Society for Community Organization and Rural Education (SCORE)

Society for Community Organization and Rural Education (SCORE) is a Registered Voluntary Service Organization with non-profit motive founded in the year 1995 by a group of social minded and dedicated persons hailing from the bottom strata of the rural society, having clear insight into the problems

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


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Society for Community Organization and Rural Education (SCORE) is a registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)  established in the year 1995 for t Read morehe benefit of mankind, especially for the economically and socially backward rural and tribal people. Over the past 25 years, we have worked to identify and meet the needs and aspirations of the rural and tribal poor through participatory approaches for development in 120 villages of Thogaimalai, Kadavur blocks in Karur District and Kollihills Tribal block in Namakkal District, Tamilnadu State, India.   The main thrust area of the organization is the social, education, health and economic development of neglected women and children of most backward communities and minorities through organizing the women into groups and federations; providing various training, exposure and workshops on leadership, decision-making, free legal aid, PRIs strengthening and improving the women involved in the process of PRIs at all levels, gender, political involvement, economic generation activities etc.  Environmental education, awareness and up-gradation programme has also been focused on during these years through the implementation of watershed programmes, Sustainable agriculture promotion programme, groundwater rechargement, and natural resource management programme. These projects have developed good impacts in the improvement of bio-diversity enrichment and vegetation development.


i. Skill training – Tailoring, Embroidery and Greeting cards making ii. Income Generation – Dairy development, goat rearing, Training on Mushroom Cultivation iii. National Environment Awareness Campaign iv. Legal, Social, Economic, Political, women and child rights Awareness Generation Program for women v. Awareness and intervention on prevention and control of HIV/AIDS/ STI vi. Reproductive Health and Rights for adolescent girls vii. Organic Farming and sustainable agriculture viii. Environment Development and Bio diversity conservation ix. Prevention of early age marriage, sex selection abortions x. Combat of Child labour and Bonded labour xi. Education – Intensive Coaching Classes to School going Dalit children, Distribution of Note books and writing materials to poor students xii. Provision of Protected Drinking water – Drilling Bore wells xiii. Formation of Self Help Groups and strengthening through Training to women and male youths xiv. Micro credit programs for livelihood – Grocery Shops xv. Construction of Community Hall to tribes xvi. Running Mini Health Centre to tribes and weaker sections


PRESENT ACTIVITIES OF THE ORGANIZATION: i. Community organization ii. Women and child development programme iii. Community Health and Nutrition, iv. HIV/AIDS Awareness, promotions of Herbal Gardens and Medicines v. Formation and strengthening of Self-Help Groups vi. Promotion of micro-credit vii. Promotion of women entrepreneurship through micro enterprises viii. Self-employment training ix. Intensive Coaching classes x. Community health and referral services xi. Non-formal/Pre-schools, Bridge Schools for Child labours/drop outs xii. Environmental awareness and development programme xiii. Sustainable Agriculture development xiv. Revitalization of Herbal Medicines LIST OF ACTIVITIES ALREADY CARRIED OUT OR PROJECTS ALREADY IMPLEMENTED: i. Skill training – Tailoring, Embroidery and Greeting cards making ii. Income Generation – Dairy development, goat rearing, Training on Mushroom Cultivation iii. National Environment Awareness Campaign iv. Legal, Social, Economic, Political, women and child rights Awareness Generation Program for women v. Awareness and intervention on prevention and control of HIV/AIDS/ STI vi. Reproductive Health and Rights for adolescent girls vii. Organic Farming and sustainable agriculture viii. Environment Development and Bio diversity conservation ix. Prevention of early age marriage, sex selection abortions x. Combat of Child labour and Bonded labour xi. Education – Intensive Coaching Classes to School going Dalit children, Distribution of Note books and writing materials to poor students xii. Provision of Protected Drinking water – Drilling Bore wells xiii. Formation of Self Help Groups and strengthening through Training to women and male youths xiv. Micro credit programs for livelihood – Grocery Shops xv. Construction of Community Hall to tribes xvi. Running Mini Health Centre to tribes and weaker sections


PREVIOUS ACHIEVEMENTS OF SCORE….. i. Organization has formed 250 Self Help Groups among the Rural, tribal, Dalit and disadvantaged communities ii. Reproductive health rights camp was conducted to 6500 school students in Thogaimalai and Kadavur blocks. iii. Environment education to 3500 village women and youths and 2000 school students on climate changes and Bio-Diversity conservation iv. We have given vocational training to 755 educated girls and women. v. Income generation programs on micro enterprises to 780 poor women. vi. SCORE has organised Social and Legal awareness to 1900 women and adolescent girls. vii. Tamilnadu Voluntary Health Association is one of the NGOs’ networks which implement the programs through member organizations. In which, SCORE is District Resource Centre for Disability in Karur District of Tamilnadu. viii. Provided educational materials to the 700 poor school children. ix. Naturopathy Health Awareness given to the 1570 rural general public. x. Identified and given counselling services to the 140 PLWHAs. xi. Fire Safety and Rescue Awareness given to 15000 rural populations. xii. 400 Dalit children are studying in free intensive coaching classes. xiii. 210 rural poor women were trained on vermin compost, compost and mushroom cultivation training. xiv. 155 rural poor farming women were trained on organic farming and bio-diversity conservation. xv. 400 rural people were knowledge on water borne diseases and water management. xvi. 53 Rural poor women were trained on value added techniques training of agricultural products and marketing strategies. xvii. 15000 rural young age groups were awareness on STI/HIV/AIDS xviii. 200 Rural poor women were benefitted from Poverty Reduction program through bio farming method agriculture.

Leadership Team

  • Balasundharan

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    Vedhachalapuram, Thogaimalai Post,, Karur District, Tamil Nadu, India, 621313


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type
