Centre for Youth and Social Development (CYSD)

Empowers to improve lives of Odisha's tribal, rural, and urban poor by eradicating poverty and enhancing education.

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Bhubaneswar, Odisha

  • Since


Centre for Youth and Social Development (CYSD), as a Pan Odisha organization has been working since 1982 towards improving the quality of lives of the Read more tribal and rural poor focusing on eradicating extreme poverty and hunger; educating socio-economically distressed people to have access to their entitlements; strengthening institutional mechanism to enhance the quality of service delivery; enabling community organizations to take up their development agenda; carrying out research and building evidences in favour of the marginalized and under-privileged people for promotion of a just and inclusive society. It also joins hands with the special initiatives taken up by the government, civil society and communities to address inequality both in number and intensity. Currently, CYSD focuses on four impact groups, such as; i) Tribal Community, ii) Disaster Vulnerable Community. iii) Distressed Migrants, and iv) Urban Poor as envisaged in its Strategic Plan, 2022-2027. The key programme interventions are packaged under three broad thematic areas, such as i) Livelihoods, ii) Education (including school education, skill & employability, health and social security), and iii) Disaster Risk Reduction & Climate Change Action; contributing to realisation of the SDGs. The livelihood interventions are intended towards food and nutrition security; and income enhancement opportunities for rural poor, more particularly the tribals. In this process, CYSD works with 68,456 small & marginal farmers, 666 SHGs (8000 members), 24 Van Dhan Vikash Kendras (VDVKs) involving 7200 members, 176 Producer Groups (6244 members) and 9 Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) enrolling 4960 members focusing on women. The interventions under Education aim at educating the people on their rights and entitlements, and how to access them, along with promotion of skill and entrepreneurship for better employability of the youth. The efforts have been focused towards strengthening local governance institutions, facilitating citizen-led monitoring and processes for ensuring community rights over food, natural resources and information by using legal space offered by the progressive Acts. Under gendered approach to development, the key interventions include gender budgeting, development of women leadership, capacity building of women PRI representatives on their roles and responsibilities, promotion of education among the girls, prohibition of girl child marriage and addressing gender-based violence. CYSD has also developed an identity as a strong regional player in disaster preparedness & response and has enhanced its efforts towards innovating climate change adaptation practices and research. In this process, the organisation has a great learning from the experiences in responding natural disasters (cyclones & floods) starting from Super Cyclone -1999 till Covid-19 in Odisha. CYSD has also facilitated development of Village level Disaster Management Plans (VDMPs) for 530 villages in 7 districts assigned by respective District Disaster Management Authorities (DDMAs) in the state. Under the banner of Odisha Development Initiative (ODI), CYSD has facilitated three editions of Odisha Vikash Conclave (OVC) in the state in 2016, 2018 and 2020 deliberating upon the development issues and building synergy among different actors to take the development agenda forward. Further, CYSD has also coordinated with publication of Odisha Development Report, 2020 focusing on various emerging issues in the state including the issues of the children, women, distressed migrants and the tribals. CYSD is recognized as a validated organisation by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) International for 2022-2024; and Great Place to Work for 2022-23; and received Guide Star India Gold Certificate 2022-23. CYSD has been recognized as ‘Centre of Excellence’ by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, GOI; ‘Knowledge Partner’ by Scheduled Tribe & Scheduled Caste Development Department’; ‘Technical Partner’ by the Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Empowerment, Government of Odisha. Vision: An equitable society where women and men can freely realize their full potential, fulfil their rights and responsibilities and lead their life with dignity and self-respect. Mission: To enable marginalized women, men and children to improve their quality of life. Outreach: Currently, CYSD reaches out to more than 6 lakh population spread over 1087 villages of 31 Blocks in 11 districts of Odisha through direct project implementation; and covers all the districts through partner networks.


Key Issues: - 65% of the tribal households are facing food deficit / food insecurity during the year. - Paddy being rainfed agriculture, tribal people practicing paddy which provides low yield, giving less priority to millets which require less rainfall. - People do not have access to irrigation facilities to access water for cropping, - Around 62.5% tribal households, being landless or smallholders, are engaged in rearing of livestock. - 59% tribal population face water shortage problems during dry season between March to June months. - 86% of the tribal households use open fires / firewood as main source of cooking energy. - The total average monthly per capita expenditure of tribal population is Rs. 1301. - 20% households (one or more members from their families) migrate in search of temporary work. - In Bhubaneswar urban slums, 81% of households handle solid waste inappropriately. - Coastal belts of Odisha are prone to natural calamities like cyclone, flood, drought lightening, etc.


