Social Action For Community Alternative Learning

Social Action for Community Alternative Learning (SACAL) based in Odhisha ,aspires for an amicable, democratic & compassionate society, having freedom, dignity & equal rights among men & women through sustainable use of natural resources

  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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  • Headquarters

    Berhampur, Odisha

  • Since


Since the year 2000,SACAL is working in Mohana Block of Gajapati, district. Its mostly concentrated on livelihood initiatives through management of Na Read moretural Resources. Activities like water harvesting structures (WHS), Gravity flow water (GFL), crop and vegetable production, soil and water management and various income generation activities and plantations are taken through VDC, PDC, women SHGs and Krushaka Sangha. However development of Microplans by the respective village Development committee and continuous capacity building measures through training and exposures are some of the important activities.Objectives of SACAL are- 1.Strengthening Community Based Organisations 2.Education, Nutrition, Health, Water & Sanitation 3.Sustainable Agriculture & Livelihoods 4.Natural Resource Management 5.Disaster Response & Mitigation

Demographies Served


"1.Production rate of Millet cultivation has increased from 3-4 quintals per acre to 10-12 quintals per acre. .Per acre yield has increased from 6/8 quintals to 12/15 quintals of paddy in khariff and ravi seasons due to Rain Water Management System in Padmapur village under Malaspadar Gram Panchayat, 2. Total of 60 villages in Mohana block ar empowered in health and nutrition programme. 3. SACAL works with 15,000 plus volunteers in food demonstration camps at AWW centres and Primary schools tackling malnutrition cases. "


  • Sustainable livelihoods & Agriculture

    Farmers in Orissa are small and marginal land holders who practise rain-fed agriculture.Paddy and maize cultivation is blindly being followed by the tribal farmers in the hilly regions therby risking the primary livelihood.The tribal farmers in Gajapati traditionally grow millets, local variety pulses and vegetables in a mixed system of farming sustaining adverse impacts of weather thereby providing food and nutrition.Local food varieties such as millets, vegetables and variety of pulses are encouraged among farmers thus restoring traditional food habits. Food fairs, demonstration fairs and seed exchange fairs are regularly organised to spread awareness not only among the farmers but also among the govt officials. Food demonstration camps are conducted at AWW centres and Primary schools. As a result, farmers are promoting system of millet intensification thereby increasing quintals per acre .

  • Promotion Of Millet And Indigenous Crops


    Varieties of Millet and pulses were grown in the hinterlands of Gajapati by the tribals. But now only a few varieties of millets and pulses are available with the farmers, with the farmers are more inclined for hybrid paddy and maize cultivation. SACAL’s intervention on millet cultivation started way back in 2008, with 1.2 acres in Halapanka village. After a successful pilot, millet and indigenous pulses and crops are being promoted extensively to secure production against the impacts of climate change and erratic rainfall. Food fairs, demonstration fairs and seed exchange fairs are regularly organised in the field locations to spread greater awareness not only among the farmers but also among the govt officials and general population. Food demonstration camps and food serves are also being conducted at AWW centres and Primary schools. which have resulted in expansion of millet cultivated land. Farmers are promoted to adopt system of millet intensification and line sowing methods.

  • Other Livelihood activities

    SACAL endeavours other off-farm livelihoods among the landless and resource poor families through promotion of livestock rearing, poultry rearing, mushroom cultivation and bee keeping. The families are selected by the community based organisations such as SHGs and VDCs on the basis of the criteria set by them. SACAL provides them financial, technical assistance and capacity building trainings. Then financial support is channelised through the respective VDCs. The VDC procures necessary goods and items, which is finally given to the beneficiaries. The VDC develops a monitoring and evaluation mechanism which is strictly adhered till the beneficiary completes one whole year successfully in the enterprise. Meanwhile SACAL team extends critical support to the beneficiaries through extension services.

  • Strenghthening Community Based Organisations

    Strengthening and capacitating village and Panchayat level institutions is at the core of every community development initiatives of SACAL. It is ensured that each initiative must be participatory, need based and people centric in nature. Unless people own, control, manage and act towards their own development, community development would be hard to establish. SACAL merely plays the role of a facilitator, while the community themselves take collective action in the struggle for their development.

  • Rain Water Management

    "SACAL has successfully experimented with rainwater management in Padmapur village, demonstrating significant economic and environmental advantages. Economic and Environmental Advantages are:
    1.Low Cost
    2.Environmental Benefits
    3.Water Table Rise
    4.Preventing Flash Floods
    5.Increased Crop Yield
    6.Reduced Flood Discharge
    7.Benefits for Small Farmers
    8.Perennial Water Sources

    Overall, the rainwater management approach offers a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution to water security, benefiting both agriculture and the community's overall well-being."

  • Community Health, Nutrition , Sanitation and Hygiene

    "Gajapati and Ganjam regions have widespread issues of malnutrition, malaria, tuber, and otculosisher communicable diseases. Limited access to healthcare due to poverty, ignorance, and illiteracy hinders early treatment-seeking behavior in rural areas.

    SACAL has implemented an empowerment-based health and nutrition program in 60 villages in Mohana block since 2012. They've engaged community-based organisations to empower, educate, and take ownership of health and nutrition programs in their localities.

    Innovative Approaches:
    1.Food and Seed Fairs
    2.Baby Shows
    3.Kitchen Garden Promotion
    4.Millet-Based Recipes
    5.Health Camps
    Impact seen are-
    1.Increased knowledge and practice of personal protection measures against malaria.
    2.Improved access to healthcare services through ASHA workers and health counselors.
    3.Enhanced skills of ASHA workers.
    4.Early diagnosis of malaria and tuberculosis at the village level.
    5.Greater awareness about common ailments and early detection in villages."

Impact Metrics

  • No. of Active Shgs

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2016-17 173
    • 2018-19 143
    • 2019-20 39
  • Millet Cultivation (No. of Farmers)

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2018-19 5000
    • 2019-20 3500

Leadership Team

  • Nagendra Kumar Nandi


  • Gouri Sankar Mishra

    Development Consultant

  • Dr. Manoj Kumar Mohanty


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID

    GJM 5861-97 of 1999-2000

  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    EL/21, Neelachal Nagar-5th lane City: Berhampur Ganjam, Odisha, 761111


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2018-19

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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