Balajee Sewa Sansthan

Empowers disadvantaged communities through initiatives focused on economic self-sufficiency, health, women empowerment, education, and rural development

  • Gold Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Gold Certified Gold Certified


  • Headquarters

    Dehradun, Uttarakhand

  • Since


Balajee Sewa Sansthan is a non-profit Organization committed to working for overall development of marginal people like economic self-sufficiency, thr Read moreough various initiatives. The organization’s head office is located at Subhash Nagar, Dehradun . Balajee Sewa Sansthan is the rural outreach, providing direct and indirect services in the districts of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. The primary focus areas of service have been Health and Hygiene, Women empowerment, Farmers development and Comprehensive Rural Development, Financial Inclusion, Microfinance, Education and livelihood measures


1. Every year more than 13 lakh people die due to the caused of tobacco use diseases in India. We are working on awareness, enforcement and implementation of law and at the policy level advocacy. 2. Farmers not get right price at right time of his farm produce. 3. Women and Youth needs alternative skill for the meployment. 4. Smoking is started at the age of 8-10 years, so all school need tobacco free institution. 5. Passive smoking is another issues so need to make every place smoke free. 6. TB patients not cured due to poor food and not availability of proper nutrition 7 People still need more awareness and support services to save from HIV-AIDS. 8. Small farmers not able to to live standard life.


Tobacco Free Uttarakhand Campaign to make the tobacco free places at all level. Tobacco Free School Campaign, covered more than 900 schools Financial Literacy campaign Formation of 4 farmers producer organization (FPO) No one sleep can sleep hungry campaign: Providing Dry Ration to PLHIV & TB Patients every months Formation and nutrition of 800 SHGs group. Providing financial support for the livelihood Working for TB & HIV-AIDS city in Dehradun Providing HIV-AIDS prevention services among 15000 Migrants & 5000 truckers and 5000 Transit in Uttarakhand Developed a Rural tourism destination model in Uttarakhand Developing a model of Integrated farming System in Bareilly District of Uttar Pradesh Construction of low cost toilets Distribution of Solar lamps Training to women entrepreneurs and farmers Working for double the income of the farmers

Demographies Served


We have covered more than 423500 beneficiaries till last year through different project. Formed 4 fpo covered 2000 farmers, empower more than 9000 women through self Help groups. Balajee Sewa sansthan providing free dry ration and nutrition support to more than 300 family suffering from TB & HIV-AIDs every months. Sensitized more than 3000 Govt officers, 3500 Police and health professional, 910 school colleges covering more than 3000 teachers and more than 2 lakh students. BSS constructed more than 1860 low cost toilets among ultra poor families while distribution more than 6000 solar lamps among girls students etc.

Vision & Mission

Vision- To serve and benefit through different activities, Ten lakh poor urban, semi urban and rural marginalized and economically disadvantaged families by 2030 & become one of the most preferred member centric NGO’s in North India by 2030.

Mission- To provide need based services to the economically & socially
disadvantaged groups by creating opportunities for self employment & economic development.
In the field of health care and environment, to strive and help build a healthy society with
emphasis on environmental cleanliness and personal hygiene.

Donor History

Other Than Give India Foundation following are our top 5 donors
1. The Union (BI Grants)
2. Uttarakhand Aids Control Society
3. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
4. Uttar Pradesh Tobacco Control Cell
5. Adove (UK Online foundation)


  • Hiv-Aids Control Program

    HIV/AIDS CONTROL PROGRAMME: TARGET INTERVENTION- MIGRANT (DESTINATION)- Uttarakhand State Aids Control Society has entrusted us the job of identification and providing HIV/AIDS related services among 15000 migrant workers and 5000 truckers in Dehradun while 5000 transit in Ghanshali block of Tehri Garhwal district. NACO had established Uttarakhand State AIDS Control Society in 2001 perceiving a severe need in this field of work. BSS is making earnest efforts for making the state HIV/AIDS free through institutional efforts of its divisions. Uttrakhand State Aids Control Society is striving hard to meet the goals of Prevention & Control of HIV through different Programmes. USACS is implementing the targeted intervention program through 24 NGOs in the state in 11 districts. There are 16 core group interventions and 4 core composite interventions. For the migrant population there are 4 bridge group interventions. USACS chose Balajee Sewa Sansthan to work with 15000 migrant people, 5000 Trucker and 5000 transit population in Dehradun under target interventions programme from 2011-12, to continue 2022-23.