Key Actions: a) Building sustainable livelihoods: Promotion of Integrated Farming; Natural Resource Management; Strengthening community based organizations. b) Inclusive Education: Localizing SDGs through local action; Nurturing community leaders; Enhancing last-mile access and empowering vulnerable communities; Improving the education ecosystem; Promoting Health Seeking Behaviour among high-risk groups; and Civic education on State Budgeting. c)Reducing Disaster Vulnerability and addressing Climate Change concerns: Response to Floods, cyclone and COVID-19 d) Engaging with Youth for social transformation: Fostering Life Skill for empowered youth; Nurturing young fellows; Involving the youth in climate-conscious public policy and budgeting.


Under Sustainable Livelihood program: - 3162 Ha. wasteland converted to cultivable land; - 13,358 Ha. land covered under agriculture production cluster program comprising of 52,935 farmers; - 8,498 famers linked with formal market; - 11297 landless HHs facilitated under fishery and livestock rearing; - 12352 smallholders covered under agriculture-input support and primary processing unit; - 14,116 Ha. land covered under natural/ecological farming catering to 36,312 farmers; - Promoted 2138 CBOs (73,332 members) including 362 Producer Groups (46979 members) & 8 Producer Companies (8383 members); - 22,854 HHs facilitated to have job cards under MGNREGS; - 41,039 People facilitated to have access to social security schemes; - 531 community leaders capacitated to take up their community issues; - 1238 tribal children accessed to supplementary learning schools. - 90 retrofitted climate resilient houses built for vulnerable communities (27-women, 13-PWD, 40 ST/SC and 10 Old/Widows) - Flood 2022 Response: WASH support to 3,000 beneficiaries, Hygiene kits to 2,400 Women; Survival kits to 2,000 victims; Agri-livelihood inputs to 1,112 affected farmers.


  • Family-based livelihoods development (FLD)


    In Odisha, 22.13% of the population comprises the "Scheduled Tribe" (ST) community, whose primary means of livelihood revolve around forestry, agriculture, and animal husbandry. However, traditional implementation strategies, the absence of sustainable local institutions, inadequate infrastructure connections, and fragmented solutions in the value chain expose their livelihoods to various risks.
    Within this context, the Family-based Livelihoods Development Programme (FLD) is designed to achieve the following objectives:
    • Elevate the socio-economic status of the targeted tribal families.
    • Enhance the capabilities of tribal youth and establish local enterprises at the village level.
    • Empower ST families to access benefits from various programs.
    • Implement best practices for sustainable livelihood development.

  • Strengthening forest and forest-based livelihoods


    This program aims to enhance both the forest quality and the income of forest-dependent communities through the following strategies:
    • Establishing robust producer collectives centered around Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) and enriching product value within the supply chain.
    • Encouraging alternative livelihood options to boost the income of forest-dependent communities while reducing the reliance on forest product harvesting.
    • Leveraging resources and forging strategic connections with mainstream development programs to ensure the sustainability of the program beyond the project duration.

  • Natural resource management

    For sustainable improvement in the livelihoods of our community members, it is imperative to not only empower them with advanced agricultural techniques but also emphasize the preservation, management, and rejuvenation of vital natural resources such as land, water, and forests. With this focus, CYSD champions initiatives such as land development, the establishment of irrigation infrastructure, and the promotion of horticulture.

  • Micro irrigation and drought proofing models

    CYSD actively promotes micro-irrigation and drought-proofing models aimed at enhancing groundwater recharge to expand irrigated areas and enable two crops per year on the same piece of land.
    The 5% Corner Pit Model, designed for medium uplands, involves creating individual water bodies within each plot, occupying 5% of the total plot area. These pits capture rainwater that would otherwise run off, providing irrigation during water scarcity.
    The 30 x 40 Model focuses on in-situ soil and water conservation by dividing uplands into small 30 x 40 ft plots, with pits dug at the lowest point in each plot. The soil excavated from the pits is used to create boundaries for the plots.

  • Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

    Since 1990, CYSD has been actively involved in the WASH domain, initially focusing on low-cost toilet programs and village cleanliness through work camps and awareness campaigns. Over the years, the organization expanded its efforts, engaging in community awareness to promote water conservation, developing water security plans at the village and Panchayat level, improving school hygiene, providing drinking water supply to urban slums in Bhubaneswar, testing water quality and portability, building the capacity of village-level water and sanitation committees, encouraging the use of sanitary napkins in both urban and rural areas, and conducting evaluations.

  • Digital literacy program

    Using a 22-seater computer and IT-enabled vehicle powered by green energy, and supported by a range of software suites and cloud integration, CYSD provides accessible IT and information services to remote and marginalized communities in rural and tribal areas. This initiative not only connects them to various government programs and initiatives but also imparts computer literacy and IT-based education to rural youth.

  • Agro-forestry promotion

    The promotion of agro-forestry as a sustainable long-term asset for households has been focused on cultivable wastelands, leading to a significant increase in income for participating families. Intercropping not only provides immediate financial benefits but also enhances nutritional resources for household members. Additionally, participants earn wages through the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) while preparing fields and digging pits.
    To support these initiatives, the mobilization of resources like mango saplings, bio-fertilizers, pesticides, pitchers, and tree guards is carried out through mainstream programs such as the Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub Plan. Furthermore, hill grass plantation is initiated in forest and common lands with the active involvement of producer groups.

  • Strengthening small holder agriculture program


    This program aims to improve the livelihoods and resilience of vulnerable communities, especially smallholders, marginalized individuals, and women farmers. This is achieved through participatory actions, capacity building, evidence-based research, and advocacy initiatives. The program focuses on building climate-resilient models and enhancing smallholders' productivity to ensure access to adequate and nutritious food through sustainable agricultural practices, emphasizing community farming, kitchen gardening, farm pond development, horticulture, and land improvement.

  • Skilling for employability and entrepreneurship

    A: Agricultural Youth Graduate Training (ACABC)
    CYSD serves as the primary training institute in Odisha for the implementation of the Agri-Clinic and Agri-Business Centre (ACABC) scheme, a collaborative effort with MANAGE, Hyderabad, operating under the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.
    B: Economic Security and Financial Inclusion
    CYSD strives to promote community-managed microfinance systems, enabling women aged 18-24 to establish microenterprises and achieve financial inclusion.
    C: Life Skills Training: Retail Training for Urban Unemployed Youth
    CYSD aims to provide skills training to underprivileged urban youth, enhancing their employability and enabling them to earn a livelihood.
    D: Entrepreneurship Development Program
    Entrepreneurship is a central focus area for CYSD to boost people's income and foster economic growth.
    E: Vocational Skills Training
    This includes training in areas such as computer education, four-wheeler driving, and tailoring.

  • Strengthening ecological farmers clubs

    With the aim of fostering environmentally sustainable livelihoods for tribal farmers, village-level training programs have been conducted for members of Farmers' Clubs. These training sessions encompass topics such as the establishment and maintenance of community water bodies, solid waste management, organic farming, and the utilization of plantation techniques, including social forestry and orchards. These efforts are designed to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. Participants are strongly encouraged to embrace climate-friendly livelihoods and to advocate for water conservation methods, such as rainwater harvesting, check dams, organic farming, land bunding, plantations, and the creation of corner pits in agricultural lands. This approach aligns with the principles of sustainable agriculture and the optimal utilization of water resources.

  • Strengthening Community Based Organizations at Grassroots

    Community level institutions, including Self-Help Groups, Producer Groups, Farmers Producer Company, Van Dhan Vikash Kendras, Labour Solidarity Groups, play a pivotal role in uplifting rural communities. However, these institutions often lack the resources for technological advancements. CYSD has been actively engaged with 2138 community-based organizations, providing capacity building, technical and financial assistance. This support focuses on value addition processes, product collectivization, enterprise promotion, climate-resilient farm practices, production enhancement, technology adoption, and governance structure improvement through better entitlement access.

