Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA)

Empowers citizens through information and mobilsation and sensitizes government agencies towards the citizen's needs.

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    New Delhi, Delhi

  • Since


Headquartered in New Delhi, India, PRIA is a global participatory research; training organization, with nearly 50 employees across 5 locations. PRIA Read morebegan in 1982 to build a network of participatory researchers, focused on the inclusion of women; the marginalized. In the past four decades, it has undertaken research, developing pioneering Participatory Research methodology, on issues of access, control over resources and delivery of programs across different sectors including water, sanitation, municipal and panchayat governance, civil society, women’s leadership, and violence against women and girls. PRIA is the first research organization to undertake studies on occupational health from workers’ experience between 1983 and 2003.  PRIA has undertaken seminal research on the non-profit sector in India and on giving in India, both in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University, USA. PRIA has been part of multicountry research consortiums, leading the research on “Civil Society in the New Millennium in Commonwealth Countries” (1999, Commonwealth Foundation) and as Co-Researcher on “Citizenship, Participation and Accountability” (2000-2010, IDS Sussex, UK) and “Civil Society @ Crossroads” (2012-13, PSO, Netherlands). As part of its research portfolio, PRIA also builds the capacities of students, academicians and civil society to undertake Participatory Research. It promotes engagement of higher education institutions (HEIs) with local communities, co-designs curriculum, and courses to popularise the use of Participatory Research in academia, and engages in joint research studies with HEIs, influencing academic thinking in India, South Asia, and the global South.  PRIA has championed the engendering of HEIs, supporting the development of women as researchers, and prioritizing cross-cutting Responsible Research And Innovation (RRI). To know more about PRIA’s work with HEIs: Institutions.pdf PRIA houses the UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education in the global South. Since 2012, it has partnered in research studies on “Building the Next Generation of Community-Based Researchers (The NextGen Project”) (2014-16, SSHRC Canada) and “International Survey on Strengthening Community-University Research Partnerships (2014-2015, IDRC) and been Lead Researcher on “Community Engagement in Higher Education Institutions in India” (2014-15, British Council). Its Knowledge for Change (K4C) initiative is aimed at building the capacities of community-based researchers. Dr. Rajesh Tandon, PRIA’s Founder-President, is a graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IIT) and Indian Institute of Management, Kolkata (IIM), with a Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University (USA). He has pioneered the use of Participatory Research methodologies in socio-economic development in India and South Asia. PRIA’s Mission is to foster the capacities of citizens, communities, and institutions, to enable vibrant, gender-equal societies. We are committed to creating a better world –one with reduced inequalities, equitable distribution of scarce resources, and engaged, empowered citizens. The heart of what we do is bringing citizens and governance institutions together – to share with each other the challenges in ensuring the “last mile” (so that development reaches every citizen) and to co-create solutions to achieve it. This requires creating active and informed citizen participation. Citizens, through information, awareness, and mobilization, become aware of their rights and responsibilities. Once informed, they demand accountability and inclusion. It also requires government and private agencies responsible for providing basic services (of health, water, sanitation, education, etc) to be sensitized to citizens’ needs and hear the concerns of all citizens (not just of pressure groups that have more power). Having heard the citizens whom they are meant to serve, governance institutions need to develop plans and implement programs that are equitable and effective. A barrier to achieving this is poor human and institutional capacities in these agencies. PRIA’s interventions therefore also focus on developing the capacities of government officials to perform their roles and responsibilities effectively.


PRIA acts as a bridge between the supply and demand sides of issues, mobilizing individuals to be aware of their rights and responsibilities, while working with government and private agencies to deliver their mandates and be accountable to citizens.

Demographies Served


PRIA has built human and institutional capacities of NGOs, community-based organizations, citizen leaders, elected representatives and government officials in India and internationally over the last 40 years.

Vision & Mission

PRIA envisions a humane and secure society that corrects and empowers to prevent crime, violence and torture. Their mission is to promote institutional reforms in formal and informal sectors for access to justice, rehabilitation, and social development of prisoners, ex-prisoners, torture victims and youth at risk.


  • Sustainable Urban Future


    In order to make municipal governance efficient, transparent, responsible, and participatory, creative training pedagogies utilizing participatory learning were developed, and elected council members of local urban bodies were trained, paying particular attention to the learning requirements of female council members.

    The following is the way forward:
    Recognize migration and add "informality" to official planning
    Increase public participation with the help of civic society
    Climate-adaptive urban planning driven locally to increase resilience
    Encourage mayors and council members to be leaders

  • Empowering Civil Society


    The two pillars of PRIA's contributions to civil society empowerment are the third pillar, which conceptualizes civil society as a "sector," and the second pillar, which focuses on strengthening the ability of non-profit, voluntary, and civil society organizations to encourage public participation through the application of our distinctive participatory training methodologies' guiding principles.

    Leadership and strategies are:
    Support community-based, community-led people’s actions
    Collective leadership and coalescing capacities among and within civil society organisations
    Sustained, future-forward organisation building
    New forms of investment and measurement of impact
    Promote leadership of Indian civil society in development cooperation

Milestones & Track Record

For over four decades, PRIA has focused on empowering citizens through information and mobilization, and sensitizing government agencies towards citizen needs.

Leadership Team

  • Anshuman Karol

    Lead - Governance & Climate Action

  • Bindu Baby

    General Manager

  • Ravi Seth


  • Rajesh Tandon


  • Harshita Umrao

    Senior Programme Officer


  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    42 Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi, 110062


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2022-23

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    Program Expenses
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