Voice of Needy Foundation

Works for the people with disability through early intervention and skill development

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • 80G
  • 12A
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Bangalore, Karnataka

  • Since


Voice of Needy Foundation (VNF) is a Bangalore headquartered NGO working across Karnataka in the field of Disability. After 3 years of intensive field Read more work, VNF was formally registered in 2013. Within disability, our focus has been to work with the most disadvantaged amongst them. Our bias is towards the school drop-outs, the very poor and the more severely disabled. Our basic approach with the beneficiaries is to first build their self-respect and then show them that change is possible. Our Founder and most of our staff are themselves disabled and act as role models and credible teachers. Since last 10 years we reached to 31 dist of Karnataka and done direct events in 20 dist


Disabled people face difficulty to get employment due to lack in employable skills{ communication skills ,basic Computer for office work, manageable english, work ethics, policies in the companies, disability Management, Sector Knowledge} We focus on 4, 37,903 Disabled youths of Karnataka {As per census 2011} The disabilities like Polio and other types are prevented in 20th century by the advancement of medical technologies ,According to a 2022 meta-analysis, the prevalence of intellectual disability (ID) in India is 2%. This is based on a review of individual studies over the last 60 years, which show that the prevalence has decreased from 5% to 2%. Lack of early intervention / identification and early education leads to permanent disability and percentage of disability would be increased over the period The children born with delayed development may suffer from delayed in all the milestones and it would be minimized by the intervention.


We have worked across disability-related fields over the past ten years, including Early Intervention programmes for kids with disabilities, Community Awareness, Upskilling programmes that lead to employability, Education, and Distribution of medical equipment throughout Karnataka. Since 2017, our primary focus has been on assisting People with Disabilities (PwD) to achieve financial and emotional independence. Today, ~70% of disabled people, especially in North Karnataka are dependent on families. The majority of them lack confidence, are undereducated, and have experienced neglect since they were young children.This coupled with the community attitudetowards disability is detrimental for their growth and future.Therefore, we developed a Residential Skill development and Employment program in order to concentrate on this problem. Till date, we have upskilled 1400+ disabled people across Karnataka and imparted skills like Computers, Soft skills,Personality development and others. 70% of our beneficiaries have secured employment, areindependent and also taking care of their families.

Demographies Served


VNF identified 60 children with delayed development in 2017 and rehabilitation started early, since last 2 years 25 delayed development children identified from Rural area of Bangalore and started their rehabilitation through outreach intervention center and Capacity building of parents , most of children recevied Aids and appliances and 8 children enrolled to government schools with zero rejection program

Vision & Mission

Their vision is for every person with a disability to lead a quality life with access to proper health, education, and livelihood support. Their mission includes creating employment opportunities, preventing secondary deformities through early intervention, and implementing entitlements for people with disabilities.


  • Livelihood-Self employment

    Livelihood: Rural Employment Programme in Collaboration with RUDSET (EDP) for Disabled and Enable India.

    Through this program we are since 2022 we supported 116 disabled people to get 10days of entrepreneurship training and 70 people started their self employment and 31 people received Loan of Rs 900000 from Rang de (Social Investor)

  • Early Intervention

    A preventive initiative known as "early intervention" was launched in 2017 by the DNA disability NGO coalition. DNA's skill-building partner for human resource development is Srushti Special Academy.

    With this programme, we seek to detect the developmental delays in children living in the slums near our workplace and to address their rehabilitation. to recognise and initiate the rehabilitation process for children with delayed development at an early age (before three years.)

  • Livelihood -Wage employment


    We run a 60-day Residential Skill Development Training and Employment programme for rural disabled youth from backward districts of North Karnataka. The programme runs in three locations – Mahalakshmi layout, Hesaraghatta and Nelamagala in North Bengaluru, providing free food and accommodation to all trainees. We train candidates in various vocational and soft skills, including retail management, spoken English and computers, disability management. After the training, we help place them in companies like Big Basket,Vishal mega mart, Shoppers Stop, Reliance Trends,Wework,Mitticafe and Vindhya E-info Media

    So far trained 1400 disabled people and 900 got job opportunities across karnataka

  • Community Based rehabilitation

    Ensure disabled people to access education , rehabilitation and entitlement
    Disabled people are suffering lot with discrimination and lack of awareness about their available resource in Government so VNF selected 39 panchayths in Bangalore North and yellahanka to help through various programs like Wheelchair , other appliances and Government schemes like Disability ID Card(UDID), Disability Pension, Train and Bus Pass, Petty shop

    Identfied 1950 disabled from Bangalore North and yellahanka taluk
    1200+disabled people benifited with
    UDID card , Monthly allowance from government, 5% panchayats funds supported for 1150 people and 350+ disabled received Aids and appliances
    15 people got 3 wheeler bike

Impact Metrics

  • 1400 Disabled People Trained and 950 Got Job Opportunities Since 2017

    Program Name

    Livelihood wage employment

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 175
    • 2021-22 250
    • 2022-23 350
  • 1950 Disabled People Received Udid Card and 350 +Aids and Appliances and 1150 People Gp 5%

    Program Name

    Community based rehabilitation

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 300
    • 2020-21 850
    • 2021-22 250
    • 2022-23 600

Milestones & Track Record

The foundation has trained 121 disabled people on entrepreneurship development, helped 71 people start their own businesses, and facilitated loans averaging 25,000 rupees each for 31 individuals.

Leadership Team

  • Vasudeva M. R.


  • Arun Kumar S.

    Executive Director

  • jaishankar


  • Raghavendra poojari


  • Raghu N Hubbali


  • Sumitha .S

    Program Manager

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    Inside Ground 10th Main 2nd Cross Shankarnagar, Mahalakshmi Layout, Bangalore, 560086

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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