Ajagar Social Circle

Works in the field of agriculture, livelihood promotion, education and disaster management

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  • Headquarters

    Goalpara, Assam

  • Since


"Ajagar Social Circle was formally registered in the year 2001 under Society Registration Act 1860 XXI. The organisation achieves to bring about a cha Read morenge in social economic culture, support low income segment and increasing the livelihood opportunities of the people in north eastern region of the country. Vision is “to be the most respected and preferred organization of the North Eastern region with exemplary community service, by serving 75,000 underserved people by 2025.” Mission is “to improve the socio- economic status of underserved area in North Eastern region through increased access to institutional service and financial services for livelihood support in a sustainable manner. Ajagar Social Circle intends to offer diverse activities with exemplary community services while striving to become a people friendly institution.”


Ajagar has made a significant impact across the entire North East India through- 1. Total 1,000 farmers who have benefited from the Krishak Samriddhi Program. 2. 879 students at Ajagar Valley Academy now receive improved education. 3. 124 women empowered through skills training for better livelihoods.


  • Lets Return to School Project


    Let's Return to School project in the Lakhipur area has achieved significant success in its two-year implementation. the key outcomes and objectives:
    -Reduced the dropout rate to 80%.
    -Achieved 100% enrollment for children aged 6 to 10 years.
    -Provided training to 1190 dropout and irregular students with the assistance of 24 Special Training Centers (STCs).
    -Engaged 48 volunteer teachers in the project.
    Project Objective:
    -Minimize the dropout rate.
    -Reduce the number of children who have never enrolled in school.
    -Mainstream dropout children through special training.
    -Support teachers in creating child-friendly Teaching and Learning Materials and ensure their effective use.
    B. Target Group: families with children aged 6 to 10 years who have dropped out of school or have never been enrolled. Aims to empower communities through education and reduce dropout rates and non-enrollment.

  • Ajagar Valley Academy- An eduction initiative


    AJAGAR VALLEY ACADEMY (AVA)is a growing institution with brilliant academic performance. It is committed to develop the intellectual, artistic, and recreational potential of each student. Since August 2007 ,AJAGAR SOCIAL CIRCLE has tried its level best to uplift the school to an ideal one.Vision: "To build an institution dedicated to imparting value-based education and nurturing capable leaders in various fields. Mission:
    Our mission is to create an environment in which every student discovers and realizes their potential. The Ajagar Valley Academy (AVA) strives to provide the best education possible, fostering strong relationships among teachers, students, parents, and stakeholders in the learning process. The Academy aims to cultivate a comprehensive understanding of human life, enabling students to thrive in the world with balanced development in spiritual, moral, academic, physical, social, and cultural aspects.

  • Recovery of Conflict Affected Communities project

    The project was initiated to support the recovery of conflict-affected communities in Assam, North-East India,focussing on addressing food security issues in severely impacted areas. The project employed various modes of assistance in the districts of Karbi Anglong, Chirang, and Goalpara.
    Cash For Work (CFW):
    A total of 1500 people benefited from CFW, with each beneficiary receiving INR 6290 for 37 days of work, amounting to INR 170 per beneficiary per day.
    Unconditional Cash Grant (UCG):
    A total of 1452 people were beneficiaries in Karbi Anglong, 156 people in Chirang, and 80 people in Goalpara.
    Conditional Cash Grant (CCG):
    CCG was implemented in Karbi Anglong and Chirang to support agricultural households in recovering essential assets like tools, seeds, and livestock.
    A total of 2938 people benefited from CCG in Karbi Anglong, and 1419 people benefited in Chirang.

  • Assam Agricultural Competitiveness Project


    Ajagar Social Circle has actively participated in the Assam Agricultural Competitiveness Project involving rural landless individuals, small and marginal landholders, and poor fishing communities, with a particular focus on women. The project aims to increase crop and fish productivity and improve market access for participating farmers, communities, and groups.
    Key Project Activities:
    -Awareness Meetings and Group Formation
    -Support Services
    -Rural Road Project
    -SafeGuard Policy Compliance
    Ajagar Social Circle's active involvement in these initiatives contributes to the overall growth and competitiveness of Assam's agriculture sector, benefiting rural communities and promoting sustainable development.

Leadership Team

  • Hiren Kalita


  • Prabin Das


  • Dibakar Nath


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2016-17

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2017-18

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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