
working towards inclusion and integration of the differently abled

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    New Delhi, Delhi

  • Since


Tamana was created solely for the purpose of providing rehabilitative services to individuals with developmental and multiple disabilities, minimal br Read moreain damage and those on the autism spectrum. It was established in 1984 by Dr. Shayama Chona ( Padma Shri and Padma Bhushan awardee) the mother of the girl child, Tamana, who was born with Cerebral Palsy. Tamana has three centres in Vasant Vihar, New Delhi. Its first centre 'Tamana Special Education Centre' was inaugurated by the late Lady Diana, Princess of Wales in 1992.It was set up to provide rehabilitative services to differently abled children between the age group 6-18 Yrs. The other two are Tamana Skill Development Centre, which is a Vocational skill training Centre & boys hostel catering to young adults, and the Tamana Autism Centre. For its contribution in the field of disabilities, Tamana was accredited & granted a Special Consultative Status by the United Nations Economic and Social Council in 2005.


With over 26 million disabled people in India as per the 2011 census and the increasing focus on inclusive development which encompasses intellectual development, social development, physical development and skill training, it has become even more important to strengthen the initiatives towards rehabilitating the differently abled specially those belonging to economically weaker sections of the society. At Tamana we share the aspirations of the families of all those who have a differently abled child. Together with them we are determined to see each and every differently abled individual develop to the best of their potential. Our programs are open for all and we ensure to remove all challenges which come in the way of our students and their families to the best of our ability. Tamana is determined to provide the best of rehabilitative services to these individuals enabling them become independent, contributive and inclusive members of the society.


The program is aimed at fostering social and economic independence of the differently abled by incorporating special education, regular academic program through the NIOS, therapeutic interventions, counselling, vocational skill training, extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. Our aim is to provide them the best professional services to enable the differently abled individuals become inclusive and integrated members of our society to the best of their ability. This aim is realised through an individualised education program for each student which is supported through our in house diagnostics backed by a team of special educators, therapists, vocational trainers, assistants and specialists.

Demographies Served


With continuous holistic education (special education, vocational skill training, NIOS, co- curricular and extra curricular activities) supplemented with therapeutic interventions and counselling, the students are able to grow into self reliant, independent and contributive members of our society to the best of their ability. Our vocational training units enable them to acquire specialised skills of their interest equips them towards financial independence as well. These individuals go on to become a source of hope and inspiration to their counterparts across the globe proving that with the right care and efforts even they can lead happy and successful lives. They advocate the cause and rights of the differently abled as role models and success stories.


  • Tamana Special Education Centre ( 6-18 years)

    Tamana Special Education Centre caters to the individual needs of differently abled children between the ages of 6-18. The program focuses on over all development of the child depending on needs as well as potential. Functional academics are imparted with parallel intervention with allied therapies depending on the needs of the child. Each student is first assessed by a special educator, psychologist, occupational therapist and speech therapist, post which the child is put into a group according to its chronological age, mental age, and functional level.

  • Tamana Skill Development, NIOS Centre & Boys Hostel

    Tamana Skill Development Centre, works to ensure a smooth transition from school to the outside world for young adults with special needs to the best of their ability.Students are assessed for ability and interest in learning skills for life. The areas of training are varied and dynamic and are sometimes introduced to suit the needs of particular students. Specific options include Office Skills Training Unit, Computer Skills Training Unit, Home management Unit, basic home management skills, Canteen management including shopping, Paper Recycling Unit, Handicrafts Unit, pottery, sublimation, textile printing, stitching and bakery. We try our hardest to ensure that the students who are able, get gainfully employed and they are also given jobs at Tamana where stipend is being given to them along with on the job training.

    Besides the vocational training the curriculum also includes formal education through National Open School, therapies and extra-curricular activities.

  • Tamana Kindergarten- peer learning program

    Tamana Kindergarten is an early childhood care and education program for children of 2-6 years from economically disadvantaged groups. This initiative integrates typically developing students from economically weaker sections with special needs students in a special school setting.

    This project has a twofold mission:

    Life enrichment of children from economically weaker sections of the society.
    Providing opportunities for peer learning to the special needs students of Tamana.

  • Tamana Autism Centre

    Tamana was the first institution to recognise autism as a disability distinct from others and to start programs for autistic spectrum disorder in 1985. The Autism Centre is India’s first rehabilitation and research centre for
    those on the autism spectrum providing holistic services under one roof – a special school, sensory integration clinic, early intervention centre, diagnostic centre, research cell and an outreach cell.

    This centre also offers special education, music, dance, sports, yoga to provide holistic intervention.
    In addition, it uses approaches such as TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children) and ABA (Applied Behavioural Analysis) for intervention and focuses on teaching real-life daily activities, as well as vocational training to the students.

  • Tamana Teacher Training Cell

    TEACHERS TRAINING CELL was started in the year of 1994 with an aim to develop the best professionals who can work in the field of special education. Tamana has been recognised by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) to run the following training courses in Rehabilitation.
    D.Ed.Spl.Ed. (Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities)
    D.Ed.Spl.Ed. (Hearing Impairment)
    D.Ed.Spl.Ed. (Multiple Disabilities)
    Diploma In Indian Sign Language Interpretation (D.I.S.L.I.)
    Diploma in Early Childhood Special Education (Intellectual Disability)
    Diploma in Vocational Rehabilitation (Intellectual Disability)

    These Special Education programmes aim to develop professionals for special and inclusive education within a broad perspective of education. The programmes intends to educate and train the aspirants to become agents of change as teaching-professionals by imbibing the required knowledge, skills and positive attitude.

  • Tamana Boys Hostel

    Tamana offers residential training programmes for the differently abled which trains them to be independent to the best of their potential. The facility is equipped with well trained caregivers with who are supporting and monitoring the differently abled individuals with their day to day living under the guidance of the hostel warden.

    Apart from the regular individualised program, activities of daily living are taught in real life situations-kitchen, bathroom and dressing room. The students learn to make beds, arrange clothes in cupboards, personal grooming, washing clothes, cooking.

    It is like a home away from home for the differently abled where they are nurtured with the same love and care as they would in the safety of their homes.

Leadership Team



  • Ms. Rubaina Juneja

    Chief Operations Officer

  • Dr. Shayama Chona


  • Mr. Sunil Kumar

    Dy. Director- Teacher Training Cell

  • Mr. Shamim Khan

    Principal - Tamana Skill Development Centre

  • Ms. Anita Pandey

    Principal Tamana Special Education Centre

  • Ms. Yasmeen Begum

    Vice Principal Tamana Autism Centre

  • Ms. Geeta Khanna

    Sr. Vice Principal Tamana Autism Centre

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A

    DLI (C) (I-1650)

  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    C-10/8, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi, 110057


Other Details

  • Parent Organisation


  • Sister Organisation


  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses