PRASTUTEE ...Symbolising Development, an organization registered in 2000 works with the deprived and the underprivileged community in the districts of Koraput, Malkangiri, and Puri of Odisha. Over the period, PRASTUTEE has created a definite niche in the development sector by enabling the communi

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters


  • Since


PRASTUTEE …Symbolising development is a non-profit organization registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860 and Foreign Contribution (Regu Read morelation) Act of 1976 of India. It started its journey from 1997 in the District of KORAPUT, known to be the underdeveloped tribal district of the state. Since then it has been working with focus on economic and social development of the downtrodden vulnerable rural community at large, particularly Scheduled Tribe of the area. The objectives have been to empower people for sustainable management of natural resources and deteriorating environment, population education and women's health. PRASTUTEE has created a definite niche in the development sector by enabling the communities social ,economic and political empowerment for improved effectiveness in poverty reduction and to manage their own natural resources for own livelihood promotion efficiently and effectively. The organisation has been working with the belief that local communities are the best managers of natural resources and proper management can take care of most of the current development problems on community empowerment on rights and entitlement. Currently the organization is working Field Demonstration Interventions relating to community based natural resource management and livelihood enhancement and women's health including advocacy on quality public service. Vision: To visualize a just eco-friendly environment for sustainable, healthy and peaceful civic society with access to basic human as well as fundamental rights . Mission: To facilitate a participatory development process by giving due respect to gender equity with collaborative alliances among the stakeholders. Prioritization of geographical work pace to help people in the process of development in the Koraput, Malkangiri and Puri Districts of Odisha . Believe in the process of democratization and transparencies within the organization.


Non-Recognition of Women Farmers Distress Sell of Tribal and Rural Areas Agriculture allied and NTFP product Ignorance, backwardness, and Illiteracy create a gap in the leveraging and entitlement process and otherwise leg pull for a good Governance system Lack of Accuracy in poverty mapping and distribution system Climate Change - erratic rain Use of Chemical fertilizer and pesticides- Impacted to Health


Institution Building  Formation, Strengthen and reviving of SHGs basically towards Women groups on priority  Farmer's Groups / Club/Producer Groups may produce specific  Entrepreneur/ Company like Producer Company  Networking with Government sponsor companies, and agencies, undertaking  Child & Women Protection Groups  Culture and Education Groups  Village Development Council and other allied groups  Community Organisation for Socio-Economic Development Work Child Care, Protection & Rights  Protection of Child Marriage  Tracking of Child labor  Promotion of Birth registration under early pregnancy detection and registration  Working with the District level migration network to protect children missing and trafficking  Behavioural Change Communication Campaign on –Hand washing, breastfeeding, HIV & AIDS awareness  Adolescent life Skill Education & Iron Fortified (IFA) Table supplementation under observation  Behavioural Change Communication campaign on – Girl Child Education  Community strength building for Early Child hood Care, Education & Development  Adolescent screening & Counselling / Prevention and control of child marriage Forest Management  Forest Rights Committee Groups – Community Management of Forest  Forest Protection Groups  Non-Timber Forest Product collection , processing ,value addition and marketing Health, Water & Sanitation  Building tomorrow's health systems today  Delivering a unified service focused on prevention  Focusing on mother & Child health through information dissemination, dialogue & support service facilitation  Family Planning Programme- ASHA Contraceptive Hand Holding Programme & Intensive IEC interventions to promote NSV and spacing methods  Behavioural Change Communication on Tuberculosis, Malaria, Dengue, Diarrhoea in Remort Area  Create Awareness and Advocate for Control of Tuberculosis  Formation and reviving stricture of water user groups and smooth management  Promotion and scale up Swach Bharat Mission Education  Strengthening girl's education systems for growth  Capacity building and advocating in Early Childhood Care and Development  Behavioural Change Communication Campaign on – Girl Child Education  Campaign on Prevention of Which Hunting Sustainable livelihood with regulation and Employment  Farm based-Agriculture, Horticulture with Organic Manure Preparation and Practice  Safeguarding agriculture production and food security  Sustaining and enriching rural communities- in food chain Forest based  Wage and social security through MGNREGA, PDS, Pension scheme, Forest land rights  Creating a vibrant, sustainable economy  Ensuring stability and equity through sound regulation  Helping creation of rewarding, long-term employment Participatory Governance with Inclusion & Justice  Developing sharper, more responsive systems across PRI and community health and education management home violence and gender Networking  Networking with Digital India and Financial promotional institute with other stakeholders for financial inclusion to digitisation of 7000 SHGs Old age and orphanage care  Established and promotion of old age homes, Orphanage home care facilities Public Financial Management  Strengthening Public Finance Management at the community level for challenging times Eco Environment & Climate Change  Sustainable community forest management  Water resources community management  Adopted viable methods & technology like System of Rice Intensification & organic manure Research & Advocacy  Status study & tracking, dialog, reflection, hearing in citizen participation process

Demographies Served


Minimize the Social and economic growth Owners are neglected, problems in loan repayments Not Accuracy in Beneficiary Selection Corruption Crop loss- Change the traditional food habit Loss biodiversity region Health Hazards


  • Income & Nutrition Security of 2200 women Farmers Household through Agronomic practices in Tuber crops Cultivation , Backyard Garden and Poultry


    PRASTUTEE working with 2200 Tribal and rural women Framers of 20 villages of 02 GP of Bandhugan Block, Koraput District for 03 years to cultivate Tuber Crops, Backyard Garden, and Poultry to ensure the income increases up to 30% to 40 %, available of different types of foods in household food basket for consumption.

    Secondly, women farmers are building leadership to manage Women's Lead Producer Groups and Federation to operate market networking to sell self-products and leverage and entitlement of developmental schemes and programs.

    Thirdly, seed conservation and exchange practices are going on to minimize seed dependency, and the availability of different foods in household food baskets encourages the consumption of other foods for nutrition.

  • Farmers Producer Company - Lead by Women Farmers


    The Tribal and Rural Women farmers are forming and strengthening a Farmer's company to buy and sell agricultural products and Non-Timber Products such as Vegetable, Ginger, Tuber Crops, Black Piper, Turmeric, Tamarind, Siali Leaves, Honey, etc. both local as well as urban market with selective vendors.

Impact Metrics

  • To Work With 02 Vibrant Women Lead Farmers Producer Company

    Program Name

    Facilitation of FPO

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 7
    • 2023-24 10
  • 4003 Women Shgs Are Digitised and 80 % Are Credit Linkage With Bank , 86% Have Avail Government Insurance .

    Program Name

    E SHakti Degitisation aof SHGs - a Initiative of NABARD

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 6
    • 2020-21 8
    • 2021-22 10
    • 2022-23 10

Leadership Team

  • Susanta Kumar Balabantaray


  • Dr. S. Nalini Kumar Takri


  • Amzad Khan

    Vice President

  • Manjulata Patnaik


  • Mili Mohanty

    Member Executive

  • Paindi Jani

    Member Executive

  • Rina Nayak

    Member Executive

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID

    KPT 3006-6

  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    At- Chapar Road(Near Ecoturist Park), Po/Dist- Koraput , Koraput, Odisha, India, 764020

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Parent Organisation


  • Sister Organisation


  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2023-24

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