Nurturing the Innocent Smiles

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    West Bengal

  • Since


Antyodoy Anath Ashram runs an Orphanage for abandoned and destitute children since 1995 at Paunsi, a remote village in Purba Medinipur district o Read moref West Bengal state in India. The journey of Antyodoy Anath Ashram is truly a fascinating one. The journey that started about 25 years back in 1995, through the emotional act of a local inhabitant, Sri Balaram Karan , by giving shelter to a hapless child of a nearby locality, has culminated to today’s Antyodoy Anath Ashram, an orphanage per excellence, where a good number of destitute children are being brought up under the watchful eyes of the Ashram management. It is a fascinating story of a great journey, initiated by one single person, Sri Balaram Karan, an inhabitant of the village, who impulsively brought home an unfortunate orphan in a chilly evening, whom he found desperately searching for food from a garbage bin, at an adjacent locality. The orphanage, which was set up sometime in 1995 and it was registered in the year 2004 under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act. 1961 . The journey, which had started by saving one child, has culminated to today’s Antyodoy Anath Ashram, giving shelter to about 170 hapless children . Sri Karan did not spare any efforts during the last two decades to provide them a place, they can call home. Besides formal education, children are also learning music, dance, drawing and painting here. Some of them are academically brilliant too, pursuing higher studies now. The journey was never an easy one but Sri Karan tenaciously latched onto it overcoming so many odds with his indomitable spirit, courage and commitment. He had to sell whatever little he possessed and even begged at times to feed the children. Situation however, improved a little in 2004, when the news of his relentless struggle came out in a leading newspaper. Many came forward spontaneously, extending support to his crusade.  AAA works with both deserted, helpless children and women in and around the district of Purba Medinipur, West Bengal through its different projects. Antyodoy focuses on destitute children care & protection, adolescent girl, women, education and health. Antyodoy strives to nurture, protect and care the orphan children who have no homes, or single parents disowned by the relatives. AAA purpose is to promote the holistic development of the child through loving care in a homely atmosphere with adequate nutrition and healthy social interaction and to educate all children till they are old and mature enough to venture out independently. AAA activities are framed on the belief that an organization like ours should do more than just provide temporary material relief to the suffering. Antyodoy Anath Ashram support is designed to give people the means to provide for their own welfare for the rest of their lives. This makes them not to remain dependent on the hands-outs of a charity. ‘Instead of giving fish to the starving, teach them how to catch fish’. Apart from the orphanage, the Antyodoy Anath Ashram has also initiated many philanthropic activities in the area. Setting up of free primary school, vocational & job oriented training, Initiatives for higher education, relief services during natural calamities, charitable dispensary, empowerment of adolescent girls, creche and celebration of different types of festivals are glaring examples in this direction. The Founder and Secretary of Antyodoy Anath Ashram, Sri Balaram Karan has received many awards for his contribution to the society including “Ananya Samman” from Zee 24 Ghanta , a leading Bengali News Channel.

Leadership Team


    Founder & Secretary



  • Nirmal Maity


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID

    SO125499 of 2004-2005

  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    Vill & P.O- Paushi PS- Bhupatinagar, Block-Bhagawanpur-II, Dist.- Purba Medinipur, 721444

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses