Sahyog Care for You

Empowers underprivileged communities committing to education, health, environment, and community development, touching the lives of of children, youth, and women while combating child labor and providing rehabilitation

  • Gold Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
Transparency Rating:
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Gold Certified Gold Certified


  • Headquarters

    Delhi, Delhi

  • Since


Sahyog is a non-governmental, non-profit, social service, a voluntary organization registered under The Government of India Society Registration Act 1 Read more860. Our work is concentrated in the fields of Education, Health, Environment, and Community Development which we believe are the areas of greatest need and deserve to be the focus of our attention. Sahyog is committed to the empowerment of slum dwellers. It was started in 2002 with the vision to bring smiles to the lives of underprivileged people. Sahyog gives its Sahyog to the community by offering remedial classes and bridge courses to disadvantaged children, providing vocational training and employment to women through a self-sustained project of the manufacturing of low-cost sanitary napkins, educating women through an adult literacy program, running SHGs for women, undertaking projects for the conservation of the environment, organizing health camps, organizing workshops on child sexual abuse, and helping the old and the needy by providing them clothes and ration. Also, Sahyog has constantly been working for the rights, safety, and rehabilitation of children. Sahyog, through their endeavors, has touched and extended his supportive hand to almost 1 Lakh children, 4000 Youth, and 14000 Women. For the last two years, Sahyog has rescued a total of 660 children from child labor and helped to provide approx. 2,43,33,401 compensation to the children from the Department of Child Labour. Also, we are working on the rehabilitation of those children who are rescued from child labor.

Vision & Mission

Fostering a society where in women are empowered to lead a decent life and children are healthy, happy and enjoy their rights.

"Equal and Integrated community development through Mind, Education,

Employment. Sahyog's mission is to empower the vulnerable through the Gandhian principle of "Sarvodaya" (Universal uplift or progress of all)

Donor History

Reliance, Boieng, Horiba, KSCF,


  • Vocational Training Programme

    Recognizing the dire situation of youth unemployment, Sahyog Care For You took action by establishing a Skill and vocational training centre in Delhi. The primary objective was to equip the youth with the necessary skills that align with market demands. Its comprehensive programme included skill-based computer vocational training courses and BPO training, catering to students and unemployed individuals, particularly focusing on those between the ages of 16 and 35, including girls and women. The ultimate aim of this skill development programme was to empower unemployed youth by providing job-relevant training and facilitating self-employment opportunities, ultimately enhancing their livelihood prospects. A specialized course was developed specifically for women, emphasizing computer and BPO skills, thereby promoting women's empowerment. Upon completion of the programme and receiving the certificate, It facilitated placements for the participants through job fairs, ensuring job opportunities that matched their acquired skills. Additionally, it provided extensive support and guidance to those interested in pursuing self-employment, offering comprehensive assistance.

  • Child Labour Rescue Operation Program

    Recci of area, Arrange DTF meeting, conduct rescue drive, Production before CWC, Restoration of children, 100% release certificate, 100% release certificate submission, 100% FIR, Start working on back wages, maintain data in excel & word files & prepare physical file of all required documents Interaction with 80% parents, & build rapport with them, visit their home/call them at office, 70% due wages, counseling of parents & children. Start working on rehabilitation and enroll 40% to 50% children in school admission and vocational training by interdepartmental co-ordination. Involve 50% to 60% children in to social scheme & vocational training admission follow up with parents & children regarding their regular attendance in school & mental physical development; prepare few success stories which we may share with authorities.

  • Vocational Training

    Youth unemployment is the situation of young people who are looking for a job, but cannot find a job. An unemployed person is defined as someone who does not have a job but is actively seeking work, so that ‘Sahyog Care For You may establish a Skill and vocational training center in Delhi for the youth and prepare them according to market needs and provide skill based computer vocational training course, and BPO Training The target groups are students and unemployed youth, girls and women of age group 16 to 35 years. The objective of the Skill Development program is to enable unemployed youth to take up job relevant skill training and self-employment that will help them in securing a better livelihood. The specially designed program for women on Computer and BPO course is to empower women. After getting certificate, we will be providing placements for those in different companies through job fair and they get jobs according to their skills and other then that hand holding for many who will also go for self-employment which will be provided by the Sahyog.

