PURE India Trust

PURE India Trust started in March 2013, with a mission to provide quality Education & Create Employment opportunities in rural & semi-urban areas across India. We focus on 1. Entrepreneurship Development 2. Student Career Guidance & Scholarships 3. Village Development

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Jaipur, Rajasthan

  • Since


Pushp-kiran Union for Real Enlightenment (popularly known as PURE India Trust) started in March 2013, with a mission to provide quality Education & Em Read moreployment opportunities in rural & semi-urban areas across India. We focus on below areas: Employment • Entrepreneurship Development • Skill Development Education • Education centers • Student Career Guidance & Mentoring • Scholarships for higher Education Village Development • Water Conservation (Anicut, Check dam, Pond) • Environment Infrastructure Development (School, Aganwaries) • Health & Sanitation Activities Vision Our vision is to become India's most trusted and preferred NGO for implementing sustainable solutions. Mission • Help 10,000+ youth to become Entrepreneurs by 2025 • Provide Education support to 100,000+ students by 2025


Women Empowerment Quality Education Support People with Disabilities Creating New Employment Opportunities Supporting Micro Enterprises Small Business Empowerment Seed Funding


We focus on below areas: Employment • Entrepreneurship Development • Skill Development Education • Education centers • Student Career Guidance & Mentoring • Scholarships for higher Education Village Development • Water Conservation (Anicut, Check dam, Pond) • Environment Infrastructure Development (School, Aganwaries) • Health & Sanitation Activities


Helped 2800+ women to become entrepreneurs from 2100+ villages / Slums Women are earning Rs 12+ Crore Revenue & Rs 7+ Crore net profit annually Organized 500+ Medical camps, Menstrual Awareness Sessions, Career Workshops etc with the help of the Enterprenurs  Provided Vocational Skill training to 1000+ youth Provided scholarships to 500+ students for higher education  Provided Career Guidance to 35,000+ Students  10,000+ people benefit every year through our initiatives across all locations


  • Nirjhari - Skill development

    PURE India Trust supports female students through this program. We provide skill training and provide them employment within our own campus. We have a online market place to generate regular order under this Nirjhari Initiative. The team also organizes various workshops encompassing activities like art and crafts, Advance fashion design, Embroidery, and guest lectures across the various centers. This women group is generating revenue more than 35 Lakh every year

    Visit our website for more details - https://nirjharicrafts.com/

  • Career guidance and mentorship

    In our society Career planning is not considered as important as it should be. Most students make career choices based on the most picked-up career options like Engineering, Doctor, Police, Teacher etc. Hence 1 in 3 students are unhappy with the course that they picked up. To solve this issue we have designed a Career guidance & mentoring program focusing on charts of 100 most popular career options. We create awareness about various Career options among students, Teachers & Parents and follow below steps.

    Paste Charts of 100 careers on school wall
    Conduct Career Seminars in Schools
    Students are provided 100 Career Options’ book
    1-to-1 Career Guidance provided by Volunteers
    Career Helpline for domain based mentoring
    Scholarships for higher education

  • Scholarship program

    This program offers career guidance and mentoring to assist students in making informed decisions about their future careers. It primarily benefits students who have completed their 10th-grade education and are considering further studies. Secondary beneficiaries include parents, schools, and educational institutions. Scholarships, awarded annually, are determined based on quarterly performance reports submitted by students. The organisation grants scholarships of up to INR 25,000 per student per year. Since 2017, more than 300 scholarship recipients have benefited from this initiative in the NCR and Rajasthan regions.

  • Self help group

    The SHG program has a unique approach that goes beyond providing business equipment donations like tailoring machines and beauty salon equipment. Many women have started businesses in various fields such as clothing, bags, women's wear, and handicrafts but often lack a marketplace to sell their products.
    To address this need, the organsiation established a WhatsApp group where women can buy, sell, and showcase their products to a wider audience. Each woman can create her own customer WhatsApp group and promote other women's products within their network. Profits are shared among the women who help sell other women's products.
    During the formation of SHG, the organisation encourages entrepreneurs to create groups of 10-14 women from the same community and economic background. Working together, these women can produce various products like dresses, uniforms, jewellery, handicrafts, pickles, papads, and more to generate income.

  • My village My business - Entrepreneurship Development

    The core objective of this program is to make women financially independent because most women are dependent on their father, husband, brother, son, etc. Hence, we encourage women to start their own businesses in their own communities and become self-reliant.

    Solution (My Village My Business): This program supports deserving applicants from poor families in starting their own businesses. We provide Seed funding, Branding, Promotion, Market research, Mentoring, Exposure, Market linkages, Monitoring, Govt scheme Conversion etc.

    Our goal is to empower women, enabling them to earn a sustainable livelihood and gain the respect they deserve in society.

    Key features
    98%+ success rate
    Business launch in < $350
    40-60% profit margin
    Break even in 8 month
    Profit growth 70% in 2nd year
    Yearly 10,000+ people impact

    Following are the key steps:

    Mobilize women who wants to be self-employed
    Selection & Verification
    Grant / Funding
    Branding, Promotion
    Market linkages & Networking
    Promotional activities – FL, MH, Medical camps
    Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting
    Business Mentoring
    SHG Formation (as applicable)
    Exposure & capacity building
    MSME Udhyam Registration
    Facilitate conversance for availing Govt & Bank facilities
    Primary Beneficiaries: Women, Disable, Youth who want to start own Business

  • Pathashala - Education Center

    Due to RTE act, students reaches up to 8th class without any assessment but more than 70% student in Govt schools, can’t read grade 2nd text books. Hence 60%+ drop out is recorded after 5th or 8th class in schools.
    Hence we started the Pathashala program for the children 1-8th. We run such Education centers in various villages with the help a local women (minimum 12th Pass). The women mobilize children and provide daily tuition classes, Digital awareness, Talent encouragement in Sports, Cultural, Art, Music, Yoga etc. We also provide uniform, School Bag, Hygiene kit, Shoes, Stationeries, Sports kit etc to our students in different villages. For the Pathashala centers, we pay a Rs. 100/- per student per month to women teacher so that she earn livelihood from these classes.

    Primary Beneficiaries: Marginalized children of age 5 to 14 years
    Secondary Beneficiaries: Parents & Govt School
    Key outcomes: we are running 13 such education centers and providing regular education founda

  • School Integrated Development

    Mostly govt schools are neglected by local communities and govt officials because the children attending these schools come from low socio-economic backgrounds.
    Hence we decided to adopt Govt schools to strengthen infrastructure and education facilities in Govt schools so that we can increase student enrolment & retention rate, incorporate good teaching and learning techniques and also encourage all families to send their children in govt schools for better education.
    Few activities are: Student Career Guidance, Computer Learning, English learning Labs, Sports facilities, School building Coloring & Repair, Roof Water proofing & civil work, Toilet repair & maintenance, Sanitary napkin disposal Incinerators installation, provide Uniform, School Bags, Furniture, Elmira, Ceiling Fan etc based on need.

    Primary Beneficiaries: School & Students of Govt Schools
    Secondary Beneficiaries: Parents & Govt dept.
    Key outcomes: We have been supporting various govt schools and helping in

Impact Metrics

  • Number of New Entrepreneurs Created

    Program Name

    My Village My Business

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 2

Leadership Team

  • Prashant Pal

    Founder & CEO

  • Nishant Dubey

    Operational Head

  • Medha Naruka

    Finance Head

  • Satyendra Singh

    Business Development Head

  • Sunil Sharma

    Head Process Excellence

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.