Gramin Evam Nagar Vikas Parishad

Empowers rural and urban communities through sustainable development, gender equity, and healthcare initiatives

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  • Headquarters

    Patna, Bihar

  • Since


The Gramin Evam Nagar Vikas Parishad (GENVP), established in 1984, envisions a platform for addressing developmental concerns among the underprivilege Read mored. The organisation's origin lies in a collective of like-minded intellectuals who aim to involve both rural and urban disadvantaged individuals in diverse developmental pursuits. Embracing the principles articulated by Mahatma Gandhi and Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan, GENVP holds that progress is achievable when people, particularly those in rural areas, are mobilized to partake in their own advancement. The organisation is steadfast in its commitment to empowering individuals, particularly women, youth, and Dalit populations, recognizing their potential as drivers of societal transformation. GENVP's vision entails the realization of a self-sufficient rural society marked by self-governance, harmony, fairness, and justice. The organisation's mission revolves around community mobilization to initiate social initiatives, facilitating the establishment of sustainable healthcare systems, fostering women's empowerment and gender equality in rural contexts, and promoting economic development while creating sustainable opportunities for marginalized sections of society.


  • Healthcare Programme

    GENVP champions comprehensive healthcare access as an issue of social justice. Rooted in the belief that health concerns extend beyond medical practitioners to encompass social fairness, GENVP undertakes several initiatives to address community health. Presently, it focuses on areas like sexual and reproductive health, HIV, children's immunization, and safe abortion. Through coordinated efforts with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) across various districts, GENVP is dedicated to expanding access to quality family planning services in Bihar. By engaging community champions, advocating with government officials, technical experts, media, and popular figures, GENVP promotes informed contraceptive choices and improves health indicators, contributing to a self-reliant society.

  • Community Foundation Programme

    In the sphere of community development, GENVP undertakes the project 'Establishment of Institutionalized Systems for Development of Community Philanthropy amongst the Dalit Communities in Bihar'. This initiative aims to strengthen the unity of nearly two dozen sub-caste groups within the Dalit Community in Bihar by establishing the 'Dalit Community Foundation'. Through grassroots consultations and district-level engagements, the project seeks to foster a sense of commitment and contribution among Dalit Community members towards their own development. By connecting local efforts to broader institutional practices and policies at the state and national levels, GENVP works to enhance the visibility and impact of community-driven initiatives.

  • Women Dignity Programme


    GENVP operates a Short Stay Home known as "Shanti Kutir," collaborating with the State Society for Ultra-Poor and Social Welfare (SSUPSW) to support female beggars and ultra-poor individuals in Nalanda, Bihar. Established under the "Mukhyamantri Bhikshavriti Nivaran Yojna" (MBNY), also known as "PAHCHAN," this initiative aims to safeguard and enhance the rights of beggars and ultra-poor individuals through policies and programmes that ensure care, protection, and socio-economic and cultural empowerment. The project provides care, support, vocational training, education for children, and microfinance opportunities to enhance livelihoods and discourage begging, aligning with GENVP's broader commitment to addressing community health concerns, particularly in areas such as sexual and reproductive health, HIV, children's immunization, and safe abortion.

  • Education & Digital Literacy Programme


    GENVP is committed to enhancing education and digital literacy through various projects. These projects include creating public libraries for internet access and services, educating non-school-going Dalit children, reintegrating dropouts into mainstream schools, advocating for child rights, combating child trafficking, and providing non-formal education centres with supplementary food. These efforts aim to ensure proper education, reduce child labour, and empower marginalized communities in Nalanda, Bihar.

  • Livelihoods Programme

    GENVP is actively engaged in various livelihood projects, aiming to uplift marginalized communities. These projects include the "Lighting Lives Candle Production and Marketing Project" which establishes a candle-making cottage industry, the "Mukhymantri Bhikshavriti Nivaran Yojna" providing rehabilitation for beggars and the ultra-poor, the "Mukhymantri Nari Shakti Yojna" empowering women through self-help groups, the "Swarn Jyanti Swarojgar Yojna" forming and nurturing women self-help groups, the "Campaign for NREGS" raising awareness about rural employment schemes, and the "Integrated Rural Development" project focusing on agricultural improvement and community mobilization. Additionally, GENVP has worked on the "Swayamsidha Project" to organise women's self-help groups, all with the goal of enhancing livelihood opportunities and self-reliance in Bihar.

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    Flat no. - 11, Tulsi Vatika Apartment Vivekanand Park, Near Alpana Market New Patliputra colony, Patna, Bihar, India", 800013


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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