Global Cancer Concern India

Pioneers cancer care passionately working towards providing comprehensive support, from prevention to palliative care, for disadvantaged individuals in India

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    New Delhi, Delhi

  • Since


Global Cancer Concern India (GCCI), established in 1998 as a charitable trust in response to an invitation from Global Cancer Concern UK, stands as a Read morededicated non-profit NGO committed to alleviating the suffering of cancer patients. Led by General Pannu and with the esteemed patronage of Shri R Venkataraman, former President of India, GCCI has evolved into a prominent player in the realm of cancer care NGOs in the country. GCCI's primary focus lies in establishing palliative care services for terminally ill cancer patients, contributing significantly to the nation's cancer care landscape for the past 25 years. The organisation's mantra, "Together let us take their pain away," encapsulates its commitment to addressing key issues in cancer care management and supporting the disadvantaged sections of society. The overarching vision and mission of GCCI encompass a comprehensive approach to cancer care, spanning prevention, early detection, diagnostic and treatment interventions, rehabilitation, and palliative support. In pursuit of its bold objectives, GCCI strives to combat cancer across all stages, advocating for prevention, early detection, and palliative care management. The organisation aims to empower cancer sufferers to lead quality lives with dignity and self-esteem, aligning with national efforts to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of cancer care in the country.


Global Cancer Concern India has positively impacted over 9.7 million individuals through its awareness programmes, providing palliative home care support to 46,062 beneficiaries, extending primary health benefits to more than 1 million people, awarding 1,287 vocational training grants, disbursed financial aid totalling 2,212, and facilitated educational grants for 6,134 individuals.


  • Awareness Programme


    Global Cancer Concern India (GCCI) implements an impactful awareness programme focusing on preventing cancer, a result of either genetics or lifestyle choices. Targeting the needy and marginalized, it extends preventive healthcare to avert both loss of life and potential productive years. Conducting camps in various settings like urban slums, schools, corporates, and residential areas, GCCI employs innovative methods such as role play, case studies, and visual presentations to educate and promote a moderate and healthy lifestyle, emphasizing the importance of regular checkups for early detection. It strives to disseminate this crucial information through engaging methodologies, ensuring accessibility and understanding in diverse communities.

  • Cancer Screening & Detection Camps


    Global Cancer Concern India (GCCI) plays a pivotal role in early detection through cancer screening camps, acting as a catalyst for positive treatment outcomes. Dedicated teams of doctors and nurses conduct non-invasive screening investigations, effectively identifying symptoms that may indicate early-stage cancer. The organisation provides free access to pathological lab facilities and distributes medicines at no cost. Beneficiaries receive detailed information about screening and diagnosis results, accompanied by counselling on the recommended course of future treatment. GCCI's commitment to early detection contributes significantly to improving the chances of successful intervention and treatment for individuals at risk of cancer.

  • Financial Assistance Programme


    Global Cancer Concern India (GCCI) recognizes the substantial financial strain that cancer inflicts on patients and their families, particularly in the absence of medical insurance. The organisation acknowledges the exhaustive toll—physically, mentally, and financially—associated with the prolonged and arduous treatment process. In response to this, GCCI has established the Financial Assistance Programme with the primary objective of alleviating the financial burden on individuals and families grappling with the challenges of cancer treatment. Through this initiative, GCCI aims to provide crucial support and relief, acknowledging the multifaceted impact of cancer and striving to make the treatment journey more manageable for those facing financial constraints.

  • Palliative Care Programme


    Inspired by the challenges faced by terminally ill patients, Global Cancer Concern India (GCCI) has developed a Palliative Care Programme dedicated to addressing the holistic needs of individuals when active treatment is no longer viable. Since 2006, GCCI has been delivering home-based palliative care, employing a dedicated team consisting of a doctor, nurse, and counsellor. This team conducts visits to patients' homes, offering pain relief, medication, and counselling services. Caregivers are also provided with training to enhance their ability to support patients effectively. While palliative treatment may not be curative, it plays a vital role in providing moral support, extending life for a significant duration, and restoring the patient's quality of life. GCCI's Palliative Care Programme strives to ensure a relatively painless and dignified passing for those facing terminal illnesses.

  • Child Education Sponsorship Programme


    Global Cancer Concern India (GCCI) administers the Child Education Sponsorship programme, offering crucial support to underprivileged children from families affected by cancer. This initiative ensures these children have the opportunity to pursue and complete their school education despite the challenges posed by the illness. Additionally, GCCI implements vocational rehabilitation programmes aimed at integrating cancer patients and their dependents back into the mainstream of life, fostering self-sufficiency. Through these efforts, the organisation seeks to empower individuals impacted by cancer, enabling them to overcome educational and vocational hurdles and regain a sense of normalcy in their lives.

Impact Metrics

  • No. of People Through Primary Healthcare and Screening Programmes

    Program Name

    Cancer Screening & Detection Programmes

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2018-19 91037
    • 2019-20 93281
    • 2020-21 44230
    • 2021-22 36547
  • No. of People Sensitized Through Awareness Programmes

    Program Name

    Awareness Programme

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2018-19 5923185
    • 2019-20 4704000
    • 2020-21 90131
    • 2021-22 23317
    • 2022-23 0
  • No. of People Provided Palliative Home Care

    Program Name

    Palliative Care Programme

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2018-19 7799
    • 2019-20 5230
    • 2020-21 425
    • 2021-22 2056

Leadership Team

  • S G Raman

    Director - Finance

  • Mona Singh

    Managing Trustee

  • Manju Sujith

    Senior General Manager

  • Virendra Gupta

    Senior GM - Finance

  • Subramanian Dass

    Deputy Director

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID

    1059, Book No.4

  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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