My Children Foundation

We work with underprivileged children to bring out their true potential by providing a nurturing environment, financial assistance & mentorship. We are also driving sustainability & livelihood program to build a cleaner, better world.

  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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  • Headquarters

    Kolkata, West Bengal

  • Since


Our vision is to build a world in which no child has to stop education due to lack of resources. We will create a strong support network to provide en Read moreough financial, mentorship & operational support so that a child can flourish to his or her full potential. It is a long-term support to make a child fully independent. We identify right children, verify them & meet the last mile. We are highly technology-driven, network-based organization to keep our running cost lowest through automation, self-service & low-touch delivery model, so that maximum fund goes to children. We also build learning centers at remote locations to provide basic education & a nurturing environment to marginalized children. We are also taking initiative to create rural livelihood by skill building and handholding in terms of operations & marketing of eco-friendly, sustainable, recycled/redesigned products.


Child development and making them resourceful is the most fundamental aspect of creating livelihood for people in a sustainable way. Poverty, lack of education & poor guidance are some of the major roadblocks in achieving that. Apart from skill, a severe shortage of infrastructure, technology & non-integrated ecosystem, especially in rural areas, worsen the condition. Research shows that 1 in 3 children lives in poverty globally. In India, Net Enrolment Ratio for Elementary level is 88.9%, but it drops to 51.3% in secondary and further drops to 32.3% in higher secondary. The average annual dropout rate in 2014-15 was 4.13% in primary, 4.03% in upper primary, but much higher 17.06% in secondary. This also reflects in Net Attendance Ratio which is 83% in primary, 50% in secondary, 34% in higher secondary and only 10% in above higher secondary. Most importantly, almost 60% drop out is due to the reasons not related to academic performance or unwillingness. This fact has profound short-term & long-term implications: 1. Social justice & child's right: Every child should get an equal opportunity to grow. They deserve minimum basic amenities and a conducive environment to live in. 2. Unutilized human potential: Many talented children are forced to discontinue their education due to poverty and lack of proper guidance. This is a huge loss for our society. Their skills, intelligence and potential are unutilized which could have been a huge human resource asset for our country. 3. Inequality in wealth distribution: Top 1% of India’s population own 33% of the country's wealth according to World Inequality Report. 4. Social evils like early marriage, child labor: A family which is struggling for basic livelihood goes for an easy immediate option of deploying the child in work or getting their daughters married at early age, even if the child is talented, performing well. 5. Long-term social degradation: Lack of education and poverty increase crime, unrest, poor quality of civic life, limited & poor political choice. Unless we tap the potential of underprivileged section of the society and make them completely independent on their own we can not build a nation with sustainable livelihood. We need to empower people with knowledge, skill and technology so that they can generate their own livelihood on their own in a sustainable manner.


Our approach has three major pillars - 1. Building self-confidence in children through learning centres across the country - This will help us to reach remotest places, building relationship with local people and instilling self-confidence among underprivileged children. They will get an inspiring environment through activities like music, dance etc as well as learn basic education & life skills. This will also help us to identify children who have higher potential in any field to put them into our comprehensive support program. 2. Providing comprehensive support to children with high potential and make them multiplier - Our vision is to build a world in which no child has to stop education due to lack of resources. We follow 3 key fundamental steps: 2.1 Identify the right child - There are mainly two sources of children - Direct: Apart from our own learning canters, we will approach different institutions like schools, orphanages to identify raw talented children. - Indirect: Potential children can be reported by anyone on our website. Those children are filtered and prioritized to channelize our fund towards right children. 2.2 Connect a mentor - We will search like-minded people who want to support these children. Willing mentors can reach us or we approach them through different channels. Trust also directly supports children based on its capacity. This is not just a financial assistance program, rather mentor takes the ownership and provides all kind of assistance including guidance. 2.3 Meet the last mile - A person can become mentor remotely without any geographical limitation. We build the last mile connection to deliver required materials, services, manpower. We provide digital access to all mentors to check their mentees, their performance & fund utilization. We also deploy change agents who are local persons and can build relationship and execute. 3. Creating a local ecosystem to foster livelihood - We create an ecosystem of biological parents, institutions, children, mentors, change agents at local level. We build skill & capacity, create a viable supply chain and empower people to produce products to generate a continuous revenue stream. Our digital platform will help them to reach markets and sell their products in a sustainable manner. Some of important aspects we focus are - 1. Full transparency – We believe that the most important criterion in forming an NGO is people should know how their money is being spent. We are making it completely transparent by login facility with all details. 2. Open, Networked & Flexible - There is no obligation for any stakeholders to continue. Only obligation lies to the trust to support a qualified child even if his/her mentor doesn't want to continue. Essentially, we are creating a self-sustaining digital network where all the stakeholders can join and help each other to grow & sustain. 3. Technology as enabler - We are using digital technologies to automate processes, bring intelligence to make right decisions, give consumer-grade user-experience and cut operational cost so that maximum fund goes to children and program.

