The Ostomy Association of India

Crates awareness and supports and rehabilitate people requiring surgery of cancer in Gastro-Intestinal and Genito-Urinary tract

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • 80G
  • 12A
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Mumbai, Maharashtra

  • Since


The Ostomy Association of India or OAI was formed in 1975, inspired by the monumental rehabilitative support given to one of our founders during his c Read moreolostomy surgery in the United States. The famous surgeon Dr. D.J. Jussawala, India’s first Oncologist founded the Indian Cancer Society (ICS) with Shri Naval Tata in 1951. Dr.Jussawala then teamed up with Shri Ramakant Shah & Shri Hiralal Narang to form Ostomy Association of India or OAI in 1975 under the umbrella of ICS. OAI continues to operate under its parent association, affiliated for life ! OAI was formed to educate, support and rehabilitate the ordinary ostomy patient in India. Keeping the above ideals in mind, OAI pioneered serving Ostomy Patients across the Indian sub continent. OAI is a self-help group of people who have all undergone diversional surgery of the Gastro-Intestinal and Genito-Urinary tract. Ostomy is the surgery carried out when cancer strikes the human bladder and/or Bowel. An Ostomy allows normal body wastes to be expelled through a surgical opening called a “ STOMA ” on the abdominal wall into a special appliance fitted over it externally. People with Stoma are commonly called Ostomates. The major reasons for stoma surgery are cancer of colon & intestine and gastro intestinal disorders like irritable bowel disease. We are a not-for-profit association affiliated to Indian Cancer Society (ICS), registered under the Bombay Public Trust. We are also a member of the International Ostomy Association (IOA). We have over 15000 registered members across India who regularly pick up their supplies from us. A sizable number of them also avail our free counselling and problem solving at our stoma clinic.


OAI educates, supports, and rehabilitates ostomy patients in India, providing ostomy appliances and kits to members on a no-profit no-loss basis, and offering free supplies to poor and needy patients.


OAI has over 15,000 registered members across India who regularly obtain their supplies from the association.

Vision & Mission

OAI's vision is 'Surviving Cancer, life beyond Ostomy', with a mission focused on life and a culture of care and compassion.


  • Counselling Services


    Provides counselling to patients every Wednesday and Friday in their centre in Mumbai.

  • Stay for family of patients


    The creator of DMart, Radhakishan Damani, has built a 53-room facility at Gopal Mansion, next to Metro Cinema Queens Road, Mumbai, for the use of families of patients receiving medical care in the city.

  • Medical Care Services


    Provides the following services:
    Ostomy patients receive pre- and post-operative psychotherapy.
    Free of Cost Enterostomal Therapist Counselling and Stomacare.
    Distribution of Ostomy Materials
    Family counselling / Ostomate to Ostomate conversation.
    Orient fresh ostomates to current ones.
    Setting Up Events and Meetings for the Ostomates Orienting the New Ostomates.

    Other services offered are:
    General OPD, X-Ray, ECG, Pathology, Eye Checkup, Cataract Surgery, Lazer (Phaco) surgery, Gynecology, IVF, Hysteroscopy, Skin Specialist, Orthopedic, Diabetic & Cardio, Child Specialist, Ear - Nose - Throat, Dental, Dialysis, Cervical and Uterus Cancer Test, Anti Cancer Injection for Girls, Hearing Aids for Sr. Citizens, Notebooks and other stationery items to students, Scholarship for Higher Education for deserving candidates for BE MBA

Milestones & Track Record

OAI pioneered serving Ostomy Patients across the Indian subcontinent since its formation in 1975.

Leadership Team

  • Sanjay Sachdeva

  • D.J. Jussawala,


  • Shri Naval Tata


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID

    F-12417 (Mumbai)

  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    Ostomy Association of India Ground Floor, 74, Jerbai Wadia Road, Bhoiwada, Parel, Mumbai, 400012

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type