Impact Metrics

  • Child Rescued

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 92
    • 2020-21 164
    • 2021-22 242
  • Placements of the Beneficiary

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 833
    • 2020-21 762
    • 2021-22 662
  • Placements of the Beneficiary

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 833
    • 2020-21 762
    • 2021-22 662

Theory of Change

Road Map to achieve the target:
Sahyog care for you believe on joining hands with people who are fanatical to transform society. People can live in
society with dignity and equality. All people can access healthy atmosphere and livelihood standards.
Our Principles:
• Sahyog's mission is to empower the vulnerable through Gandhian principle of "Sarvodaya" (universal uplift).
• We promote a holistic community development modal that promotes the social change.
• We focus on root cause under community to development.
• We are transparent, recognizing transparency is a key root to influence.
• We believe that educated women are capable of bringing socio-economic changes.
• We are working at less popular areas. As we believe to support and encourage those areas that are in really
need but are not always popular with donor.
• We are flexible and responsive enabling us to respond to opportunities and mistakes.
• Sahyog employees' right based, people centered, grass root and participatory methods: to eliminate socio economic
• Inclusion: ensuring girls and women are consulted and involved in all projects.
• To ensure child protection and participation at all level.

Milestones & Track Record

The organization:
Sahyog care for you is a non-government organization established in 2002 and governed by a board of
directors. The purpose of the organization is to provide support to the under privileged people with particular
emphasis on the need of children, especially while living in poor circumstances and get exploited. Sahyog
care for you receive donations to project since it was established.
External Context:
The landscape of the global scenario of education has changed with the emergence of new economic
and glaring inequality. Urbanization is exposing people to many risks including violence and inequality.
The primary cause of illiteracy is unequal access of education system; marginalisation and discrimination
based on such factors as gender, ethnicity, religion or disability exacerbate.
At the same time there is a growing privatization and commoditisation of resources of education system
and employment is becoming a particular source of tension. Under privileged people can't access the
private education system due to much expensive. Because of no proper education they find themselves to
not able to grab jobs of this new era.
The widespread failure to protect children & women is a crisis; underprivileged children & women
everywhere are facing discrimination in education which disregards their right to education. Deprives them
to safe care and affects from their long term development. Child labour and exploitation are the result of many
factors, including poverty, social norms condoning them, lack of decent work opportunities for adults and adolescents,
migration and emergencies. These factors are not only the cause but also a consequence of social inequities reinforced by
Marginalised young people, especially girls have neither the skills nor the resources to build their future in
the 21st century; their lack of choice, education, employment and opportunity leaves them disempowered
and distress.
Internal Context:
Sahyog care for you is working for the betterment of under privilege children, youths and women.
Implementation of RTE is no smooth task in slums. It is beset with several problems ranging from provision
of universal access, exploitation of children, enrolment and completion of entire cycle of elementary
education to ensuring child friendly learning environment and assessment practices in schools.
Sahyog clearly understands the scenario and empathizes with children and women specifically and community
by a large.
Sahyog, through its endeavours has touched and extended its supportive hand to almost 1 Lakh children
and 20,000 women.
Monitoring, Evaluation and learning:
Sahyog will continue to use its existing monitoring and evaluation framework and will develop
indicators to measure project progress toward programs and organization outcomes.
How we work:
To fulfill our mission:
• To understands the scenario and empathizes with children, youths and women specifically and
community by a large.
• Target the most vulnerable children and young people in our and government welfare schemes.
• To ensure that program work at all levels in the community welfare.
• Rehabilitation and 100%FIR against the accused.
• Recognize the importance of advocacy in achieving changes at community welfare especially for youths
and Children.
• Promoting skill education with an inbuilt value of all round development of the youth students.
We work with:
Sahyog promotes their work in different areas, at PAN India level with a mixture of local
stakeholder's, government departments, national and international partners to achieve individual
and social changes. We work with a promise of commitment, passionate, effective and efficient in
the entire program at all level. We have a good track record and a minimum standard of governance.
Our Work:
• Innovative and creative, at the leading frame of social change.
• Takes a holistic and long term approach, advocacy with the government department to eradicate
the child labour and to stop child abuse and trafficking.
• Maximum conviction, support to victim for interim compensation and compensation under central
sector scheme.
• Provide soft skills as well as trade skills among youths to ensure good livelihood.
• Provide classes of remedial and bridge courses to the underprivileged children
• providing vocational training and employment to women through a self-sustained project of
the manufacturing of low-cost sanitary napkins, educating women through adult literacy programme,
running SHGs for women.
• Women empowerment: to ensure equal-right to women, and to make them confident enough to claim
