, one child at a time.

  • Healthcare On Wheels Programme

    Jivika Healthcare’s Healthcare On Wheels (Swasthya Sawari) initiative aims to take primary healthcare facilities closer to communities residing in hard-to-reach areas. In hard-to-reach areas, the healthcare services are not easily accessible due to several factors like lack of health seeking behaviour, lack of transportation, lack of proper road connectivity and many more. To make healthcare easily accessible to the unreached and underprivileged communities Jivika has introduced doctor based mobile clinics that have screening facility of 20+ communicable, non-communicable diseases along with RMNCH+A, dental care and eye care. The program focuses on providing quality primary healthcare services including screening, diagnosis, counselling, consultations, treatment, and referrals. Till date we have directly impacted the lives of more than 50,000 people residing in hard-to-reach rural and tribal areas through Healthcare On Wheels.

  • HPV Vaccination

    Jivika Healthcare’s Cervical Cancer vaccination campaign focuses on equity, quality and accessibility of the Cervical Cancer vaccine for girls in 9-14 years’ age group belonging to low-income families. With a Crude Incidence Rate of 23.5, current estimates indicate that every year 134,420 Indian women are diagnosed with Cervical Cancer with the figure of new cases projected to reach 203,757 by 2025. The Cervical Cancer vaccine is one of the most cost-effective tools against Cervical Cancer, and has been credited with substantially reducing the disease burden in many countries. Jivika has ensured safety against Cervical Cancer to 6358 underprivileged girls through its Cervical Cancer Vaccination Campaign. Cervical Cancer is a preventable disease and we believe that no girl should be deprived of an opportunity to protect herself against it.

Impact Metrics

  • Doses Administered

    Program Name

    Routine Immunization

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 7458
  • Doses Administered

    Program Name

    Cervical Cancer Vaccination

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 6358

Leadership Team

  • Jignesh Patel

    Founder & Chief Executive Officer

  • Krunal Mehta

    Co - Founder & Chief Operating Officer

  • Sangita More

    Project Manager

  • Shrinath Bedarkar

    Head - M & E

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    4th floor, Windsor Commerce, Baner Rd, near Hotel Wadeshwar, Pune, 41105


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type

    Private Limited Company