  • Nutrition And Dry Ration Relief Services To The Tb & Hiv Patients

    The pandemic has been affecting the entire food system and has laid bare its fragility. Due to Covid-19 effect 19% TB patients increased as per data of government of India report. Total number of incident TB patients (new and relapse) notified during 2021 were 19,33,381 in India while in Uttarakhand more than 15035 patients in which 81% patients are very poor and need regular nutrition support with monitoring to fight with TB and make TB free State. Government providing free test and all checkup with free medicine as well as Rs 500 financial support to the TB patients. Despite of all government efforts TB elimination is still challenging due lack of nutrition food & poverty of the patient family. Due to weakness, they are not capable to earn for herself and for families. They need good nutrient support with medicine with continue follow-up and monitoring. Covid-19 affected the livelihood of many factories and low-level workers and due to lack of funds they are not capable to maintain the family needs. Some TB and HIV Patients come from these types of families and they are waiting for death because they are not capable to provide him nutrition food with medicine.

  • Tobacco Control Program

    National Tobacco Control Program for Effective Implementation of COTPA 2003:- BSS with the help of financial support of BI Grants and The Union South East Asia and Uttrakhand Tobacco Cell working in all 13 districts of organized more than 120 workshops and events in all district in last 8 years. We have also organised State and District level capacity building workshop of the stakeholder and government officers as well as time to time awarenss camp about harmful effects of tobacco use among youngster in colleges and schools. Tehri district declare smoke free on republic day 26th Jan 2015 and Masoorie on 31st May 2018 on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day 2018. BSS successfully organized the camapaign Tobacco Free Maha Kumbh, Haridwar 2021 and continue working for awareness and new notification for the state to save the youth from tobacco use. More than 13 lac people die due to smoking and more than 50 thousand due to smokeless tobacco every year in India.

  • Nutrition and Dry Ration Relief Services to the Tb & Hiv Patients at the time of COVID

    The pandemic has been affecting the entire food system and has laid bare its fragility. Due to Covid-19 effect 19% TB patients increased as per data of government of India report. Total number of incident TB patients (new and relapse) notified during 2021 were 19,33,381 in India while in Uttarakhand more than 15035 patients in which 81% patients are very poor and need regular nutrition support with monitoring to fight with TB and make TB free State. Government providing free test and all checkup with free medicine as well as Rs 500 financial support to the TB patients. Despite of all government efforts TB elimination is still challenging due lack of nutrition food & poverty of the patient family. Due to weakness, they are not capable to earn for herself and for families. They need good nutrient support with medicine with continue follow-up and monitoring. Covid-19 affected the livelihood of many factories and low-level workers and due to lack of funds they are not capable to maintain the family needs. Some TB and HIV Patients come from these types of families and they are waiting for death because they are not capable to provide him nutrition food with medicine.

  • Integrated Farming System for Livelihood Enhancement and Sustainable Income generation activities

    The Integrated Farming System (IFS) is a set of interconnected, often interlocking production systems based on a few crops, animals, and related subsidiary enterprises that maximise the utilisation of nutrients in each system while minimising the negative environmental impact of these enterprises. The interconnected, interdependent-interlocking nature of IFS entails using primary and secondary produce from one system as basic input for the other system, thereby integrating them as one whole unit. The integrated farming system has transformed traditional livestock, aquaculture, horticulture, agro-industry, and allied activities farming. It could be crop-fish integration, livestock-fish integration, crop-fish-livestock integration or combinations of crop, livestock, fish and other enterprises. The most outstanding point in evolution of farming in the present day tendency is to move among from the old fashioned idea of the ‘one crop farm’ and ‘dairy farm’ towards their combination.

