Youth Dreamers Foundation

Ensuring every child has equal access to education

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Mayur Vihar, Delhi

  • Since


Youth Dreamers Foundation (YDF) is a not-for-profit organization registered in Feb 2015 under Sec 8 (1) of the Companies Act, 2015. YDF intends to rea Read morelize an "equal opportunity" approach in accessing higher education to make higher education more inclusive, accessible, and affordable for marginalized sections of the society Mission: Our aim is simple. By 2025, we want to help 1,00,000 students from marginalized backgrounds to receive public and private scholarships. Millions of deserving students across the country give up on their dreams because of their poor financial situation. We aim to support these students by making scholarships easily accessible to all. Vision: One of the most important ways to improve access to higher education is by providing scholarships to needy students. We plan to support students in bridging the gap by 1. Guiding them in availing public and private scholarships and accessing mentors and augmenters who can add value 2. Enabling government institutions to improve last mile delivery of their educational programs 3. Dedicatedly building a strong network to expand reach and increase efficiency of coverage 4. Creating and sustaining a scalable eco-system that works towards this vision.


India has the third-largest higher education system in the world, however higher education in India is an expensive affair. Thousands of scholars who have the aptitude but lack financial resources give up on their dreams. Higher education enables upward social and economic mobility but the out-of-pocket expenditure even for basic higher education is exceedingly high for most of the students. Thus, out of 100 such disadvantaged students, only 7 of them manage to get into higher education and fewer even manage to complete it. 1. Student wants to pursue higher education but is unable to pay for his/her education 2. Thus, most of the students opt-out of the education system 3. Scholarships although insufficient are available but difficult to avail


The "My Scholar Program with HCL" was inaugurated in 2016 in Noida and Delhi NCR. By 2017, the program had expanded to three more states and supported 75 scholars with scholarships totaling 24,93,612. That year also marked the launch of the Delivery Improvement Program in Patna, with notable accolades such as the UnLtd India incubation. By 2018, the initiative scaled up, partnering with the Government of Maharashtra for the Higher Education Access Support Program, benefiting 452 scholars. 2019 saw further expansion, with 1,192 scholars assisted and partnerships formed with Pernod Ricard India Foundation, Tata Trent, and the Nalanda Charitable Foundation. 2020 was a landmark year; the program began its work in four additional states, supporting 2,844 scholars and expanding the team to over 25 members. The subsequent year, 2021, witnessed career guidance sessions for 4,000 Ashramshala students in Maharashtra, aiding over 5,000 scholars. By 2022, the program was operational in eight locations across six states, benefiting over 7,500 scholars annually. As of 2023, the program has furthered its reach, partnering with Mindtickle to enhance the scholarship initiative in Maharashtra, supporting an additional 1,103 scholars.


The program has an impressive reach with a profile database of 24,617 individuals and has made an outreach to 45,611 people. It collaborates with 1,500 institutions, and notably, has provided KYC support to 1,000 institutes. Furthermore, the initiative has offered career guidance to 5,800 students. Through its tenure, it has supported 18,200 scholars, disbursing scholarships amounting to 126.6 million. To find impact of scholarship conducted assessment with sample size 707 scholars. 13.15% of scholars are placed with average salary 1.88 lakhs. As per the data, the most prominent industries are Banking & Finance, Consulting & business services, Education & teaching, and Retail & consumer goods. 30.83% of scholars looking for opportunity of employment. 56% of scholars are pursuing further education. Total amount invested 2.56 crore and ROI are 1.75 crore per year.


  • Scholar Connect - CSR/Retail Scholarship Program

    1. To improve equity and access to higher
    education and
    2. To decrease voluntary drop-outs of socioeconomic weaker section students by assisting
    them to get financial aid in form of scholarships

    Scholarships can play a crucial role in making
    higher education more equitable, accessible, and
    affordable. CSR/Retail donors in partnership with
    YDF are supporting needy children with financial
    support in pursuing a quality education. This
    program is launched in accordance with SDG 4
    targets of achieving quality education for all.
    The program is design to help students from diverse
    backgrounds and tries to especially help children
    with disabilities and from excluded and poor

    Under this program, we implemented more than 8 scholarships projects and disbursed around 59 million to more than 3000 scholars.

  • State Scholarship Delivery Improvement Program


    1. To Improve the GER of marginalized students in
    higher education by well design and execution.

    2. To improve scholarship scheme access to the
    students who were not benefiting it from before.

    3. To improve the scholarship process at the
    institution, district, and state levels by
    consulting the state governments

    This program helps to improve the state
    government's scholarship process by consulting
    institutions, districts, and state levels. As a result, it
    improves GER, and the accessibility of scholarships
    to students by supporting financial aid from the
    state government.

    Under this program, we have supported over 15,000 scholars, providing scholarships of amount 70 million.

  • Higher Education Access Support Program


    To demonstrate that peer-led learning can act as a catalyst for self-development

    Operational Mission: To engage 30k students directly for 24 hours to induce 96-240 hours of learning time each (10:20:70 learning model)

    While we work towards providing financial support to deserving students, we also realize the importance of peer learning, knowledge sharing, and networking. All of this helps a learner in working towards achieving their development goals and finding the right motivation and guidance.

    Therefore, under this program, we help scholars in building networks and communities to support each other. This enables the scholars in building social and cultural capital which they otherwise lack because of their backgrounds.

    Collectively we have supported 5800+ students with the help of Life skills, career counseling and scholarship engagement sessions, psychometric test and report, and suggested career, college and courses.

  • Scholarship Cell

    Through Scholarship Cell, we provide:

    Scholarship - Underprivileged students
    are provided with scholarships with
    complete help in the application process
    and guidance.

    Leverage Scholarship - Support students
    in applying for existing government

  • Digital Library

    Digital Library aims to establish a nurturing study environment, providing essential educational resources and
    bridging the digital divide for students in rural

Impact Metrics

  • Scholars

    Program Name

    Scholar Connect Program

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2016-17 75
    • 2017-18 178
    • 2018-19 315
    • 2019-20 383
    • 2020-21 1005
    • 2021-22 563
    • 2022-23 1116
  • Scholars

    Program Name

    Scholarship Delivery Improvement Program

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2016-17 0
    • 2017-18 274
    • 2018-19 877
    • 2019-20 2495
    • 2020-21 1239
    • 2021-22 7328
    • 2022-23 3216
  • Students

    Program Name

    Higher Education Access Support Program

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2018-19 3500
    • 2019-20 1500
    • 2021-22 200
    • 2022-23 600

Leadership Team

  • Saurabh Mehrotra


  • Manish Sharma


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type

    Section 8 (formerly Section 25)

Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.