Pranab Kanya Sangha

Devoted to humanitarian service and women's welfare

  • Silver Certified 2023
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Silver Certified Silver Certified


  • Headquarters

    South Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal

  • Since


Pranab Kanya Sangha is a socio-cultural, philanthropic, women's organization of selfless workers devoted to the service of humanity. It was founded in Read more 1971. It is a charitable organization with a non-sectarian, non-communal, and non-political character and outlook. The Sangha works exclusively and extensively for the welfare and upliftment of women and girls. PROPOSED PROJECT AREA: The project is planned to be undertaken at Hridaypur, West Bengal is a conductive site for the ongoing project for the last 50 years. The place has all the amenities where the children feel at home. The site is also calm and serene where the children will grow up and nurture their talents in a healthy ambience. In Hridaypur, the project is well equipped with a building with dormitories, a dining hall, a kitchen, and toilets. The area is very beautified by flower and fruit trees, a playing ground which makes the place a real home for the children. As the project aims for the holistic development of children it is an ideal place. PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: This project aims to address their shelter, food, education, and health development. To provide an opportunity for 50 orphans, semi-orphans, and poor children to live in a congenial atmosphere with parental love to pursue their education. To provide food, shelter, education, and clothing for 50 orphans, semi-orphans, and destitute children in a Home in Hridaypur, India. To provide medical care for children living in the home To impart moral values to children to strengthen them to become self-reliant at Home.

Demographies Served

Vision & Mission

The objects of the Sangha are :
(a) To help the distressed, to nurse the sick, to feed the hungry and to clothe the naked.
(b) To help and remove want of those distressed in storm, cyclone, famine, flood, ”earth-quake, pestilence or accident.
(c) To do any help, to mitigate the hardship of the poor and the distressed by encouraging home industry, irrespective of caste, creed or colour.
(d) To spread value based man making education.
(e) To create an atmosphere favourable to moral and spiritual growth.
(/) To preach, propagate, poster the spread of spiritual, cultural values and the glory of ancient heritage of India.
(g) To create and raise sympathy, good feeling and unity among the followers of different faiths for peaceful co-existence.
(h) To establish branches of the Sangha in different parts of the country and abroad.
(i) To uplift the backward classes.
(j) To preach, practice and propagate the method of realization of HIGHEST TRUTH of attainment of liberation from BONDAGE, through selfless service for the mankind, particularly for the suffering humanity irrespective of caste, creed, colour & religion as preached by Acharya Swami Pranabananda.
4. Objects Incidental or ancillary to the attainment of the main objects.
a) To construct buildings, maintain them and to effect addition & alteration thereto according to necessity.
b) To print, publish journals, periodicals, books, booklets, leaflets and to sell or distribute them gratuitously or otherwise that the Sangha may deem necessary for promoting its objects.
c) To raise funds by collecting subscriptions from members and by taking donations from generous persons.
d) To accept land, money and financial aid from generous and charitable persons on such terms and conditions as may be deemed right and proper.
e) To accept grant / donations from Government, Municipality or any registered organisation etc. and with that view the Sangha shall have the right to enter into any cotract with Government, Municipality or any Registered Organisation etc. on such terms and conditions as may be deemed suitable.
f} To establish, take-over, maintain and conduct following Institutions :
i)Educational including generaI,vocational, physical, Social, agricultural, charitable dispensary, Mobile medical camp.
ii) Advancement of Science and research.
iii) Home for the old, invalid and infirm.
iv) Rural development and rural reconstruction.
v) Social welfare and charitable activities including homes for the homeless women and girls mainly belonging to the backward and tribal classes.
g) All Income and properties of the Sangha shall strictly be utilized exclusively for the execution promotion and fulfillment of the objects of the Sangha.

Donor History

1. Sri Samirendu Roy, Indore.
2. Suchitra Bhattacharya Nabapally
3. Bharat Vanijya Easter PVT. LTD, Kolkata -73
4. Dr. Kamalesh ChandraDas , Hridaypur, Kolkata.
5. Mackintosh Burn, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-64.


  • Pranab Kanya Sangha 's Awakening Program


    Social transformation is one of the key goals of education. Values and wisdom are more important than material wealth. Value-based education is important for building a future-ready and socially conscious generation.Pranab Kanya Sangha 's Awakening program emphasizes that each child is unique and has infinite potential; education is the unfolding of the humanity and the rich values lying in the state of inertia.

Theory of Change

The money given as grants from you has helped Pranab Kanya Sangha to carry out all the activities more smoothly. The girls residing in the ashram come from very poor, illiterate families who can barely make their two ends meet. The girls are like a torch in their village who can further spread the values of education to the villagers. We have personally met with many guardians from the interior villages in Sunderban, where even drinking water is a scarcity leave alone other comforts of life. Every year we go to the different villages for distribution of mosquito nets, food materials, rice seed blankets during winter etc. In return they give us pleasant smiles, thanking us for being with them whenever needed. Keeping in mind basic education is the right of every child and will set them up for future challenges of the paths they choose, the girls in Pranab Kanya Sangha are given value education both academic and vocational so that they can earn a living in future by the skilled development programmes. Classes in Co-curricular activities like singing, dancing, karate, yoga , exercises are also given for the all round development of the young minds.

Leadership Team

  • Sannyasini Suddhanandamayee


  • Sannyasini Jnananandamayee

    Vice President and Treasurer

  • Sannyasini Premanandamayee

    General Secretary

  • Sannyasini Amritanandamayee

    Vice President

  • Sannyasini Atmasthanandamayee

    Assistant Secretary

  • Atasi Maity


  • Sanjeeta Satam

    Social worker at Pranab Kanya Sangha

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    P.O. Hridaypur, North 24 Parganas, South Twenty Four Parganas, 700127


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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