  • Localizing Global Goals (SDGs) through Local Action

    Gram Panchayats (GPs) play a pivotal role in formulating & implementing locally tailored solutions, as the majority of the socio-economic issues, vulnerabilities and their consequences are inherently local. It necessitates a grassroots-driven movement for local adaptation efforts. These statutory bodies define responsibilities and obligations at the grassroots level. By engaging in village development plans and delineating local contributions to state, national, and ultimately global goals, GPs emerge as the ideal entities for localizing the SDGs. CYSD has formalized partnerships with Gram Panchayats through MOUs to facilitate participatory planning at the village level and provide technical support in finalizing Gram Panchayat Development Plans (GPDPs). Micro-level planning (MLP) at the local level, coupled with technical assistance for GPDPs, is expected to pave the way for the effective localization of SDGs through robust panchayat-level planning, execution, continuous monitoring.

  • Nurturing and capacitating Community Leaders

    Community leadership plays a crucial role in harnessing collective energy to bring about positive societal change. To empower community leaders in expressing their expectations, initiating collective action, and fostering cooperation at the local level, CYSD has been conducting an eleven-day capacity-building program for identified leaders in a phased approach. These leaders actively engage with their communities, advocate for their concerns at relevant forums, catalyze collective action, and strive to be agents of societal betterment.

  • Enhancing Last-mile Access and Empowering Vulnerable communties

    The Government’s policy of saturation and our approach to reaching the last mile align seamlessly. However, obstacles often prevent entitled individuals from accessing their entitlements. These challenges include a lack of awareness regarding the process and benefits, as well as difficulties with paperwork and digital applications. CYSD, leveraging a network of Community Resource Persons (CRPs) and volunteers, actively complements the government efforts to bridge this gap.

    In addition to securing basic social security entitlements, ensuring access to MSP is critical for vulnerable and marginalized communities. This access empowers them to achieve profitable returns from their agricultural products, reducing the risk of distress sales and exploitation by the middlemen. CYSD is dedicated to assisting farmers in accessing MSP for various products such as millets, NTFPs, and cereals, thereby improving their economic well-being.

  • Promoting Health Seeking Behaviour among High-Risk Groups

    CYSD's urban community outreach focuses on improving the health of high-risk groups, including women, adolescent girls, and children living in urban slums. A quick assessment in two slums uncovered unsafe maternal and menstrual health practices, along with obstacles to accessing healthcare services. Women, adolescent girls lack knowledge about menstrual hygiene and sexual health, along with obstacles to accessing healthcare services and the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic have compounded these health issues. Early marriages and pregnancies are prevalent issues.

    CYSD takes steps to raise awareness about health and nutrition-seeking behaviour during critical life stages and provides reproductive and sexual health education to male family members, encouraging their equal support for the health needs of women and girls during crucial phases. We educated CBOs to deliver essential maternal and child healthcare, nutrition interventions, and mental health support.

  • Promotion of Integrated Farming

    CYSD is committed to enhancing agricultural practices to boost crop productivity, ensuring year-round food security and increased income. CYSD is empowering tribal communities by strengthening their farming practices & introducing them to the concept of integrated farming system. This holistic approach ensures sustainable production and increased yields by employing ecologically suitable models and leveraging locally specific technologies. It advocates improved techniques such as line sowing, the System of Rice Intensification, utilization of organic fertilizers and pest control methods, enhanced seed varieties, mixed cropping, crop rotation, crop diversification, community farming, and kitchen gardening. Moreover, it fosters collaboration with mainstream agencies and schemes to secure top-quality inputs, agricultural tools, extension services, and more.

    The outcomes are higher farm incomes, improved agronomic practices, cost-effective farm mechanization, reduced environmental risks, alleviated physical labour, elimination of chemical fertilizers/pesticides, & minimized production expenses.
    This approach encompasses a wide spectrum of agricultural activities, including horticulture, allied agriculture, value addition, and the promotion of various crops. CYSD provides comprehensive solutions, supporting the cultivation of cereals, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, fruit tree plantations, and other high-value crops. The model aims to deliver end-to-end support, fostering sustainable farming practices and economic empowerment within tribals.

  • Improving Family Planning, Maternal Child Health and Nutrition through Digital Community Engagement Platforms

    For improving family planning, maternal child health and nutrition, CYSD makes effort to create digital community engagement platforms to accelerate reduction in maternal and child under-nutrition and increase the use of modern contraceptive methods especially among the tribal communities. The program aims at increasing awareness among women and PRI members to create community demand for entitlements related to maternal and child health services.
    The key objectives of the intervention is to scale up of RMNCH social and behaviour change communication initiative through community based video approach; build linkages amongst women SHGs, VHSNCs and PRIs to strengthen community engagement, participation and monitor facility level services and improve access to, and the availability and accountability of RMNCH services, etc.

