Centre for Tribal and Rural Development Trust (CTDR TRUST)

Empowers marginalized tribal and rural communities through comprehensive development initiatives, including livelihood support and self-help groups

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Nilgiri, Tamil Nadu

  • Since


The Centre for Tribal and Rural Development (CTRD) Trust, founded in 1988, operates as a voluntary organisation in Tamil Nadu, India. It dedicates its Read moreelf to uplifting marginalized tribal and rural communities in the Nilgiri District. Its activities primarily involve supporting livelihood projects such as housing, infrastructure enhancements, and healthcare improvements. Additionally, it empowers these communities by introducing income-generating opportunities and fostering Self-Help Groups. CTRD Trust's approach is collaborative, working directly with diverse communities and utilizing its professional team's skills and experience to address poverty and marginalization. Funding for its projects comes from donations and support from government bodies and civil society organisations worldwide. The organisation's mission is to equip tribal and rural communities with the necessary tools and knowledge for self-sufficiency. It focuses on providing comprehensive health, education, and livelihood training to promote sustainable economic well-being and uphold basic human rights for all, irrespective of gender, age, or ability. CTRD Trust envisions empowered, self-reliant tribal and rural communities with improved socio-economic conditions while preserving their cultural and environmental heritage.


Tribal communities are often among the marginalized and vulnerable groups in society facing numerous challenges and hinder their development and wellbeing. They include lack of interest in education due to several reason, healthcare disparities, economic marginalization, and substance addiction, Sickle cell anaemia is also caused because of malnutrition.


Our organisation engages in varieties of action addressing social and environmental issues. Humanitarian aid: providing emergency relief during natural disaster. Development projects: implementing programs in education, healthcare and economic development. Community engagement: Working directly with communities to empower the tribals and build capacity. Environmental conservation: Promoting sustainable practices. Training and education: offering workshop, seminars and training program to enhance skills. Health services: Health education, health camps are conducted which also include eye camps Youth engagement: creating programs and awareness to develop the skills. Water and sanitation: Building toilets for the needy and creating awareness on clean water. Sustainable agriculture practices: workshops on organic faming, production of organic manure, the right way and technique to be updated to grow the crop. Education: preparatory schools and evening coaching centre are there to help the tribal kids. The tribal kids are given the educational materials and nutritional snacks. Disability: Training on skill development for their day to day life and braille is taught to them.


CTRD have a transformative impact on the tribal community by addressing a range of social, economic and environmental challenges since 1988. Here are some of the key areas, Health care: CTRD primary focus was on health and wellness of the tribals and rural poor community, Back in 1980, the health condition was in deplorable situation, mortality rate was high due to the lack of modern day health care practices. Awareness campaign and several health camps are conducted. This awareness campaign gave them the confidence on the modern day health care system. Health education: This awareness provides informative sessions and personalized counselling on topics like nutrition, hygiene and disease prevention. Thus, through the health and wellness awareness program we aim to find a meaningful impact on the life of individual in the community. Eye care: • Educate participants about the importance of regular eye examination and maintaining good eye health. • Increasing awareness and understanding of common eye condition and preventive measures. • Educating the participants for maintain eye safety and hygiene. Nearly, 150 camps have been conducted by CTRD partnering with various eye hospitals in Coimbatore all over Nilgiris District. Education: Early childhood awareness on education for kids and parents: Raising awareness and providing quality early education for tribal kids involves understanding and addressing the unique challenges they face while respecting and incorporating their cultural heritage. a. Educating young children strengthen the community by fostering leaders and contributors. b. Conducting informational sessions with parents and community leaders to discuss the benefits of early child hood education and gather input. Teacher training programs: a. Offer professional development for teacher on culturally responsive methods. b. Train teachers from within the community to ensure they understand and respect their culture Adult literacy : Adult literacy awareness program is conducted since 1995, by addressing the specific needs of adult learners and providing the necessary support and resource, such a program can significantly improve literacy rates and contribute to the overall well being and development of the community. Financial literacy : • To provide participants with foundational knowledge of personal finance concepts such as budgeting, and saving. • Awareness to the participants on the importance of budgeting, saving for short term and long term. • To raise awareness about the responsible use of credit and managing debit. • Youth financial literacy to build a foundation for lifelong financial responsibility. Empowering tribal communities through government school enrolment: Back in 1980, the educational literacy among the tribal kids was nil. CTRD went on huge student enrolment in government schools, after few days while visiting the children in the school, nearly 90% of the children left out of the school. After conducting research, we came to know that the numbers and alphabets were alien to them and since they were along with the nature sitting in a closed place was not possible, even if few survived without proper follow up they were not able to continue the education. Hence, we gave awareness to the parents and kids through preparatory schools were the children of age below 5 are selected and prepared them for schooling, special curriculum was framed for them to boost the confidence. Environmental conservation program The environmental awareness program aims to inspire and equip individual communities to become active participants in preserving our planet; by working together and making small changes in our daily life we can create a significant positive impact on the environment. Construction of biogas unit: In tribal community for cooking firewood is used, one tribal family spent nearly 30kg average, for cooking, nearly 900kg of firewood is burnt per month. 1kg of firewood releases 1.08 ,CO2, and also cutting of firewood leads to deforestation also the smoke emitted from the kitchen produces Asthma, brochities. CTRD raised awareness on the sustainable energy, biogas. Through this awareness program it can effectively educate motivate communities to adopt biogas technology leading to sustainable energy practices and environment benefits. Bio gas units are constructed since 2008, as a part of sustainable conservation energy and environment conservation. Women empowerment Entrepreneurship and business skill training: Entrepreneurship and skill development training program is tailored by CTRD according to the need of the community. It provides them skill, knowledge and training and resources for the need to start business. • After the training the individual will have the knowledge to enhance the business management . • Foster financial literacy. • Creating networking and mentoring opportunities SHG: A self- Help Group awareness program is designed to educate communities about the benefits of SHGs. Increasing the awareness about SHG and promote their formation and sustainability. About 900 self-help groups are trained by CTRD. Women legal rights awareness program: This program mainly aims to educate women about their legal rights, promote gender equality and empower them to seek justice and protection under the law. • We have educated fundamental legal rights. • Encouraging women in reporting of violence and seeking justice. • Reduces the discrimination. Vocational training: This training is given to women which aims to equip them with specific skills and knowledge and to improve their employability. a. Tailoring and dress making: Introduction of sewing machine, fabrics, followed with pattern making, step by step garment creation. b. Handicrafts and jute training knitting, and bag, purses making with the help of jute material. c. Banana silk extraction training: Demonstration on identifying and selecting the stem and hands on training is given to the women with the machinery. Organic manure production training: Our organisation focuses on sustainable agriculture and offer training programs on organic farming techniques they may provide hands on training at demonstration farms Land development training: CTRD has developed about 400 acres of land of tea by distributing tea saplings to the farmers. Hands on training were given to the farmers on to grow the tea, pruning techniques, manure for the tea saplings. The training is given on a. Soil management and fertility. b. Slope management. c. Water management. d. Pruning management Water and sanitation training Water and sanitation training programs are conducted by our organisation since 1990 for promoting health and sustainable water management techniques. Many tribal communities do not have toilet access to toilets and are forced to practice open air defecation. This awareness improves understanding to improve prevent waterborne diseases. In this training we train them with handwashing, toilet hygiene and the importance of clean water source. Disability training: Visually impaired participants are trained with hands on activities and simulation to understand daily living skills, mobility techniques, and assistive technologies used by visually impairments. We provide them resources and information on inclusive practices accessibility and advocacy. Also, skill development training is also given to them. Braille is taught to the visually impaired which enhance them to read and write. All these have created positive impact on the induvial of tribal and poor community