  • Training for creating sustainable livelihoods by using of Goat rearing (Goat based livelihood improvement) among SHGs members under LEDP

    Goat production is one of the ideal farm enterprises if properly managed in the farm. This project is easy to handle and can utilize family labor and which also requires lesser capital to start in backyard raising. Goat raising is undertaken mostly by small farmers mostly backyard raisers. An average of one or two heads is raised by every farmer. Only a handful of commercial-scale goat farms can be found in the locality. The optimum potential of the goat as one of the main sources of milk and meat has not been fully tapped in the India.
    Considering the farmers' resources and preferences for technology, goat could supplement the income of small farmers and brings the undernourished children a cheaper source of meat and milk to improve their diet. The goat is popular known as the poor man's cow because children and old folks who cannot afford cow's milk prefer drinking goat's milk. Aside from being cheap, goat's milk is more digestible compared to cow's milk.

  • Rural Eco Tourism: Additional livelihhod to the Farmers

    Agritourism to Enhance Integrated Farming Model: Agriculture and allied sectors alone are economically unviable and it has been realized the need for diversifying farm activities so as to supplement farm income. There is a dire need to shift to agricultural diversification strategies i.e. agritourism as it can compensate the damage that can occur due to the unfavourable weather conditions and other limitations. It also provides farmers with other employment alternatives, steady income and ensures that the farmers live a comfortable life. Amalgamation of agriculture and tourism has resulted in agri-tourism, which redefines agricultural fields as tourist destinations and attracts visitors by providing a type of special interest tourism. Agritourism caters to the need of modern tourist to experience and obtain knowledge about cultivating different crops.

Impact Metrics

  • Declare Tobacco Free Gram Panchayats

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 25
    • 2020-21 85
    • 2021-22 600
  • To Trained Government Official and Police for Implementation of Tobacco Legislation in the State.

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 2660
    • 2020-21 1850
    • 2021-22 3600
  • Registration and Providing Counselling Services

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 20000
    • 2020-21 18500
    • 2021-22 25000
  • Proving Health Services to the Beneficiaries

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 7500
    • 2020-21 6000
    • 2021-22 9000
  • Testing for Prevention From Hiv-Aids

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 9000
    • 2020-21 6000
    • 2021-22 7500
  • Distribution of Dry Ration Support to Tb & Hiv Patients (Families)

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 600
    • 2020-21 2400
    • 2021-22 3000
  • Providing Nutrient & Hygiene Support With Medicine From Govt Hospitals

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 600
    • 2020-21 900
    • 2021-22 1200
  • Awarness and Other Services to Save and Cure From Tb & Other Chronicle Disease

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 3000
    • 2020-21 12000
    • 2021-22 6000
  • # Youth Impacted

    Program Name

    Tobacco Control Program

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 44963
    • 2020-21 16880
    • 2021-22 31358
  • To Trained Government Official and Police for Implementation of Tobacco Legislation in the State.

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 2660
    • 2020-21 1850
    • 2021-22 3600
  • Registration and Providing Counselling Services

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 20000
    • 2020-21 18500
    • 2021-22 25000
  • Proving Health Services to the Beneficiaries

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 7500
    • 2020-21 6000
    • 2021-22 9000
  • Testing for Prevention From Hiv-Aids

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 9000
    • 2020-21 6000
    • 2021-22 7500
  • Distribution of Dry Ration Support to Tb & Hiv Patients (Families)

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 600
    • 2020-21 2400
    • 2021-22 3000
  • Awarness and Other Services to Save and Cure From Tb & Other Chronicle Disease

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 3000
    • 2020-21 12000
    • 2021-22 6000

Theory of Change

As our name suggests, we consider it a privilege to be able to do “Sewa”, to serve our fellow human –beings with the utmost dedication and compassion. We believe that every life has equal value and an equal right to live with dignity.