  • Reducing Disaster vulnerability and addressing Climate change concerns

    CYSD is actively working to encourage technological innovation and community-driven adaptation measures at the grassroots level. The aim is to establish and expand successful adaptation practices, making them a standard component of long-term adaptation strategies at both the state and national levels. In order to address climate change concerns, as per of varied efforts, the Centre has initiated promotion and practice of climate resilient models in agriculture, adaption of SRI and SMI, application of efficient water conservation techniques, forest protection / regeneration measures in tribal districts of Odisha.
    Additionally, we are committed to documenting traditional climate-resilient practices and advocating for their incorporation into state development and poverty reduction strategies.

    CYSD has been playing the role of a prominent regional player in disaster response and preparedness ever since 1999 super cyclone. Efforts are being made to train and develop community youth as 'Climate Change Warriors' who can stay alert and respond to any kind of disaster situation. Besides, CYSD has facilitated in preparing 530 Village Disaster Mitigation Plans (VDMPs) spreading over 89 Gram Panchayats of 7 districts of Odisha.

  • Gender Responsive Budgeting


    CYSD has been facilitating Gender Responsive Budgeting analysis in the State since 2013. This process not only helps the various stakeholders deepen their understanding as to what the State Budget holds for women, it also maps different schemes/programs and budgets from a gender lens. It is also in the process of evolving a sound methodology for gender responsive planning and budgeting, with a view to institutionalizing Gender Responsive Budgeting in the State.

  • Promotion of Agriculture Production Clusters in Tribal Regions of Odisha

    CYSD facilitating promotion of Agriculture Production Cluster approach among the tribal farmers with an aim to double the their income and develop livelihood assets for round the year.

  • Leveraging Demographic & Data Intelligence for Accelerating ICPD (International Conference on Population and Development.


    Strengthening use of demographic intelligence and disaggregated population data for national and subnational policies, plans and programs to enable India to harness the demographic dividend, advance the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action and achieve the 2030 Agenda.

  • Improving Social Security of Vulnerable Groups through Strengthening Local Governance Apparatus

    Strengthening Community Participation in local governance and improving the functioning of Gram Panchayats, leading to effective service delivery (in villages of Thakurmunda block in Mayurbhanj district and Saharapada Block in Kendujhar district).

  • Improving the Learning Ecosystem at Community level


    After the Covid-19 pandemic, when schools reopened many children were reluctant to return to school. Aiming at creating a learning environment among the children aged 6 -14, CYSD, linking schools, made efforts in implementing innovative learning centres equipped with child friendly learning materials and hygiene education kits to keep the tribal children engaged in supplementary education through fun-filled learning activities for their school readiness and improved life skills; Deepen engagement with parents and community ensuring all children back to school; and Create awareness on health, education, personal hygiene and overall wellbeing of children.

  • Integrated Watershed Program (IWD)


    The Integrated Watershed Program, a part of the ST & SC Development Program initiated by the Government of Odisha, is dedicated to empowering tribal communities and ensuring year-round food security. The mission is to increase household income, reduce stress, and prevent migration. Central to this program is the restoration of ecological balance through the sustainable management of degraded natural resources. CYSD prioritizes water conservation and soil erosion prevention, aiming for both economic and financial sustainability in dryland agriculture. The key objectives of this initiative are:
    • Conserving stream water adopting eco-friendly watershed and soil-water conservation measures and enhancing land productivity.
    • Promoting efficient and sustainable rainwater utilization through appropriate technologies.
    • Rehabilitating denuded wastelands, promoting tree-based farming, and sustainable agriculture.
    • Improving livestock productivity.
    • Improving economic growth through promotion of climate resilient agriculture, horticulture; and enhance capacities of farmers and CBOs/Institutions.
    • Inclusion of underprivileged sections in mainstream development.

  • Promotion of Millets in Tribal Areas of Odisha

    Improve production and consumption of millet, develop millet enterprises and establish market linkages to rural/urban markets with focus on women entrepreneurs.