  • Livelihoods Programme

    The programme focuses on empowering Adivasi small-scale tea farmers by cultivating and processing organic Green Tea, aiming to alleviate poverty and ensure sustainable livelihoods. Since May 2016, it has collaborated with SODI to train 500 tribal farmers in organic cultivation techniques. The tea is grown on family-owned plantations in tribal villages, utilizing mixed cropping for shade and additional income. Adhering to premium quality standards, the project includes establishing a tea factory, scheduled for completion in January 2019, to produce the branded tribal IPPI MALAI Tea. Long-term plans involve community ownership of the Green Valley Tea Factory, and reinvesting income into social projects. Certification under EU-Bio Standard UTZ has already been achieved, with plans for FAIRTRADE certification in progress.

  • Housing & Sanitation Programme

    The programme addresses the severe housing and sanitation needs in Narangamoola Village, near Ambalamoola town, where only 14 huts accommodate 22 families comprising 95 individuals. With 57% women, 43% men, and 31% below 18 years old, the situation is dire, aggravated by the absence of sanitation facilities, leading to hazardous open defecation practices. From 2018 to 2019, in partnership with Organization GSE, CTRD supports the construction of 21 weather-resistant houses and sanitation facilities in the village. Through collaborative efforts with the tribal community and assistance from German students in October 2018, the project aims to provide tools, materials, and knowledge for sustainable development.

  • Awareness program

    Several awareness program are conducted by our organisation since 1988, at present we focus on the following
    Awareness on danger of alcoholism.
    Awareness on healthy diet.
    Awareness on the importance of the education among parents.
    Training for bee keeping.
    Training for the banana silk production.
    Training on kitchen garden.
    Women empowerment .

  • Economic development of the tribes through integrated program.

    Bee keeping : The beekeeping initiative aimed to provide an additional source of income to improve food security and also enhance environmental sustainability.
    highly nutritional value of the honey is sold 600/ kg.
    Banana fibre production: hands on training is given and production of banana fibres made their economic condition stable.

  • Kitchen Garden

    The dual initiative aimed to enhance food security, improve nutrition, boost household economies and raise awareness about the healthy dietary practices

  • Disability training

    Visually impaired participants are trained with hands on activities and simulation to understand daily living skills, mobility techniques, and assistive technologies used by visually impairments.
    We provide them resources and information on inclusive practices accessibility and advocacy. Also, skill development training is also given to them. Braille is taught to the visually impaired which enhance them to read and write.

  • Sickle cell Anaemia

    The SCA testing aimed to identify individuals with sickle cell anaemia.

    • Early diagnosis of SCA is increased by testing
    • Overall health improvement reported by patients including fewer pain episodes.
    • Awareness about SCA increased with significant improvements in knowledge about symptoms, treatment, and prevention.

  • Education

    The evening school was created to school going children for the follow up in the evening. Due to the lack of attention of parents after school the children are not able to do their home works. Due to this reason the academic performance was poor and the rate of drop out is also high. To avoid this evening coaching class was started with part time teachers. The teacher gathers all the school going children and help them to read and write the home works.

  • Environment program

    As a part of Conservation of biodiversity, and to control the carbon emission sustainable energy is opted and biogas plant is constructed. so far, 55 biogas plants are constructed for the tribals for the reduction of firewood usage for cooking.

Impact Metrics

  • Since 1988, Acres of Land is Developed in as Tea Field .

    Program Name

    Integrated tribal development

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2023-24 45

Leadership Team

  • Ramaswamy Ranganathen

    Chief Executive Officer

  • Vijayan Kalan

    Board Member

  • Lakshmi

    Board Member

  • Devaki Narayanan



    Board Member

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



Other Details

  • Parent Organisation


  • Sister Organisation


  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2023-24

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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