Milestones & Track Record

A non-profit organization working towards up-lifting marginalized communities through self-sufficiency is the best way to describe Balajee Sewa Sansthan. Based in Dehradun, the organization is known for its rural outreach, direct and indirect services in Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, and for focusing on health, hygiene, women empowerment, farmer development, comprehensive rural development, financial inclusion and education.
Over the years BSS has worked on several programmes including bank linkage, skill development, training and consultancy, child education, micro-credit, water and sanitation, and tobacco control, to name a few. It also promotes consumer and environmental awareness and empowerment of women.
Balajee Sewa Sansthan adopts a systematic approach to conducting training courses and provides opportunities for skill development. It conducted diploma courses in sewing and beautician training starting from 2014 and continue…. too with the sole purpose of imparting skills for employment, and developing entrepreneurship among women. Donors like Give India Foundation, Sharon Biomedicine have helped in training more than 1800 women in the last 8 years.
The NGO has also arranged for credit from banks to kick-start small businesses. It has provided backward as well as forward linkage for goods and services manufactured. BSS has said its next goal is to start government-funded skill training in partnership with industries. It has laid the focus on mandatory training for soft skills, presentation skills, and personal hygiene.
As part of its focus on water and sanitation, BSS has constructed low cost toilets in Patna & Lakhisarai districts of Bihar. It has constructed over 1890 such toilets so far, under the aegis of the Public Health Engineering Department of Bihar and Give India Foundation. The campaign’s aim is to ensure sanitation in rural areas with a broader goal to eradicate open defecation. It follows a principle of “low to no subsidy” where a nominal subsidy is given to rural poor households for construction of toilets.
To stop the migration in hilly village of Uttarakhand, Organization has developed a successful Home Stay Rural tourism model in Raithal Village of Uttarkashi district in 2016-17 which has been recognised by the Uttarakhand Government. To Increase the income of farmers BSS also working on to make a model of 60 farmers with Support of NABARD in Bareilly district to adopt Integrated farming System Model to get regular income.
Another area where BSS is deeply involved in, is the cause of tobacco eradication. “Tobacco is the foremost preventable cause of death and disease in the world today. Globally, approximately 7 million people die each year as a result of diseases resulting from tobacco consumption,” the organization says, “More than 80% of these deaths occur in developing countries. Tobacco is a risk factor for 6 of the 8 leading causes of death. Nearly 12-13 lakh people die every year in India due to diseases related to tobacco use. Nearly 30% of cancers in India are related to tobacco use.”
No doubt, a majority of the cardiovascular diseases and lung disorders are attributed to tobacco. Tobacco use by pregnant women leads to low birth weight babies, still births and birth defects. While BSS has been working in the tobacco control programme for over 6 years, the focus lies on 6 districts of Uttarakhand with the support of The Union South-East Asia and Health Department-State Tobacco Control Cell. The organization is working towards focused intervention on Smoke-free and Tobacco-free compliance, TAPS ban and protecting minors through provisions of COTPA compliance in the state.
BSS engages stakeholders through workshops on tobacco control legislation. This helps in the implementation of the COTPA provisions in the State. It spreads awareness on the harmful effects of Tobacco. Through combined efforts of the Health department and BSS, Tehri district was declared smoke-free on January 26, 2015. Similarly, Mussoorie was declared smoke-free in the year 2018 on World No Tobacco in 2018. By Efforts of Balajee Sewa Sansthan with collaboration of Health, police, Tourism and other departments Mahakumbh Haridwar 2021 and Chardham Yatra 2022 of Uttarakhand declared tobacco free where “No use, No sale and No advertisement” of tobacco product was allowed during the event.
To protect children and the youth at large, BSS has implemented the guidelines of tobacco free education institution (TOFEI) along with the department of health and education of Uttarakhand. BSS is working with the department of urban development to prohibit the marketing, manufacturing, storage, packaging and processing of any tobacco products in Uttarakhand without a license. Under such provisions, even licensed vendors will be required to comply with the provisions set in the cigarettes and other tobacco products act (COTPA) 2003 and the juvenile justice act, 2015. Under these provisions, the sale of any product that is primarily targeted to children like biscuits and sweets will be prohibited in shops licensed to sell tobacco products. Estimates suggest this order would protect more than 10 million people from the harms of tobacco, and restrict opportunities for children to buy tobacco products.
Recognizing the efforts in implementation of tobacco control legislation, the Health Department of the Uttar Pradesh Government selected BSS to conduct school programmes in Bijnor, Shamli and Saharanpur district in 2016-17. The NGO was entrusted to conduct awareness sessions and workshops in Government/Public Schools on the harmful effects of smoking and tobacco use on health. The objective of course, was to prevent the initiation of smoking among adolescents. In last 6 years 910 schools/colleges declared tobacco free in which 176331 students while 6320 teachers sensitized and taken oath to not use any type of tobacco product in his/her life and this campaign still going on.
Balajee Sewa Sansthan started the ‘No one sleep hungry’ project after the announcement of the lockdown to provide food support to most vulnerable families in Dehradun and Haridwar districts of Uttarakhand. Under the current circumstances, the lowest strata of the society, comprising daily wage workers, construction workers, contract labourers, street vendors, patients suffering from acute health ailments (TB & HIV AIDS) have been the worst hit. These groups have lost the only source of their income and have no means to make ends meet or provide food for their families. BSS also began its relief service by providing dry ration support to most affected people. Till date, BSS has served and delivered grocery kits to 22 500 families. Organization selecting 150 Poorest TB and HIV Patients and providing him nutrition support with dry ration for whole families every month as TB free India Campaign.
Awadhesh Kumar Founder of Balajee sewa Sansthan is the members of various government department comittees and recognised by many awards at state and national level by Government and other organization on his grass root level work Impact.

Donor Testimonial

1. The Union against Tuberculosis and lung disease is a France based international organization working for TB, Tobacco and HIV-AIDS control program.
2. (Uttarakhand State AIDS Control Society (USACS): NACO had established Uttarakhand State AIDS Control Society in 2001 perceiving a severe need in this field of work. BSS is making earnest efforts for making the state HIV/AIDS free through institutional efforts of its divisions. Uttrakhand State Aids Control Society is striving hard to meet the goals of Prevention & Control of HIV through different Programmes.
3. NABARD is working for the comprehensive rural development and women empowerment.
4. Narrotam Sekhariya Foundation is working for Tobacco control program specially to save the children from Tobacco Addiction.
5. UK online foundation is a UK based fundraising platform

Leadership Team

  • Awadhesh Kumar

    Executive Director

  • Dr Anjali Panwar

    State Project Manager

  • Mamta Thappa

    Director of Operation and Research

  • Sarita Kumari

    HR & Admin officer

  • Chandrkanta

    Project Manager HIV-AIDS (TI) Program

  • Mr Sudan singh

    Senior Divisional Co-rdinator

  • Alok Kumar

    Project Director, Bihar

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body


  • Diversity Metrics

    60% women


  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Organisation Structure

Organisation Structure


Awards & Recognitions

• GESRC award on World NGO Day 2021, Dehradun, Uttarakhand: Awarded by Graphic Era University for the COVID-19 Relief work, Comprehensive Rural development, SHGs, FPO Farmers club HIV-AIDS and Tobacco Control Program.
• Iconic Achiever’s Council Award 2019, New Delhi: On the occasion of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi at National Seminar.
• Uttarakhand State level best performer NGO Award 2018: Awarded by NABARD for E-shakti program by Dehradun Regional office, Uttarakhand
• PHD Himalayan Tourism Samman 2018 (Popular Choice Hit Samman: Best Home Stay and Best Heritage Culture Award PHD chambers of Commerce.
• Cummins-DoCC Social Impact Award 2017-18: Awarded by SPJMIR Mumbai
• Letter of Appreciation (District): District Magistrate and Chief Medical Officer of Tehri and Dehradun district
• Letter of Appreciation (State): State Health Dept. Of Uttarakhand for work on Tobacco Control Program
• Finalist in food management in Amazing India Award 2022 by Time network by Adani group at national level awarded by Dy President of India.

Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



Other Details

  • Parent Organisation


  • Sister Organisation


  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2023-24

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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Government Partnerships

Uttarkhand & Uttar Pradesh Government Department