Demographies Served


Entire initiative has immediate and long-term social impact. It will immediately - (1) help less privileged children to continue their education, excel in their endeavors. (2) incentivize biological parents or custodian to continue their children's education and reduce school/college dropouts. (3) helps families to sustain. (4) children gets better, nurturing environment to foster which is critical for their mental and physical growth. (5) Through our sustainability & livelihood initiative, we build livelihood at grassroot level, creates job. (6) less waste through recycling/redesigning/repurposing which helps poor, needy people. The long-term impacts are - (1) it will reduce school drop-out rates. (2) stops the tendency of getting daughters married early or child labor. (3) systematic income distribution to slow down vicious circle of poverty. (4)multiplier effect over time and upliftment of families to reduce income gap.(5) mindset change e.g. daughters are burden, children's education is waste of money etc. (6)balanced society with healthy, educated people with more awareness. (7)positive impact on economics by increasing demand because of higher spendable income. (8) higher number of skilled persons compared unskilled labors invoking entrepreneurship at grassroot level, creating more jobs, services. Indirect impact is increasing value for human labor. (9) impact on socio-political environment like less crime, social unrest, better politicians, elected leaders etc. (10) happy society through instilling altruism, bringing empathy among people. (11) better and cleaner world.


  • Support a child today!

    Providing comprehensive support to children with high potential and make them multiplier -
    Our vision is to build a world in which no child has to stop education due to lack of resources. We follow 3 key fundamental steps:

    Identify the right child - There are mainly two sources of children
    - Direct: Apart from our own learning canters, we will approach different institutions like schools, orphanages to identify raw talented children.
    - Indirect: Potential children can be reported by anyone on our website. Those children are filtered and prioritized to channelize our fund towards right children.

    Connect a mentor - We will search like-minded people who want to support these children. Willing mentors can reach us or we approach them through different channels. Trust also directly supports children based on its capacity.

    Meet the last:
    A person can become mentor remotely without any geographical limitation. We build the last mile connection to deliver required materials, services

  • Learning Centers

    Building self-confidence in children through learning centres across the country -
    This will help us to reach remotest places, building relationship with local people and instilling self-confidence among underprivileged children. They will get an inspiring environment through activities like music, dance etc as well as learn basic education & life skills. This will also help us to identify children who have higher potential in any field to put them into our comprehensive support program.

  • Gift a better & cleaner world to our children

    We create an ecosystem of biological parents, institutions, children, mentors, change agents at local level. We build skill & capacity, create a viable supply chain and empower people to produce products to generate a continuous revenue stream. Our digital platform will help them to reach markets and sell their products in a sustainable manner. We will focus more on eco-friendly, natural, organic products.

  • Annual Wardrobe Clearance

    Reduce, reuse, and recycle – This has been the mantra for years. People are shopping and buying more, so the output of clothing is higher. However, the quick fashion industry and overstuffed closets, have all contributed to overflowing landfills. My Children has taken an initiative to collect old clothes, classify them and then recycle or redesign or repurpose.

Impact Metrics

  • Number of Children Under Mentorship

    Program Name

    Support a child today!

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 40
    • 2021-22 83
    • 2022-23 105
  • Number of Learning Centers

    Program Name

    Learning Centers

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 3
    • 2022-23 5
  • Number of Children Under Learning Centers

    Program Name

    Learning Centers

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 85
    • 2022-23 110
  • Number of Old Clothes Collected, Recycled and Distributed

    Program Name

    Annual Wardrobe Clearance

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Number of Sustainable Products

    Program Name

    Gift a better & cleaner world to our children

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Fund Generated From Sustainable Products

    Program Name

    Gift a better & cleaner world to our children

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Number of Beneficiaries Impacted

    Program Name

    Gift a better & cleaner world to our children

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Disbursement Made Towards Supporting Children

    Program Name

    Support a child today!

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 71262
    • 2021-22 477017
    • 2022-23 1028449

Leadership Team

  • Debashis Majumder

    Chairman & Founding Trustee

  • Subhrajit Bhattacharjee

    Treasurer & Founding Trustee

  • Sumona Choudhury Bhattacharya

    Secretary & Founding Trustee

  • Rupasree Dutta

    Administration Head

  • Sudipta Kumar Maiti

    Head of Child Onboarding

  • Dhruba Mukhopadhyay

    Chief of Community Development

  • Sudipta Chakraborty

    Event Management Head

  • Tutul Chakraborty

    Content & Communication Head

  • Priyanka Chakraborty

    Chief Digital Officer

  • Parikshit Basu

    Legal & Compliance Head

  • Kanan Majumder


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters


  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.