The Bank considers that the driving force behind any success story is people- particularly those with various abilities, working together to create a
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forward momentum. Axis Bank Foundation (ABF), a registered trust was formed in 2006 to take this momentum to the community and enable inclusive and equitable economic growth. ABFs initial programs focused on education and highway trauma care. Over the years, Foundation has evolved its approach to meet the contemporary needs of the society and aligned all its activities under a unified program aimed at creating sustainable livelihoods.
Under this overarching goal of 'Sustainable Livelihoods', ABF creates opportunities for small, marginal farmers and landless to enhance their incomes from agri and agri allied, natural resource management, livestock, linkages for finance and markets. ABF also looks at providing vocational skills for able and disabled unemployed youth in urban and rural India. ABF partners with several likeminded Not-For-Profit organizations to co-create need based programs.
Grant Value
Grant ValueRs. 740,000,000 -
Grant ValueRs. 840,000,000 -
Grant ValueRs. 1,130,000,000
Vision & Mission
Axis Bank Foundation's vision is to reach out to the most-in-need communities in some of the poorest regions of the country.
In the first phase of the mission (2011-17), ABF has worked with the communities from the poor districts of India and reached out to more than a million participants taking them to a path of transformation, both economically and socially. In the new phase (2018-25), ABF is committed to work with Two Million households in their journey towards better livelihood means that can be sustainable and will lead to the next level of social transformation. This will be achieved by building strong community institutions, producer organisations, market linkages, etc. and thereby building resilience.
Watershed Management and Agricultural Productivity
DescriptionWatershed Management and Agricultural Productivity are cornerstones for ABFs rural livelihood strategy that geographically focuses on the rain-fed regions in the country. Watershed with its socio-political-ecological characteristics plays an important role in determining and realizing economic, social, and ecological security; vital in supporting progress for rural communities.
Some of the key elements of the project design include watershed management, agriculture productivity enhancement, aggregation of input and produce to gain better market realization and collectivization.
These are realized by building the technical capacity and capability of the communities. Directed efforts are undertaken to improve community led governance around access, equity and regeneration of natural resources that include water, common land, forest produce and market interfaces.CauseDemographicsImpactHouseholds 13,33,646Hectares of area brought under Irrigation 78,518 -
Livestock Enhancement
DescriptionLivestock rearing is an integral part of rural households, which helps provide an alternate source of income to the families besides farming. These activities include poultry and duck farming and rearing of goats, pigs and cattle. The program supports interventions such as animal health care, feed and fodder management, selection and animal breeding, care and management of new born, milking techniques, vaccinations, etc.
Dairy development is also undertaken by building the value chain and linking the producers with the market. The projects equips pashu sakhis (para vets) with adequate training to provide basic veterinarian care to the livestock.CauseDemographicsImpactHouseholds supported for Livestock 3,47,794Trees planted 39,54,044Livestock Community Resource Person (CRP) (Pashu Sakhis) supported 8,383Health Camps for Livestock conducted 8,987 -
Vocational Training
DescriptionIndia has the world’s largest youth population and is facing a challenge with most of its work force having limited or no skills viz the employability opportunities. India could face serious socio-economic problems due to the lack of employability of this workforce basis the absence of relevant skills. Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and social development of any country.
For Indian economy to grow, there is an immediate need to curb the large skill gap arising due to migration from agriculture to secondary and tertiary sector without acquiring adequate skill education. ABF plans to bridge this gap through its Vocational Training Projects, where the focus is on creating employment opportunities by providing vocational skills training to school dropouts, unemployed youth of rural India, tribal communities and women with the objective of providing them with a chance to lead self-sustained and economically independent lives.CauseDemographicsImpactSelf-Help Groups supported 68,784Youth Trained 39,874Cooperatives supported 71Skill Centres supported 98People 15,55,155 -
Livelihood for the Persons with Disabilities
DescriptionThe disabled population in India is often disregarded in terms of special skill-based trainings and employment opportunities. There is limited assistance in equipping them to become independent individuals capable of being productive and self-reliant. While there has been some level of awareness creation about uplifting this marginal community in the recent times, there is a lot that still needs to be done. ABF supports PwDs by creating opportunities through market linked trainings, supporting with employability trainings placements to enables them to earn livelihood and make them financially independent.
CauseDemographicsImpactYouth with disabilities trained 17,665Households 52,290
Annual Reports
Leadership Team
Axis Bank Foundation, 2nd Floor, Axis House, C-2, Wadia International Centre, P.B. Marg, Worli
Directions, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Email ID
Phone Number
022- 24252258
Point of Contact
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