Empower People

Provides comprehensive support and empowerment to trafficked women and girls through survivor-led initiatives and community engagement

  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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  • Headquarters

    New Delhi, Delhi

  • Since


EMPOWER PEOPLE is widely recognized for its tireless efforts in safeguarding and empowering trafficked women and girls. Employing a survivor-centric, Read morerights-based approach, the organization actively engages religious and ethnic leaders, community members, and various stakeholders to break the vicious cycle of trafficking. Originally starting as a movement in 2005, EMPOWER PEOPLE has evolved into a formidable organization dedicated to supporting law enforcement agencies and families in locating missing girls and conducting rescue operations. The organization ensures a comprehensive follow-up on rehabilitation processes in source areas, forming diverse groups for each case to guarantee the safety of survivors and mitigate social stigma. These groups, composed of individuals from the same society, act as guardians, providing support in local communities. In destination areas, where trafficked brides continue to live with their 'husbands and children,' EMPOWER PEOPLE establishes village communes led by survivors. These communes run skilling centers for women, fostering mutual learning and association among trafficking survivors. The organization's roots trace back to the Career Development Center (CDC) movement, which initially aimed to spread education as an awareness program among youth and marginalized children. Overcoming challenges in resource development, CDC evolved into EMPOWER PEOPLE, formally established in 2006 under the Society Registration Act 1860. The organization's founder, Shafiq ur Rahman Khan, led a PadaYatra covering three hundred kilometers against female foeticide, marking the beginning of EMPOWER PEOPLE's formal journey. EMPOWER PEOPLE's mission extends to creating a peaceful, happy, and sustainable society, characterized by respect, service, love, participation, and eco-friendly living. The organization is committed to promoting social, economic, and gender equality, working towards a world where every individual, irrespective of circumstances, can lead a life of dignity, freedom, and justice


Bride trafficking represents a reprehensible convergence of multiple societal failures, perpetuating the subjugation and exploitation of vulnerable women and girls. Urgent and comprehensive action is imperative to dismantle this insidious trade and safeguard the rights and dignity of its victims.


We operate in both the destination and source areas of bride trafficking, focusing not only on rescue and rehabilitation but also on addressing the underlying factors driving trafficking. Our efforts include poverty alleviation, creating employment opportunities, and engaging landless and small landholding communities in market-led livelihood interventions centered around products like lemongrass, bananas, paddy, tomatoes, potatoes, and medicinal plants and also empowering trafficking survivors with sustainable livelihood opportunities through women enterprise and manufacturing units owned by survivors groups such as fashionable Canva bag production, slipper making unit and LED blub manufacturing and repairing units. By actively involving religious and ethnic leaders, community members, and stakeholders the organization disrupts the trafficking cycle. The organization ensures comprehensive rehabilitation through diverse support groups tailored to each survivor's situation, guarding against re-trafficking and tackling societal stigma. In destination areas, trafficked brides find solace in survivor-led village communes, offering skill development centers and fostering a sense of unity and individuality celebration among survivors of trafficking. We actively promote gender equality at the grassroots level, combatting issue such as domestic and societal conflicts that affect the lives of the trafficking survivors and their children while also ensuring daughters receive their rightful share of inheritance.


Empower People has facilitated the establishment of 278 communes led by survivor leaders, supported the emergence of 47 community leaders who have taken on roles as panchayat leaders, formed 23 district-level Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), and empowered 118 women groups to establish independent social enterprises within their communities, enabled over 100000 women to engage in activities like organic farming, kitchen gardening, shopkeeping, poultry, and beekeeping while providing skill development opportunities for more than 60000 women in areas such as tailoring, weaving, handcrafting products, embroidery and Slipper & LED bulb manufacturing.


  • Prevention Programme


    Empower People is dedicated to preventing bride trafficking through a comprehensive approach that includes community awareness campaigns, survivor-led communes, legal support, and crisis counselling. By engaging local communities, NGOs, and stakeholders, the organisation empowers individuals with knowledge and skills to counter trafficking. It maintains databases, offers helpline services and facilitates the reintegration of survivors. Through these combined efforts, Empower People strives to eradicate trafficking and empower vulnerable women and girls.

  • Programme Against Bride Trafficking

    Empower People is deeply involved in addressing bride trafficking by focusing on both origin and destination areas. Its efforts encompass a comprehensive approach that goes beyond rescue and rehabilitation, targeting the underlying factors of trafficking. The organization tackles issues such as poverty, unemployment, and gender inequality through market-led livelihood interventions in agricultural products. It collaborates with local NGOs, community-based organizations, and stakeholders, advocating for the cause through networking, campaigns, and survivor-led collectives. By engaging local Governments, integrating the issue into Government schemes, and empowering survivors through secure rehabilitation and entrepreneurship development, Empower People's impactful approach addresses the root causes and consequences of bride trafficking.

  • Intervention Programme

    Empower People's Intervention Programme addresses Bride Trafficking through tailored social and legal strategies. It reconciles survivors with their community in socially complex cases and assists survivors within legal parameters, focusing on empowerment and well-being. The process involves investigation, evidence collection, and post-rescue support, coordinated with local authorities. The immediate needs of survivors are met, and referral mechanisms provide counselling, healthcare, legal representation, and rehabilitation support.

  • Rehabilitation Programme

    Empower People's Rehabilitation Programme prioritizes survivors' security encompassing social, economic, and emotional dimensions. Economic stability is pursued through compensation advocacy and Government scheme linkage, while destigmatization efforts restore social security. Efforts encompass re-enrollment in education and participation in business activities. The in-community rehabilitation process integrates survivors into society while maintaining their identity, emphasizing assimilation mechanisms. Community support and social mainstreaming aim to establish survivors as individuals with distinct identities and human rights. Developing a pleasant relationship ensures survivors' emotional support without hierarchy. It also emphasizes raising community awareness to foster social consciousness about trafficking and survivor needs, involving local leaders to sustain engagement.

Leadership Team

  • Shafiq R Khan

    Founder/General Secretary

  • Dr. Savithri Subramanian


  • Reema Khudkhudia


  • Roohi Sahay

    Vice - President

  • Mishal Rizvi


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    A 131, Sarita Vihar (Pocket A), New Delhi, Delhi, India, 110076


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2022-23

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    Program Expenses
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