Mahila Evam Shishu Kalyan Parishad

Empowers people from poor and marginalised background with various initiatives to improve their overall lives

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Darbhanga, Bihar

  • Since


MESKP is an NGO working since 1984 in the fields of Social,  Rural,  Health,  Education,  Environment, Agriculture, Women and Child Development. We ar Read moree located in a remote village in Bihar which works for poor people. Our overall goal is empowerment of people from poor and marginalized communities, thereby improving their lives and livelihoods. We are the architects of the government vision of sustainable development under this umbrella, we have organized various development projects, workshops, training camps and programs etc. The organization is one of the oldest societies in North Bihar and is established in remote rural areas and flood-affected areas. Vision = We want a country of hope, tolerance and social justice, where the problem of people is overcome and people live in dignity and security. Mission = MESKP helps reduce social exclusion by accelerating education, health and empowerment for people in rural areas. Objective Making students and women self-reliant by creating vocational training and short course phases. The family will establish a counselling center against atrocities on women and children in society. Stop the dowry system and compromise with yourself by stopping the husband-wife dispute. Crash planning for raising children of working women. To arrange a library reading room for the knowledge of any students. To arrange for female girls to get scholarships for primary, middle and secondary examinations. To honor the economic, moral, intellectual and social status of the backward members of the society by adopting socio-economic programs. To make educated unemployed men and women self-sufficient by arranging small scale industries according to their interest. Adopt family welfare programs and establish and operate Datavam Dispensary Maternity Home, Choka Center, etc. New and old schemes announced from time to time for the all-round development of women by various agencies, Central Social Welfare Board, New Delhi / Central Government / State Government will also be run by this institution. Under the social and economic scheme, educated illiterate male and female widows will have to make arrangements for dairy, ottilo, production unit, small scale industry, fisheries, poultry farming and make them symbiotic. To make disabled, widow and old women self-sufficient by arranging chilis and other industries.

Demographies Served


  • Literacy and Education


    The target rural community's literacy and educational attainment are well behind those of Bihar's general populace. The business tends to absorb a huge number of young workers, and most families that send their kids to school wind up doing so on their own because they can't find alternative skills or a proper education.

    In these cases, the majority of women's issues are resolved and they become self-sufficient in a cooperative society.

  • Rural Development


    MESKP seeks to promote rural communities' social and economic development.
    Historically, rural development initiatives have outperformed those of national governments, international development organisations, NGOs, municipal or regional authorities, and regional development agencies. Additionally, local inhabitants can initiate development through endogenous initiatives. The phrase is not exclusive to problems in underdeveloped nations. In actuality, many developed nations have robust rural development initiatives.

Leadership Team

  • M. Shamim

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • 12A


  • 80G

    No.AA/MUZ/TECH/80G/15 1/03-04/52-53

  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    Vill & P.O. Kathalia Kanshi Simari, Darbhanga, 847123


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type