  • Transforming tribal women as digitally empowered enterprise leaders


    Promoting women entrepreneurship at the individual and group levels from Van Dhan Vikas Kendras (VDVKs) under Mission Jeeveeka ; and digitally empowering women leaders to stay tuned with updated information, and informed decision-making.

  • Focused Area Development Programme (FADP)


    Improving livelihood opportunities and overall quality of life for ensuring sustainable livelihood of the tribal people through land and non-land based livelihood activities.
    Focused Area Development Programme (FADP) is being implemented in the State by ST & SC Development Department.

  • Strengthening Farmers Producer Groups and Self Help Groups

    CYSD has been striving hard to strengthen the Farmers’ Producer Groups and the enterprise-oriented self-help groups along with their apex institutions of NTFP collectors. Creating an environment where the producers have a stake in the future of their products based on the principles of business ethics and practice remains the pivotal strategy of CYSD in this direction. In the livelihood sector and especially at the enterprise level, women are encouraged to perform a crucial role in facilitating the processes of collection and aggregation of agriculture and NTFP produces, value addition and establishment of market linkages. Mobilization of farmers through organizing meetings, awareness creation and timely supply of packaging and processing machinery remains the key responsibilities of CYSD. As a result, the rising social enterprises including the Producer Groups and Self Help Groups have helped transform the scene of rural livelihood, especially with regard to women power.

Impact Metrics

  • Farmers Covered Under Agriculture Production Cluster Approach (Apc)

    Program Name

    Promotion of Integrated Farming through adoption of agriculture culture approach

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 8996
    • 2021-22 14429
    • 2022-23 29510
  • Land in Ha. Covered Under Agriculture Production Cluster

    Program Name

    Promotion of Integrated Farming

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 1075
    • 2021-22 1364
    • 2022-23 1075
  • Members Impacted Through Farmers' Producer Group and Self Help Groups

    Program Name

    Strengthening Farmers Producer Group and SHGs

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 6224
    • 2021-22 20509
    • 2022-23 64764
  • Farmers Linked With Market to Sell Agriculture, Horticulture and Forest Produces

    Program Name

    Promotion of Integrated Farming

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 3394
    • 2021-22 5104
    • 2022-23 11291
  • Land in Ha. Covered Under Natural/Ecological Farming

    Program Name

    Natural Resource Management

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 2902
    • 2021-22 4888
    • 2022-23 6326
  • Small and Marginal Farmers Facilitated With Agri-Inputs

    Program Name

    Natural Resource Management

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 7948
    • 2021-22 10675
    • 2022-23 12352
  • Households Facilitated to Job Demand Under Mgnregs

    Program Name

    Localizing SDGs through Local Action

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 2524
    • 2021-22 11054
    • 2022-23 9276
  • Community Leaders Capacitated to Take Up Development Agenda

    Program Name

    Nurturing Community Leaders

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 154
    • 2021-22 177
    • 2022-23 200
  • People Have Access to Social Security Schemes

    Program Name

    Localizing SDGs through Local Action

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 15279
    • 2021-22 12961
    • 2022-23 12799
  • Farmers Practicing Natural/Ecological Farming

    Program Name

    Natural Resource Management

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 7673
    • 2021-22 13001
    • 2022-23 15638
  • Waste Land Area in Ha. Converted to Cultivable Land.

    Program Name

    Natural Resource Management

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2018-19 51
    • 2019-20 717
    • 2020-21 723
    • 2021-22 1364
    • 2022-23 1075
  • Disaster Vulnerable Families Benefited With Climate Resilient Retrofitted Houses

    Program Name

    Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Action

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 135
    • 2020-21 0
    • 2021-22 0
    • 2022-23 90
  • Resource Poor Youth Skilled for Decent Engagement.

    Program Name

    Fostering Skilling for Empowered Youth

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 449
    • 2021-22 600
    • 2022-23 456

Leadership Team

  • Haris Chandra Singh

    Chief Operating Officer

  • Purna Ch. Mohapatra

    Associate Director| Program Support Division

  • Srikanta Rath

    Senior Manager (Finance)

  • Basanta Kumar Nayak

    Program Director

  • Minati Mallik

    Associate Director – HR

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    E-1, Institutional Area, Near Xavier Square, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 751013

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Parent Organisation

    Centre for Youth and Social Development (CYSD)

  • Sister Organisation


  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.