Mudita Foundation

Working towards building a safer world for children and women, free from abuse, violence and epxloitation.

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


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Mudita Foundation is a registered organisation that believes in a world where each individual is living up to their full potential without fear, abuse Read more and exploitation. We believe that every individual and organisation working with children and women should have the relevant information, skills and capacity to ensure the safety of children and women from abuse and exploitation. We also believe that every citizen of the country is responsible for the safety and protection of every child and woman. We work towards tackling and preventing all forms of abuse, violence and exploitation that impact children, young adults and women. Since inception, we have worked with schools, communities and civil society organisations across India and have conducted sessions that have reached over 2700+ children, and 5400 + adults . With a prevention-focused approach, we work step-by-step with schools, organisations and community groups through awareness and capacity building programs to build institutional and community-based structures for prevention, protection and response to concerns to children and women's safety.


Abuse, violence and exploitation of children, adolescents and women in public and private spaces continues to remain widespread and hidden in the culture of silence. Government efforts to tackle these issues remain limited and often do not reach the most vulnerable. This negatively impacts the ability of children, adolescents and women to participate in and contribute to their own development by limiting choices, mobility and sense of agency. It also prevents them from being able to thrive and live a life free of fear from abuse, violence and exploitation. We believe that every child and adult has a right to a life that is safe, free and lived with choice and dignity and this will be achieved only when safety is recognized as everybody’s right and a collective responsibility. We believe that safety and protection is a foundational and intersectional issue and must be integrated into developmental projects working towards welfare and empowerment. Through our work we aim to build resilient individuals and communities that have the ability to identify, prevent and tackle abuse, violence and exploitation through active and effective response and prevention mechanisms.


We work towards tackling and preventing any form of abuse, violence and exploitation that impact children, young adults and women through 1. Direct interventions – from awareness and prevention to capacity building for call for action and casework. 2. Collective impact - through sharing of knowledge and partnerships 3. Action-research – on issues related to abuse, violence and exploitation in communities. We work with diverse stakeholders including children, adolescents, young adults, parents, teachers, communities, community-based organisations, civil society organisations, corporates, government and others. Our Programs - Pahal : Conversations on safety as a right for every child and woman. Awareness sessions on issues of child sexual abuse, online abuse and human trafficking. - Leher : Building first responders in the community. Capacity-Building of Community workers, teachers, students in organisations, schools, universities and communities - The Safe Spaces Project : Building a safe community with increased resilience and responsive mechanism. Awareness and capacity-building within a community towards building an active and effective response and prevention mechanism. - Sameeksha : Evidence based research. Small and large-scale studies to identify good practices, emerging new risks, and gaps in tackling these risks. - Baatcheet :Collaborative platform to build collective responsibility, effort and impact towards safety and wellbeing


Since inception, Mudita has been able to reach out to over 8200 children, youth and adults from diverse groups through different interventions. The impact of the awareness and capacity-building interventions can be seen in the following - - Normalising and simplifying complex conversations on safety in over 150 partner organisations - An increase in awareness regarding risks and where to report or get help for over 3000 children and 1000 youth through awareness programmes - An increase in awareness for close to 4000 adults in the context of child protection - equipping them to be able to acknowledge, identify or tackle risks faced by children. - 25 organisations across India having a stronger commitment to the safety of the vulnerable groups they work with by building their capacity to integrate conversations on safety into their own practice, policy and programmes through capacity-building programmes - About 150 adolescents and youth in three villages in rural Haryana emerging as safety champions and being able to raise a voice against forms of abuse prevalent in their villages through the Safe Spaces Project - Articles, blogs, videos and online campaigns to spread awareness using digital and print media - Evidence-based research in the form of two studies to document understanding and prevalence of risk in defined target groups


  • Sameeksha

    In keeping with our conviction toward's evidence-based interventions and impact measures, research is an approach and a tool being used within and across all our interventions. The attempt is to initiate small and large-scale studies in collaboration with partner communities to identify good practices, emerging new risks, and gaps in tackling these risks.

  • BaatCheet Live

    One of our initiatives to build collective consensus, effort and impact is Baatcheet Live - a platform for practitioners and organizations to come together to create a space for learning, share knowledge and experience and build collective responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of women and children in communities. It is currently a virtual monthly interaction conducted over Zoom, attended by staff members of community-based organizations, teachers, or educators from schools and learning spaces, across India.


    In our Pahal sessions, we help participants in diverse contexts become aware of the risks that women, youth and children face everyday and the magnitude of these in and around us. Whether in a corporate office, a school conference room, a park, a community centre or a virtual space; each Pahal awareness session explores notions of safety helping participants receive relevant information, share their concerns and fears with clarity and growing confidence using simple tools of expression. It is critical to create awareness for prevention of abuse and exploitation. The more schools, organisations and communities we reach out to, the more we realise that sexual abuse and exploitation still seem like a distant and hidden problem to most people. The fact that there are predators in the physical and virtual world is an unknown fact for most people. This not knowing comes from not having the relevant knowledge and oftentimes the right and context specific vocabulary and narrative on how to identify and recognise these silent and hidden crimes.

    Positioning and profiling the problem to diverse stakeholders to as many as possible is the beginning. Articulating and acknowledging the problem is the first step. This inspires further thought and action amongst individuals, organisations and society towards tackling the issue. Our sessions also end with a call to action because we at Mudita Foundation believe that awareness will motivate every individual to acknowledge our collective responsibility and initiate action.

  • Leher

    At Mudita Foundation, we partner with community-based organizations, schools and universities working on various issues and educational institutions to educate and build their capacity to recognize, record and respond to instances of child abuse and human trafficking and other forms of gender-based violence and exploitation within their communities. Leher is a structured programme using appropriate and context-specific tools for reflection, interaction and action to create safe spaces, protect survivors of violence and make safeguarding a mandate within all NGOs, schools and other civil society organisations. Apart from awareness and capacity-building, the commitment to creating safer spaces by organizations, schools and educational institutions needs policies for safeguarding and protection, systems and processes for implementing the policy and structured and consistent initiatives for awareness and prevention. The Leher programme continues to provide guidance and support for organizations through all these steps to help create and establish a holistic response to safeguarding and protection of children and women across education, health, livelihoods and overall agency is critical. This begins with awareness and capacity building to be able to detect and respond to situations of abuse, violence, and exploitation and works towards establishing active and effective prevention and response mechanisms across communities.

  • Safe Spaces


    The Safe Spaces project envisions a structured place where women and children’s physical and emotional safety is respected and where women and children are supported through processes of empowerment to seek, share, and obtain information, access services, express themselves, enhance their psychosocial wellbeing, and more fully realise their rights. It is a space that empowers women and children individually and collectively. The space also initiates a process of building and nurturing collective responsibility in the community towards safety by initiating conversations with diverse stakeholders with the larger vision of building an active and effective community based response mechanism. At the core of the programme are the adolescents or women who evolve into safety champions through the safe space and become the voice for safety in the community. The project works with a community-based partner organisation and builds their capacity at every step through training, exposure visits and networking. It often emerges from a Leher intervention.

Leadership Team

  • Neha Pradhan Arora


  • Mr M C Joseph

    Finance Coordinator

  • Sanjna

    Program Coordinator

  • Joyita Ambett

    Trustee and Co-Founder

  • Anamika Rathaur

    Trustee & Co- founder

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    6 CSC, Sector B-1, Vasant Kunj , New Delhi, Delhi, India,, 110070


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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