their rights,
• Advocacy with different stakeholders to eradicate child exploitation.
• organizing preparedness workshops on child sexual abuse in collaboration with government education
• Rehabilitation of exploited Child or survivors and support to provide 100% back wages in child labour cases..
• Strategy seeks to adopt a sequential approach with focus on rehabilitation of children working in hazardous occupations &
processes in the first instance.
• Under the Strategy, survey of Child Labour or exploited child engaged in hazardous occupations & processes has been
• The identified children are to be withdrawn from these occupations & processes and then put into special schools in order
to enable them to be mainstreamed into formal schooling system.
• 80% Children Mainstreaming, according to their needs in special schools/Rehabilitation Centers.
• Tie up with all the State commissions, DLSA and NCPCR and Panchayat for proper rehabilitation of the family and child.
• The special schools/Rehabilitation Centers provide:
 Non-formal/bridge education
 Skilled/vocational training
Where we work:
With the limited resources we are present in PAN India level
Road Map to achieve the target:
Sahyog care for you believe on joining hands with people who are fanatical to transform society. People can live in
society with dignity and equality. All people can access healthy atmosphere and livelihood standards.
Our Principles:
• Sahyog's mission is to empower the vulnerable through Gandhian principle of "Sarvodaya" (universal uplift).
• We promote a holistic community development modal that promotes the social change.
• We focus on root cause under community to development.
• We are transparent, recognizing transparency is a key root to influence.
• We believe that educated women are capable of bringing socio-economic changes.
• We are working at less popular areas. As we believe to support and encourage those areas that are in really
need but are not always popular with donor.
• We are flexible and responsive enabling us to respond to opportunities and mistakes.
• Sahyog employees' right based, people centered, grass root and participatory methods: to eliminate socio economic
• Inclusion: ensuring girls and women are consulted and involved in all projects.
• To ensure child protection and participation at all level
For this five-year period, our strategic priorities will be to strengthen our programmatic focus while
strengthening our institutional base. We have identified 3 strategic priorities:
I. Focusing and strengthening our program direction:
During 2020-2025, we will focus our program direction while continuing to strengthen and expand
our collective action and learning. We will choose the most effective mechanisms for field engagement
to enhance regional linkages through government departments, member and partner collaboration. We
will seek to influence local and national policies, which affect the children, women, and communities
by building upon our programmatic expertise in community-based primary care, Child protection and
participation, Remedial Education, Early childhood care and development, WASH, Vocational skills
and related activities.
• Objective 1: Strengthen organization's effectiveness to impact selected community-focused
• Objective 2: Strengthen and increase group action and learning among a growing membership,
staff base;
• Objective 3: Create systems and processes on ground level for reiki and for community members,
Liasioning with the state commissions
II. Raising our profile and increasing member and partner engagement in PAN level.
During 2020-2025, we will articulate and share broadly our unique identity and the value we offer
our donors, our members, and other partners. We will increase our membership and explore associate
memberships to increase organizational diversity and build organizational strength.
Through new and improved engagement strategies, we will increase our profile as a leader in
community-focused public issues. We will
communicate our expertise to a broader and more diverse audience and disseminate our state-of-theart products in PAN level.
• Objective 1: Rebrand CORE Group and build our outreach capabilities;
• Objective 2: Increase modestly the number of organizational members and build a base of associate
• Objective 3: Implement a communications strategy in support of program priorities and initiatives.
III. Strengthening our capacity to achieve organizational goals.
We propose making timely and strategic modifications to our Board structure and work, revising outdated
aspects of our by-laws and Board policies, and building a stronger leadership model for our staffing,
Working Groups, and Board of Directors.
• Objective I: Develop the Board to meet the governance needs and requirements of the future;
• Objective 2: Acquire the necessary staff and Working Group leadership competencies to achieve
program, fundraising, and communications goals.
• Sahyog allocate 75% of funds in the project implementation.
• Allocate 25% funds in Human Resource.
• All resources will utilize for social development and with better technique.
• Increment in the % of funding from various sectors.
• Geographical expansion.
• Scaling up lobbying and advocacy with government departments.
• Tie ups with various government departments on child protection like trafficking and POCSO.
• Strengthen on Child Protection and Governance issues.
• Identifying numerous Stakeholders in different districts.

Leadership Team

  • Shekhar Mahajan

    Gen. Secratary

  • K N Prasad


  • Jyoti Rathi

    Sr. Program Manager

  • Rajesh Kumar

    Director Child Rescue Operations

  • Harish Kumar


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body


  • Diversity Metrics

    75% women


  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Organisation Structure

Organisation Structure


Awards & Recognitions

Limca Book of Record, India Book of Record

Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    22, Basement, Bhera Enclave, Paschim Vihar, Delhi, 110087


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.

Government Partnerships

BSF, CRPF, MCD, Delhi Police